股市 The best 20 year annual return was more than 18% per year from the early-1980s through the spring of 2000 at the aforementioned dot-com bubble peak. The worst 20 year return was a gain of less than 2% ending in 1949. This makes sense when you consider that period included the Great Depression and World War II. One of the neat things about the distribution of returns over 20 years is almost 90% of the time annual returns were 7% or higher. Annual returns were 8% or more in 75% of all rolling 20 year observations. They were 10% or higher 56% of the time.
不需要说服网友,楼主的钱爱怎么花,你说了算。我家自住房房贷更低,才2.X%,我们也提前还完了。但是我家的情况是,房贷本来就不多了,上次Trump税改后,我家就take standard deduction 了,房贷利息完全不能抵税,嫌麻烦就付清了。我家大部分钱都在股市,房子买的早也不贵,否则我会宁可先投资,不多还房贷。之前的N年,早就有还清房贷的钱,但一直都不舍得还清。另一方面,我家出租房剩下的房贷也不多,3.X%利率,我是不打算提前还清的,反正是租金还房贷,慢慢来好了。
如果有20万存在CD, interest rate 4%, tax bracket 25%, 那就是交完税到手3%.
前提: 不敢投资股票市场, 每年报税都用standard deduct able。
那岂不是用这20万还清房贷更划算? 为什么大部分人都选择20年还完房贷? 还是说用这20万再买套房?
听说有种选项是每年多付一次本金, 提前还清。 如果是您, 您怎么选?
如果提前还清, 把每月房贷钱存入529, 是不是更划算? 529增长部分没有税。
因为你的前提,完全不投股市显然不是大部分人的选择,你存529也得选基金吧 itemized报税的话,房贷利息是可以抵税的 另外一个是可流动性的区别,钱投到自住房里就没了,有需要的时候不好变现 提前把房贷还了,房价大涨的时候没有更大的收益,房价大跌的时候风险更大
The best 20 year annual return was more than 18% per year from the early-1980s through the spring of 2000 at the aforementioned dot-com bubble peak.
The worst 20 year return was a gain of less than 2% ending in 1949. This makes sense when you consider that period included the Great Depression and World War II. One of the neat things about the distribution of returns over 20 years is almost 90% of the time annual returns were 7% or higher. Annual returns were 8% or more in 75% of all rolling 20 year observations. They were 10% or higher 56% of the time.
因为银行无法直接管理房屋,如果聘请团队来做这件事情也是要花钱的。 从这个角度上说,房屋贷款的借债人就相当于银行雇来管理资产的人。
拿着现金或者cash out refi出来的现金继续买投资房,投入股市才能最大限度保护资产安全,上涨时用杠杆跑赢通胀,万一遇到百年一遇的金融危机时,直接foreclosure,几年后又是一条好汉。
早期的钱乱投资 没准砸中了什么十年后翻100倍甚至300倍 比如比特币特斯拉女大
后期的钱还房贷 因为更加注重低风险,现金流 二鸟在林不如一鸟在手 哪怕那二鸟可能变成金凤凰 自己也老了 不如享受当下
最近大盘也不稳啊。 各种经济危机要来的声音。 再握几年吧。 板凳继续在班上学习。