louaci 发表于 2024-12-15 13:07 你可以查下surgical path有谁,private practice pathologist不见得比academic pathologist 差的 Google Sutter health pathology, 上面有22个pathologist,你看下履历。
看到楼里这么多人说不会,我要来贴一下一篇MD Anderson医生的文章。我把结果拷贝在这里。所以无论怎么样,最好是找一家大癌症中心寻求2nd opinion。 https://ascopubs.org/doi/abs/10.1200/JOP.2013.001204 A total of 2,718 patient cases were reviewed during September 2011. There was agreement between the original pathologist and our departmental subspecialty pathologist in 75% of cases. In 25% of cases, there was a discrepancy between the original pathology report and the subspecialty final pathology report; 509 changes in diagnosis were minor discrepancies (18.7%), and in 6.2% of patients (169 reports), the change in diagnosis represented a major discrepancy that potentially affected patient care.
ss4me 发表于 2024-12-15 15:24 看到楼里这么多人说不会,我要来贴一下一篇MD Anderson医生的文章。我把结果拷贝在这里。所以无论怎么样,最好是找一家大癌症中心寻求2nd opinion。 https://ascopubs.org/doi/abs/10.1200/JOP.2013.001204 A total of 2,718 patient cases were reviewed during September 2011. There was agreement between the original pathologist and our departmental subspecialty pathologist in 75% of cases. In 25% of cases, there was a discrepancy between the original pathology report and the subspecialty final pathology report; 509 changes in diagnosis were minor discrepancies (18.7%), and in 6.2% of patients (169 reports), the change in diagnosis represented a major discrepancy that potentially affected patient care.
Google Sutter health pathology, 上面有22个pathologist,你看下履历。
嗯嗯 去看斯坦福的医生,second opinion他们会看pathology报告。 但是我现在就担心术后sutter lab观察癌细胞这些会不会不够精确 导致pathology病理报告不精确……
求问下在哪里看surgical path呀?我目前在app里只看到手术的信息,别都没有。看不到送到哪里去了😪
亲 病理切片有有效期吗?等sutter看完,到时候斯坦福还可以去request ?就是说切片可以transit到斯坦福lab重新看? 第一步是不是去找个斯坦福医生?然后麻烦她去request呀?(当然是等sutter结束病理报告后才行)。
可以的,一般医院还会留有一些sample,足够在做一次病理,你可以去别的地方寻求2nd opinion,然后医院之间会把你剩下的sample寄过去一些再做一次病理。
嗯嗯 国内术中就有快速病理。但是美国这边没有术中的。只有术后的一个病理。术后送去lab去研究出报告。 我担心切完后在术后送到lab里去分析的时候 会不会有些lab有不精确的情况,比如几mm?或者有几个几mm?或者各个不同恶性的ca的性质有各种不同的指标等等。我不懂细节,但是医生说后续的治疗都根据病理结果才能确定。所以就担心病理结果在sutter测会不会不够精确…………
A total of 2,718 patient cases were reviewed during September 2011. There was agreement between the original pathologist and our departmental subspecialty pathologist in 75% of cases. In 25% of cases, there was a discrepancy between the original pathology report and the subspecialty final pathology report; 509 changes in diagnosis were minor discrepancies (18.7%), and in 6.2% of patients (169 reports), the change in diagnosis represented a major discrepancy that potentially affected patient care.
如果不放心,至少去看second opinion
楼主不放心的话就找second opinion,但Stanford本身教学医院,你当初真找他们做手术,说不准遇到的还是实习医生。Stanford这类教学医院,优势是在处理疑难杂症,提供clinical trail等等方面,并不是说常规procedure比别的地方强。
我理解你刚生病不久,心里没底,但乳腺癌是非常常见的病,各种procedure成熟得很,预后很好,找second opinion是必要的,但不用太疑神疑鬼,正规医院问题都没啥问题。
嗯嗯 所以就等sutter出完报告 麻烦斯坦福医生去request 再做一次对吧? 这些切片都是长久有效的吗?
看这个文章 好像确实会有一定几率出现误差…………
亲 breast cancer 方面 是Stanford最好吗?还有个ucsf和sutter。 一直不确定到底哪家最靠谱。这个病需要长期治疗,真希望一次性找到对的地方和对的医生…
乳腺癌治疗最好的是MD Anderson,很多人特意travel过去治疗。
不太清楚。ucsf 和 stanford 都不错。我认为找到好医生更重要。