As long as your debt remains with your provider, it’s not reported to credit bureaus. After several months of non-payment, however, they may sell your debt to a collections agency. Unpaid medical debt in collections can be reported to credit bureaus after one year. In April 2023, the three main credit bureaus — Experian, TransUnion and Equifax — stopped including medical debt under $500. According to Equifax, the change eliminated nearly 70% of medical collection debt from credit reports. Outstanding balances over $500, however, can still appear on your credit report for seven years, the same as any other kind of debt.
现在我只想赶紧查记录,确认collection的人没有骗我,这个账单确实没有影响我信用分数就行 关键这个是去年11月的账单, 时间这么久了, 估计已经被报上去影响了我信用分数了, 唉。
我被rental HOA罚款,没有啥没收到信件通知(中间换了HOA,没有转过去mailing address),收到collection agent信件才知道。付了,没有任何影响。
Outstanding balances over $500, however, can still appear on your credit report for seven years, the same as any other kind of debt.