反复发作的UTI可能原因是biofilm。 Biofilm形成后会对里面的细菌起保护作用,难以被清除。可能需要更大剂量更长时间抗生素来彻底清除 Treating urinary tract infections (UTIs) complicated by biofilms requires a multifaceted approach, as biofilms protect bacteria from antibiotics and immune responses. Here's an overview of potential strategies: 1. Antibiotic TherapyExtended Courses of Antibiotics: Longer or higher doses of antibiotics may be required to penetrate the biofilm and eradicate the infection. Biofilm-Disrupting Antibiotics: Some antibiotics, such as fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin, have shown efficacy in disrupting biofilms in UTIs. Combination Therapy: Using multiple antibiotics with different mechanisms of action can improve outcomes by targeting biofilm-forming bacteria more effectively. 2. Adjunctive TherapiesAntibiofilm Agents: Substances like EDTA, N-acetylcysteine, and certain enzymes (e.g., DNase) can break down the biofilm matrix, improving antibiotic penetration. Natural Compounds: Plant-based compounds such as cranberry extract (rich in proanthocyanidins), D-mannose, and curcumin have been studied for their antibiofilm properties. 3. Preventive MeasuresHygiene and Hydration: Regularly emptying the bladder and maintaining proper hygiene can help reduce bacterial load. Catheter Management: If a catheter is in use, replacing it regularly and using coated or specialized catheters can reduce biofilm formation. 4. Non-Antibiotic TreatmentsPhage Therapy: Bacteriophages target specific bacterial strains and can help break down biofilms. Silver Nanoparticles: These have antimicrobial and antibiofilm properties but are still under investigation. 5. Advanced InterventionsLaser or Ultrasound: Low-energy laser or ultrasound therapies can disrupt biofilms and enhance antibiotic effectiveness. Surgical Intervention: In severe cases, removing infected devices or tissues may be necessary. 6. ImmunotherapyVaccines and Immunomodulators: Ongoing research is exploring the development of vaccines or immune system boosters to combat biofilm-associated infections. Consultation and Monitoring Always consult a healthcare provider for: Proper Diagnosis: Laboratory tests (urine cultures, imaging, etc.) to identify biofilm-associated bacteria. Tailored Treatment: Based on bacterial strain, antibiotic susceptibility, and individual health conditions. Regular Monitoring: To ensure the infection is fully resolved and prevent recurrence. Persistent UTIs with biofilms can be challenging to treat, but advancements in therapies and combined approaches are improving outcomes.
平明寻白羽 发表于 2024-12-21 01:16 反复发作的UTI可能原因是biofilm。 Biofilm形成后会对里面的细菌起保护作用,难以被清除。可能需要更大剂量更长时间抗生素来彻底清除 Treating urinary tract infections (UTIs) complicated by biofilms requires a multifaceted approach, as biofilms protect bacteria from antibiotics and immune responses. Here's an overview of potential strategies: 1. Antibiotic TherapyExtended Courses of Antibiotics: Longer or higher doses of antibiotics may be required to penetrate the biofilm and eradicate the infection. Biofilm-Disrupting Antibiotics: Some antibiotics, such as fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin, have shown efficacy in disrupting biofilms in UTIs. Combination Therapy: Using multiple antibiotics with different mechanisms of action can improve outcomes by targeting biofilm-forming bacteria more effectively. 2. Adjunctive TherapiesAntibiofilm Agents: Substances like EDTA, N-acetylcysteine, and certain enzymes (e.g., DNase) can break down the biofilm matrix, improving antibiotic penetration. Natural Compounds: Plant-based compounds such as cranberry extract (rich in proanthocyanidins), D-mannose, and curcumin have been studied for their antibiofilm properties. 3. Preventive MeasuresHygiene and Hydration: Regularly emptying the bladder and maintaining proper hygiene can help reduce bacterial load. Catheter Management: If a catheter is in use, replacing it regularly and using coated or specialized catheters can reduce biofilm formation. 4. Non-Antibiotic TreatmentsPhage Therapy: Bacteriophages target specific bacterial strains and can help break down biofilms. Silver Nanoparticles: These have antimicrobial and antibiofilm properties but are still under investigation. 5. Advanced InterventionsLaser or Ultrasound: Low-energy laser or ultrasound therapies can disrupt biofilms and enhance antibiotic effectiveness. Surgical Intervention: In severe cases, removing infected devices or tissues may be necessary. 6. ImmunotherapyVaccines and Immunomodulators: Ongoing research is exploring the development of vaccines or immune system boosters to combat biofilm-associated infections. Consultation and Monitoring Always consult a healthcare provider for: Proper Diagnosis: Laboratory tests (urine cultures, imaging, etc.) to identify biofilm-associated bacteria. Tailored Treatment: Based on bacterial strain, antibiotic susceptibility, and individual health conditions. Regular Monitoring: To ensure the infection is fully resolved and prevent recurrence. Persistent UTIs with biofilms can be challenging to treat, but advancements in therapies and combined approaches are improving outcomes.
在现代人已经很注意个人卫生的前提下,这个不完全是本质原因,更多是 trigger。 除非有其他方面的问题,或者男生 PiV 超过 30 分钟,否则 sex 以后容易感染 UTI,其本质是在于盆底肌群和括约肌群力量不够,不能完全夹住尿道。 减少 sex 是暂时的办法,但如果盆底肌群和括约肌群锻炼不够的话,随着年龄的上升,即使没有 sex,也是会有可能反复 UTI 的。 如果是健康个体,那么凯格尔练习,或者 K fit electric kegel toner,可以考虑。当然,长期使用 electric 的 concern 总是多一些,看个体情况斟酌。
要是症状很严重,我根本等不到第二天。这点小毛病叫我去emergency 去了也要等半天。哎。
今天起床还是不是很严重。不管了。先拿了goodrx的药再说。查了下urgent care又所有的appointment都满了。好不容易找了个virtual visit。开了验尿单。拿到化验结果和药已经下午了。
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0018SGX6I?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder_k0_1_3&=&crid=R0BLCGVC57O0&sprefix=azo&th=1 这个很管用,吃了之后不会疼
反复发作的UTI可能原因是biofilm。 Biofilm形成后会对里面的细菌起保护作用,难以被清除。可能需要更大剂量更长时间抗生素来彻底清除
Treating urinary tract infections (UTIs) complicated by biofilms requires a multifaceted approach, as biofilms protect bacteria from antibiotics and immune responses. Here's an overview of potential strategies: 1. Antibiotic Therapy Extended Courses of Antibiotics: Longer or higher doses of antibiotics may be required to penetrate the biofilm and eradicate the infection. Biofilm-Disrupting Antibiotics: Some antibiotics, such as fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin, have shown efficacy in disrupting biofilms in UTIs. Combination Therapy: Using multiple antibiotics with different mechanisms of action can improve outcomes by targeting biofilm-forming bacteria more effectively. 2. Adjunctive Therapies Antibiofilm Agents: Substances like EDTA, N-acetylcysteine, and certain enzymes (e.g., DNase) can break down the biofilm matrix, improving antibiotic penetration. Natural Compounds: Plant-based compounds such as cranberry extract (rich in proanthocyanidins), D-mannose, and curcumin have been studied for their antibiofilm properties. 3. Preventive Measures Hygiene and Hydration: Regularly emptying the bladder and maintaining proper hygiene can help reduce bacterial load. Catheter Management: If a catheter is in use, replacing it regularly and using coated or specialized catheters can reduce biofilm formation. 4. Non-Antibiotic Treatments Phage Therapy: Bacteriophages target specific bacterial strains and can help break down biofilms. Silver Nanoparticles: These have antimicrobial and antibiofilm properties but are still under investigation. 5. Advanced Interventions Laser or Ultrasound: Low-energy laser or ultrasound therapies can disrupt biofilms and enhance antibiotic effectiveness. Surgical Intervention: In severe cases, removing infected devices or tissues may be necessary. 6. Immunotherapy Vaccines and Immunomodulators: Ongoing research is exploring the development of vaccines or immune system boosters to combat biofilm-associated infections. Consultation and Monitoring Always consult a healthcare provider for: Proper Diagnosis: Laboratory tests (urine cultures, imaging, etc.) to identify biofilm-associated bacteria. Tailored Treatment: Based on bacterial strain, antibiotic susceptibility, and individual health conditions. Regular Monitoring: To ensure the infection is fully resolved and prevent recurrence. Persistent UTIs with biofilms can be challenging to treat, but advancements in therapies and combined approaches are improving outcomes.
谢谢。蔓越莓素有吃。D mannose不知道呢。谢谢介绍
D mannose 是粉,一勺粉配一杯水搅开然后喝,粉和水不用那么严格多少定量,反正就是喝下去就行了,严重时可以多喝几次,反正你网上看一下它的介绍,这是医生推荐的。
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看年纪如果是雌激素缺乏经常得 可以vaginally用雌激素
UTI就是细菌感染,治法就是抗生素。这个时候不是躲避抗生素的时候,该吃要吃。要是靠喝cranberry juice 或者什么偏方能自愈就不需要开抗生素了。
👍 高血糖的并发症之一就是各种末梢部位的感染
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楼主可以每天吃cranberry pills,去Amazon找大的brand买就可以,坚持每天吃规定的量,加上每天要喝足够的水,可以保持不复发
是的,如果LG们一直都:时间短、频率低、小时数不够 ,,,那么确实增大女生反复 UTI 的可能性。
是的,性学砖家们强调前戏时间。但对 UTI 而言,是无法替代 PiV 时间的。因为对盆地肌群和括约肌群的锻炼效果不同。
在现代人已经很注意个人卫生的前提下,这个不完全是本质原因,更多是 trigger。
除非有其他方面的问题,或者男生 PiV 超过 30 分钟,否则 sex 以后容易感染 UTI,其本质是在于盆底肌群和括约肌群力量不够,不能完全夹住尿道。
减少 sex 是暂时的办法,但如果盆底肌群和括约肌群锻炼不够的话,随着年龄的上升,即使没有 sex,也是会有可能反复 UTI 的。
如果是健康个体,那么凯格尔练习,或者 K fit electric kegel toner,可以考虑。当然,长期使用 electric 的 concern 总是多一些,看个体情况斟酌。