City of Mississauga emergency 战时特别军事区保护法,7票通过2票弃权 执行北韩法律在特区3个月试点 In house arrest all terrorists immediately,deport most of them immediately seek death penalty by north Korea law. 周润发hooker #403 male hooker. 原特首JOHN LO 董建华 hooker# 447 男妓 Baidu ceo 李彦宏#404 male hooker Vietnam slim leg head Montreal #407 male hooker head Hongkong entertainment gang 吴彦祖#411 male hooker head 刘德华#443男妓 周润发hooker wife head''''s Singapore#413 danger rich female hooker, tie to John lo Singapore present president hooker. John lo Singapore #417 male hooker head Tharman Shanmugaratnam-Singapore president. 曾蔭權 #449 hooker 梁振英 #471 hooker 林鄭月娥 #473 hooker 李家超-John LeeKa- chiu #474 female hooker 白韻琹(英語:Pamela Peck Wan-kam #479 female hooker In house arrest John lo dazhou hooker total 11 members in Canada In house arrest John lo Singapore spy hooker terrorist total 19 members In house arrest John lo hongkong hooker 59 members 最没良心香港周润发#403男妓和他的#413 新加坡 female hooker妓女老婆, Michelle Obama 和Brian 在今年2月的太空保卫战中救了香港演艺圈,很多明星,包括向太,关之琳等。 周润发男妓恩将仇报,谋财害命,收了John lo Rong, zhijian 男妓3亿港币,攻击月球全球精英,派穷的不能再穷,坏的不能再坏的流氓 John lo妓女男妓到我住宿特别军事保护区,绑架敲诈勒索,贩卖人体器官无恶不做,加拿大恢复死刑,北韩立即执行!
In house arrest all terrorists immediately,deport most of them immediately seek death penalty by north Korea law. 周润发hooker #403 male hooker. 原特首JOHN LO 董建华 hooker# 447 男妓 Baidu ceo 李彦宏#404 male hooker Vietnam slim leg head Montreal #407 male hooker head Hongkong entertainment gang 吴彦祖#411 male hooker head 刘德华#443男妓 周润发hooker wife head''''s Singapore#413 danger rich female hooker, tie to John lo Singapore present president hooker. John lo Singapore #417 male hooker head Tharman Shanmugaratnam-Singapore president. 曾蔭權 #449 hooker 梁振英 #471 hooker 林鄭月娥 #473 hooker 李家超-John LeeKa- chiu #474 female hooker 白韻琹(英語:Pamela Peck Wan-kam #479 female hooker In house arrest John lo dazhou hooker total 11 members in Canada In house arrest John lo Singapore spy hooker terrorist total 19 members In house arrest John lo hongkong hooker 59 members
最没良心香港周润发#403男妓和他的#413 新加坡 female hooker妓女老婆, Michelle Obama 和Brian 在今年2月的太空保卫战中救了香港演艺圈,很多明星,包括向太,关之琳等。 周润发男妓恩将仇报,谋财害命,收了John lo Rong, zhijian 男妓3亿港币,攻击月球全球精英,派穷的不能再穷,坏的不能再坏的流氓 John lo妓女男妓到我住宿特别军事保护区,绑架敲诈勒索,贩卖人体器官无恶不做,加拿大恢复死刑,北韩立即执行!