Plan B的Penalty非常高,而且是终身的, 如果你一直在工作到65岁之后,有公司的insurance提供的insurance,可以等到退休那一年申请SSA。 如果你已经65岁,但是没有再工作——也就是没有再交SSA,比如回国呆几年,65岁回国呆到70最回米国,那么因为你65岁之后没有再交SSA,但是也没有申请plan B, Plan B的罚款 那么你申请的时候就要交罚款,65-66岁的12个月里面不开始算,然后从12个月之后每个月月就加10%,,一直到永远。。。。。。比方65年1月的生日,如果你66年2月申请,就要多10%的每月罚款;如果你67年2月申请就要多20%的罚款。。。。。 这个简直就是周扒皮! Plan A的罚款 如果你有40个工作credit, 那么是没有罚款的。 如果你没有40个工作的credit,那么罚款只有10%,只要付两倍delay的时间。只要不是终身的就好办。 下面是chatGPT的回答。 1. Part B Late Enrollment Penalty If you delay enrolling in Medicare Part B (medical insurance) for a full 12 months without creditable coverage: The penalty is 10% of the standard Part B premium for each 12-month period you were eligible but didn’t enroll. This penalty lasts for as long as you have Part B. Example: If the Part B premium is $164.90 (2024 standard premium), a 10% penalty would add $16.49 per month. This penalty continues every month as long as you’re enrolled in Part B. 2. Part A Late Enrollment Penalty Most people qualify for premium-free Part A based on their work history or a spouse’s work history, so there’s usually no penalty for late enrollment. If you don’t qualify for premium-free Part A and have to pay for it: The penalty is 10% of the premium, and you pay it for twice the number of years you were late. Example: If you delay Part A for one year, you’ll pay the 10% penalty for two years. 顺便说一下,这个问题问chatGPT还是挺靠谱的,它可以帮你算什么时候申请最好,你可以不同意它的结论,但是它关于日期的计算没有问题。
Plan B的Penalty非常高,而且是终身的, 如果你一直在工作到65岁之后,有公司的insurance提供的insurance,可以等到退休那一年申请SSA。 如果你已经65岁,但是没有再工作——也就是没有再交SSA,比如回国呆几年,65岁回国呆到70最回米国,那么因为你65岁之后没有再交SSA,但是也没有申请plan B, Plan B的罚款 那么你申请的时候就要交罚款,65-66岁的12个月里面不开始算,然后从12个月之后每个月月就加10%,,一直到永远。。。。。。比方65年1月的生日,如果你66年2月申请,就要多10%的每月罚款;如果你66年2月申请就要多20%的罚款。。。。。 这个简直就是周扒皮! Plan A的罚款 如果你有40个工作credit, 那么是没有罚款的。 如果你没有40个工作的credit,那么罚款只有10%,只要付两倍delay的时间。只要不是终身的就好办。 下面是chatGPT的回答。 1. Part B Late Enrollment Penalty If you delay enrolling in Medicare Part B (medical insurance) for a full 12 months without creditable coverage: The penalty is 10% of the standard Part B premium for each 12-month period you were eligible but didn’t enroll. This penalty lasts for as long as you have Part B. Example: If the Part B premium is $164.90 (2024 standard premium), a 10% penalty would add $16.49 per month. This penalty continues every month as long as you’re enrolled in Part B. 2. Part A Late Enrollment Penalty Most people qualify for premium-free Part A based on their work history or a spouse’s work history, so there’s usually no penalty for late enrollment. If you don’t qualify for premium-free Part A and have to pay for it: The penalty is 10% of the premium, and you pay it for twice the number of years you were late. Example: If you delay Part A for one year, you’ll pay the 10% penalty for two years. 顺便说一下,这个问题问chatGPT还是挺靠谱的,它可以帮你算什么时候申请最好,你可以不同意它的结论,但是它关于日期的计算没有问题。 sunnyStore 发表于 2024-12-24 12:52
我前面算错了,是plan B是每延迟1年+10%的penalty,但不是每月都加10%。但是是终生的penalty。 如果再65岁住在美国之外,外国提供保险,但是美国SSA可能不认。 ABC也好,拿绿卡的也罢,除非永远不回美国用美国的保险,否则回来的时候续上美国的保险,延迟了就需要交罚款(中断了也要交罚款。。。。。)。我记得论坛中说美国的生活方式是subscribe模式,这个精准的概括了美国的方式。退休除了planA,还要自己买plan B+G或planB+C,然后就是如果不交subscribe fee,就用永久罚款锁定。。。。。 2. Living in Another Country If you live abroad and rely on universal health coverage provided by the foreign country, here’s how it generally works: Not Typically Recognized by Medicare: Most health insurance systems from other countries are not recognized as creditable coverage for Medicare. This means that the time you spend covered under such a system will not prevent penalties for late enrollment in Medicare Part B or Part D. 3. Impact of Not Having Creditable Coverage If you delay enrolling in Medicare Part B or Part D without creditable coverage: Part B: 10% penalty for each 12-month period of delay. Part D: Penalty based on the number of months without creditable drug coverage, added to your Part D premium.
Most health insurance systems from other countries are not recognized as creditable coverage for Medicare??????? 没天理,就美国这个烂系统,人家怕了你了,都跑外国去了,居然有脸嫌弃其他国家的保险. 真的想爆粗口,自己几斤几两心里没数吗?
Most health insurance systems from other countries are not recognized as creditable coverage for Medicare??????? 没天理,就美国这个烂系统,人家怕了你了,都跑外国去了,居然有脸嫌弃其他国家的保险. 真的想爆粗口,自己几斤几两心里没数吗? jiamagongma 发表于 2024-12-24 13:59
Retired workers: The average retired worker receives $1,920.48 per month, which is about 8% more than the average Social Security recipient 不知道美国人民是怎么生活的,算来算去,钱都不够啊 Premium增加太快,老美没钱了
poppyjasper 发表于 2024-12-25 02:23 Retired workers: The average retired worker receives $1,920.48 per month, which is about 8% more than the average Social Security recipient 不知道美国人民是怎么生活的,算来算去,钱都不够啊 Premium增加太快,老美没钱了
超过65岁没工作了,要回国/全世界游荡了,办一个 破烂A,工作几十年了自然是免费的,然后游荡5年10年后回来后,才开始办 破烂B,破烂D,有啥 喷诺尔体吗?
如果凭着非英语优势逃避资本家几年,65岁以后弄个免费的 破烂A,回来以后只能 advantage HMO 被私人公司 delay defense depose 优先屠杀? 交点penalty 花钱买几年命的机会都没有?
Plan B的Penalty非常高,而且是终身的, 如果你一直在工作到65岁之后,有公司的insurance提供的insurance,可以等到退休那一年申请SSA。 如果你已经65岁,但是没有再工作——也就是没有再交SSA,比如回国呆几年,65岁回国呆到70最回米国,那么因为你65岁之后没有再交SSA,但是也没有申请plan B,
Plan B的罚款 那么你申请的时候就要交罚款,65-66岁的12个月里面不开始算,然后从12个月之后每个月月就加10%,,一直到永远。。。。。。比方65年1月的生日,如果你66年2月申请,就要多10%的每月罚款;如果你67年2月申请就要多20%的罚款。。。。。 这个简直就是周扒皮!
Plan A的罚款 如果你有40个工作credit, 那么是没有罚款的。 如果你没有40个工作的credit,那么罚款只有10%,只要付两倍delay的时间。只要不是终身的就好办。
1. Part B Late Enrollment Penalty If you delay enrolling in Medicare Part B (medical insurance) for a full 12 months without creditable coverage: The penalty is 10% of the standard Part B premium for each 12-month period you were eligible but didn’t enroll. This penalty lasts for as long as you have Part B. Example: If the Part B premium is $164.90 (2024 standard premium), a 10% penalty would add $16.49 per month. This penalty continues every month as long as you’re enrolled in Part B.
2. Part A Late Enrollment Penalty Most people qualify for premium-free Part A based on their work history or a spouse’s work history, so there’s usually no penalty for late enrollment. If you don’t qualify for premium-free Part A and have to pay for it: The penalty is 10% of the premium, and you pay it for twice the number of years you were late. Example: If you delay Part A for one year, you’ll pay the 10% penalty for two years.
资本家够狠 😂
这么看来,终身拿旅行证的 ABC,似乎有点好处。
我前面算错了,是plan B是每延迟1年+10%的penalty,但不是每月都加10%。但是是终生的penalty。
ABC也好,拿绿卡的也罢,除非永远不回美国用美国的保险,否则回来的时候续上美国的保险,延迟了就需要交罚款(中断了也要交罚款。。。。。)。我记得论坛中说美国的生活方式是subscribe模式,这个精准的概括了美国的方式。退休除了planA,还要自己买plan B+G或planB+C,然后就是如果不交subscribe fee,就用永久罚款锁定。。。。。
2. Living in Another Country If you live abroad and rely on universal health coverage provided by the foreign country, here’s how it generally works:
Not Typically Recognized by Medicare: Most health insurance systems from other countries are not recognized as creditable coverage for Medicare. This means that the time you spend covered under such a system will not prevent penalties for late enrollment in Medicare Part B or Part D.
3. Impact of Not Having Creditable Coverage If you delay enrolling in Medicare Part B or Part D without creditable coverage: Part B: 10% penalty for each 12-month period of delay. Part D: Penalty based on the number of months without creditable drug coverage, added to your Part D premium.
美国保险的坑还是挺多, 一般人除了plan A+B之外,还需要plan G——住院,手术,等一些大治疗 但如果敢只买基础plan B就会造成麻烦,以后再补充plan G, Plan G要求如果只有plan B开始的几个月的申请时间是不需要身体检查,无条件接受, 这样堵死了一开始不申请plan G的条件。 如果一开始就申请planB+planG的话,算下来每月大概要花400-500美元。 (敢断,就有罚款。如果完全没钱的花,白卡+红蓝卡壳解决。但是对于一半人每月就要交这个钱。
同时planA+B+G不包括牙,眼睛,hearing。。。。。。 还需要另外买,具体怎么弄,我也不知道。 我只是某天读SSA网站上的信息,把各个planABCG通读了,理解清楚了之后,越读越觉得资本主义的医疗保险简直就是吸血到生命最后一分钟。真的是第一次见到了设置得这么trick的各种关关相扣的规章,看似65岁之后就有保险,结果坑是一个接着一个。
国会前二天通过法案,要给联邦雇员也发放SS check,还回溯到2023年12月
是啊。整天以为自己是天下第一。自己都快是shithole country了。老美的自信倒是天下第一的。
似乎没钱买 Part B,part D,Gap insurance 的美国穷人越来越多了,只能上 商业保险 Medicare Advantage 这种 大病很快 delay, depose处理掉算了。 也就是要钱没有,要命一条!
65周岁在国外游荡,注册一个Advantage 破烂,选个最便宜的。晃到70朵逛不动了,回美国,能不能改成 Medicare Original Part A, B, D,外加Gap 并同时没有罚款?