不要土葬。火葬最好,尤其你父亲生前还有这个愿望。 灵魂进驻和离开肉体的过程非常复杂,现代科学还有很多未知领域。 When egg and sperm join together they create a spark that then creates a unit of parental donated quantum called the Va-Ba-TE Cell. From the point of fertilization until the point of Fetal Integration--灵魂与肉体合体, it is the Va-Ba-TE cell that fuels the growth of the fetal body following the pattern that is set in the genetic code. 人的受精卵Va-Ba-TE Cell 是由父母各贡献一半的quantum供应成长,直到一岁左右完成 Fetal Integration。所以父母这部分quantum就被留在孩子的身体里直到孩子死亡。但是孩子死亡后,土葬无法释放这部分来自父母的quantum, 只有火葬才可以,the process of cremating the physical body within 3-6 days of a natural death is recommended to allow for the release of the Va-Ba-TE Cell while assisting the remaining quantum to transmute back into vapor to continue on its ascension path.
又看了一遍,这事当然是尊重人家遗孀的意思啊! 你倒是图自己方便,想以后省事!
纪念在心里。 不在墓地旁。
When egg and sperm join together they create a spark that then creates a unit of parental donated quantum called the Va-Ba-TE Cell. From the point of fertilization until the point of Fetal Integration--灵魂与肉体合体, it is the Va-Ba-TE cell that fuels the growth of the fetal body following the pattern that is set in the genetic code.
人的受精卵Va-Ba-TE Cell 是由父母各贡献一半的quantum供应成长,直到一岁左右完成 Fetal Integration。所以父母这部分quantum就被留在孩子的身体里直到孩子死亡。但是孩子死亡后,土葬无法释放这部分来自父母的quantum, 只有火葬才可以,the process of cremating the physical body within 3-6 days of a natural death is recommended to allow for the release of the Va-Ba-TE Cell while assisting the remaining quantum to transmute back into vapor to continue on its ascension path.
可以去哪个公园、 郊区,种一棵树 , 捐一个长椅。 想悼念怎么都能悼念。 或者家中保存一份有意义的遗物。 墓地里弄个碑很土气 。