我的老美buyer agent以前合作不错的,非常有经验,尽力为我考虑,所以这次还是想找她。大家帮我看看,我agent的助理解释了去看房前要签的这个文件,是正常的吗?我需要注意什么? I''m attaching the buyer broker agreement you have talked with XYZ about. As you might know, the National Association of Realtors has recently settled a large class action lawsuit. Historically all homes in our MLS offered compensation to the selling realtor for assistance in selling a listed property. The lawsuit initially was brought against 2 large brokerages that were accused of price fixing. Eventually the entire National Association of Realtors was included and they eventually ruled that we could no longer include offers of compensation disclosed on the MLS. Our listings agreements still allow the sellers to include compensation as part of the listing but buyers are now required to include a compensation agreement as part of the sales contract. The compensation agreement requests that the seller pay the buyer''s broker''s compensation as part of the offer negotiation. The seller can refuse or counter our offer. In that case the Buyer Broker Agreement that you have signed goes into effect and becomes our way of being compensated. Here are a few things to remember, the compensation agreement gets included with the offer to purchase, you would know as soon as the seller responds if they are willing to pay all or part of our fee. If they say no you are also allowed to decide not to move forward with the purchase of that home or to make sure you negotiate enough to offset what you might pay us. You can also cancel the Buyer Broker Agreement with 3 days notice if you are not currently under contract on a home. Please remember, all Realtors are required to sign this with their buyers prior to looking. When it comes to our commission, we cannot accept more than what we have agreed to in our Buyer Broker Agreement so our brokerage is always going to put 3% in section 7a but we are ALWAYS going to ask the seller to pay this. We are able to accept less than that number so in a case where the seller is not willing to cover the full 3% we will work together to come up with something that works for both of us. (这是说如果seller 不肯出3%给我的agent, 我可以和我的agent讲价我给她 2%?) It is good for 90 days and can easily be extended if we don’t successfully have them under contract by then. We have successfully written many offers since this became law in August and in all cases the seller has happily agreed to pay our fee. They have welcomed the opportunity to have other Realtors bring buyers and assist them in selling their homes.
哈哈,这个合同还挺讲理的,我认为,我现在是seller. 尤其这句,“so our brokerage is always going to put 3% in section 7a but we are ALWAYS going to ask the seller to pay this. We are able to accept less than that number so in a case where the seller is not willing to cover the full 3% we will work together to come up with something that works for both of us.”
We are able to accept less than that number so in a case where the seller is not willing to cover the full 3% we will work together to come up with something that works for both of us 就是seller出不够3%你得补差价。她说得好听跟你协商,你看看她发过来的合同里面写的什么,绝对不可能有到时协商这种模凌两可的话语,而是让你补差价。 你就签只看这个房子的合同,什么exclusive几个月的看房合同千万别签。
I''m attaching the buyer broker agreement you have talked with XYZ about. As you might know, the National Association of Realtors has recently settled a large class action lawsuit. Historically all homes in our MLS offered compensation to the selling realtor for assistance in selling a listed property. The lawsuit initially was brought against 2 large brokerages that were accused of price fixing. Eventually the entire National Association of Realtors was included and they eventually ruled that we could no longer include offers of compensation disclosed on the MLS. Our listings agreements still allow the sellers to include compensation as part of the listing but buyers are now required to include a compensation agreement as part of the sales contract. The compensation agreement requests that the seller pay the buyer''s broker''s compensation as part of the offer negotiation. The seller can refuse or counter our offer. In that case the Buyer Broker Agreement that you have signed goes into effect and becomes our way of being compensated.
Here are a few things to remember, the compensation agreement gets included with the offer to purchase, you would know as soon as the seller responds if they are willing to pay all or part of our fee. If they say no you are also allowed to decide not to move forward with the purchase of that home or to make sure you negotiate enough to offset what you might pay us. You can also cancel the Buyer Broker Agreement with 3 days notice if you are not currently under contract on a home. Please remember, all Realtors are required to sign this with their buyers prior to looking. When it comes to our commission, we cannot accept more than what we have agreed to in our Buyer Broker Agreement so our brokerage is always going to put 3% in section 7a but we are ALWAYS going to ask the seller to pay this. We are able to accept less than that number so in a case where the seller is not willing to cover the full 3% we will work together to come up with something that works for both of us. (这是说如果seller 不肯出3%给我的agent, 我可以和我的agent讲价我给她 2%?)
It is good for 90 days and can easily be extended if we don’t successfully have them under contract by then. We have successfully written many offers since this became law in August and in all cases the seller has happily agreed to pay our fee. They have welcomed the opportunity to have other Realtors bring buyers and assist them in selling their homes.
是啊,卖方获利出中介费。 买方还3%?
Buyer agent的合同不是写了,如果seller不愿意给Buyer agent 3%,我们就再商量,潜台词就是你buyer得再掏钱补一点。
Buyer agent拿的佣金比例越低,对buyer越有利,因为这样她的offer就越有竞争力,她有希望比别人出价低还能赢bidding war。
Seller 现在不是可以拒绝付buyer agent了呀
你可以自己去open house,或者直接联系卖家中介
没有这样的理解。卖家中介拿多少是上市前跟卖家签订的,跟你去看房没关系。最多就是他懒得理你,不愿意单独去开门。但这年头没有不open house的啊,你那时候自己去看就行了
谢谢信息,没有open house
那是不是说新手对买房程序不熟悉的,只有找seller agent 作 dual agent 这一条路了?
就不该用百分比付buyer agent。买家的诉求是尽可能低价买好房,卖家希望尽量高价卖出。为什么要把buyer agent的目标和卖家的绑定呢?只有卖家才有动力给中介百分比。 买家可以找愿意收flat fee的中介,或者自己直接买。如果这两条路都走不通,那只能百分比了。