简单说,就是马斯克认为bill的私货太多,打着政府运转,支持赈灾等等幌子,里面给国会议员加工资, 买更好的医疗保险等等, 都。。。。。。。尤其是议员们批准法案给自己更好的医疗保险, 而不是优先解决美国面临的医疗保险难题。 所以,当然让拜登下台前,丢脸,也是应有之义。 Johnson weighs spending plan B as Elon Musk stokes opposition The speaker is weighing passing a “clean” funding package, leaving other discussions on disaster aid and more for the new year. By Rachael Bade, Olivia Beavers and Jordain Carney 12/18/2024, 3:22pm ET Speaker Mike Johnson’s leadership team is quietly discussing a plan B to fund the government amid conservative opposition and vocal criticism from incoming President Donald Trump’s top ally Elon Musk. The Louisiana Republican is discussing dropping $100 billion in disaster aid plus other attachments and instead passing a “clean CR” — then dealing with the other issues in the new year, according to two Republicans with knowledge of the conversations. That would mean dropping disaster aid, $30 billion for farmers, and a one-year extension of the farm bill, among other items, at least for now. Conservatives, many of whom typically don’t support stopgap funding plans on principle, have publicly bashed leaders’ spending plan. They won a powerful ally in Musk, who has been charged with cutting government spending and who Johnson recently brought to Capitol Hill to rally Republicans. Musk’s opposition has exacerbated GOP leaders’ ability to whip Republican votes, frustrating senior Republicans who privately feel he has no business sinking legislation that requires buy-in from the Democratic Senate.
hnlimlu 发表于 2024-12-18 16:00 简单说,就是马斯克认为bill的私货太多,打着政府运转,支持赈灾等等幌子,里面给国会议员加工资, 买更好的医疗保险等等, 都。。。。。。。尤其是议员们批准法案给自己更好的医疗保险, 而不是优先解决美国面临的医疗保险难题。 所以,当然让拜登下台前,丢脸,也是应有之义。 Johnson weighs spending plan B as Elon Musk stokes opposition The speaker is weighing passing a “clean” funding package, leaving other discussions on disaster aid and more for the new year. By Rachael Bade, Olivia Beavers and Jordain Carney 12/18/2024, 3:22pm ET Speaker Mike Johnson’s leadership team is quietly discussing a plan B to fund the government amid conservative opposition and vocal criticism from incoming President Donald Trump’s top ally Elon Musk. The Louisiana Republican is discussing dropping $100 billion in disaster aid plus other attachments and instead passing a “clean CR” — then dealing with the other issues in the new year, according to two Republicans with knowledge of the conversations. That would mean dropping disaster aid, $30 billion for farmers, and a one-year extension of the farm bill, among other items, at least for now. Conservatives, many of whom typically don’t support stopgap funding plans on principle, have publicly bashed leaders’ spending plan. They won a powerful ally in Musk, who has been charged with cutting government spending and who Johnson recently brought to Capitol Hill to rally Republicans. Musk’s opposition has exacerbated GOP leaders’ ability to whip Republican votes, frustrating senior Republicans who privately feel he has no business sinking legislation that requires buy-in from the Democratic Senate.
On CNN tonight, former Rep Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) is referring to “President Elon” and “Vice President Trump” — Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) December 19, 2024
Johnson weighs spending plan B as Elon Musk stokes opposition The speaker is weighing passing a “clean” funding package, leaving other discussions on disaster aid and more for the new year. By Rachael Bade, Olivia Beavers and Jordain Carney 12/18/2024, 3:22pm ET
Speaker Mike Johnson’s leadership team is quietly discussing a plan B to fund the government amid conservative opposition and vocal criticism from incoming President Donald Trump’s top ally Elon Musk. The Louisiana Republican is discussing dropping $100 billion in disaster aid plus other attachments and instead passing a “clean CR” — then dealing with the other issues in the new year, according to two Republicans with knowledge of the conversations. That would mean dropping disaster aid, $30 billion for farmers, and a one-year extension of the farm bill, among other items, at least for now. Conservatives, many of whom typically don’t support stopgap funding plans on principle, have publicly bashed leaders’ spending plan. They won a powerful ally in Musk, who has been charged with cutting government spending and who Johnson recently brought to Capitol Hill to rally Republicans. Musk’s opposition has exacerbated GOP leaders’ ability to whip Republican votes, frustrating senior Republicans who privately feel he has no business sinking legislation that requires buy-in from the Democratic Senate.
放在鲁已己案子的背景下, 真讽刺啊
No bills should be passed Congress until Jan 20, when @realDonaldTrump takes office. None.
宪法哪条规定的? 他不是要捍卫宪法么?
议员们给自己搞更好的医疗保险, 可以更健康,身心压力也小,可以更好的服务人民,这不是惠及民生吗?
嗯, 好。 支持。
议员们为了国事呕心沥血, 蜡烛成灰, 应该的, 应该的。 反正自己不加薪, 就给乌克兰了。
议员们的医疗保险cover 家人的范围比一般保险更广些。我依稀记得几年前看到的,不知道准确不准确了。比如成年子女在一些情况下也可以的。
And I bet insurance companies won't deny their claims - like they deny ours.
这是御前带刀太监, 西厂督公大人 先斩后奏, 懂王特许
作为屁民, 没有权力评论连议员都不是的人大放厥词吗?
他是发表他的意见, 对人民选出来的议员舆论监督没有问题。
几百个议员,一人一份, 就是几十万页的打印纸, 很多连看都不看,直接说NO 然后就是垃圾了,然后再出新版本, 又是打印几十万页出来,这也太浪费了 墨盒钱就不说了,
真是太上皇了,呵呵。 看看马大嘴和川普什么时候闹掰, 估计会骂的很脏。
一龙监国了, 昨天咆哮一天,今天川普出面了。
哪次里面不都是一堆私货, 绑架整个联邦政府的运作, 为议员谋取私利
Don’t get me wrong, 你们惊讶的这些所谓私人优惠, 涨薪水之类连毛毛雨都不算! 大头是这些议员为自己选区金主的回馈,当然表面上都是以某某地方人民幸福为借口的 这就是美国选举政治的运作模式, 金主出钱把政客推上台, 政客在分政府蛋糕时候回馈金主,你们为啥莫名惊诧? 显得特别没见过世面
至于屁民?让子弹飞里面说了: “富人的钱, 原位奉还, 穷人的钱3/7分赃”
huh, 还有脑子进水的货整天赞扬灯塔国的政治吗