Did drug company payments to doctors help fuel the opioid epidemic? By Karen Kaplan Science and Medicine Editor May 14, 2018 3:15 PM PT Share Health officials hoping to stem the opioid crisis might want to pay attention to what doctors eat for lunch. A new research letter reports that doctors who received free meals and other kinds of payments from pharmaceutical companies tended to prescribe more opioid painkillers to their patients over the course of a year. Meanwhile, doctors who didn’t get such freebies cut back on their opioid prescriptions. The finding was reported Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. A team led by Dr. Scott E. Hadland of Boston Medical Center’s Grayken Center for Addiction examined Medicare data and found that 369,139 physicians prescribed an opioid painkiller at least 10 times in 2015 under one of the insurance program’s Part D plans. Then they consulted the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Open Payments database and found that 25,767 (or 7%) of these same doctors received “opioid-related payments” from drug companies in 2014. The payments added up to just over $9 million, according to the report. For doctors on the receiving end of this largesse, payments most often came in the form of food. The companies bought 97,020 meals at a total cost of $1.8 million, and the median value of these breakfasts, lunches and dinners was $13. (That means half of the meals cost more than this amount, and half cost less.)
CNN Exclusive: The more opioids doctors prescribe, the more money they make As tens of thousands of Americans die from prescription opioid overdoses each year, an exclusive analysis by CNN and researchers at Harvard University found that opioid manufacturers are paying physicians huge sums of money – and the more opioids a doctor prescribes, the more money he or she makes. In 2014 and 2015, opioid manufacturers paid hundreds of doctors across the countrysix-figure sums for speaking, consulting and other services. Thousands of other doctors were paid over $25,000 during that time. Physicians who prescribed particularly large amounts of the drugs were the most likely to get paid. “This is the first time we’ve seen this, and it’s really important,” said Dr. Andrew Kolodny, a senior scientist at the Institute for Behavioral Health at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University, where he is co-director of the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative. “It smells like doctors being bribed to sell narcotics, and that’s very disturbing,” said Kolodny, who is also the executive director of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing. Did drug company payments to doctors help fuel the opioid epidemic? By Karen Kaplan Science and Medicine Editor May 14, 2018 3:15 PM PT Share Health officials hoping to stem the opioid crisis might want to pay attention to what doctors eat for lunch. A new research letter reports that doctors who received free meals and other kinds of payments from pharmaceutical companies tended to prescribe more opioid painkillers to their patients over the course of a year. Meanwhile, doctors who didn’t get such freebies cut back on their opioid prescriptions. The finding was reported Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. A team led by Dr. Scott E. Hadland of Boston Medical Center’s Grayken Center for Addiction examined Medicare data and found that 369,139 physicians prescribed an opioid painkiller at least 10 times in 2015 under one of the insurance program’s Part D plans. Then they consulted the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Open Payments database and found that 25,767 (or 7%) of these same doctors received “opioid-related payments” from drug companies in 2014. The payments added up to just over $9 million, according to the report. For doctors on the receiving end of this largesse, payments most often came in the form of food. The companies bought 97,020 meals at a total cost of $1.8 million, and the median value of these breakfasts, lunches and dinners was $13. (That means half of the meals cost more than this amount, and half cost less.) Did drug company payments to doctors help fuel the opioid epidemic? By Karen Kaplan Science and Medicine Editor May 14, 2018 3:15 PM PT Share Health officials hoping to stem the opioid crisis might want to pay attention to what doctors eat for lunch. A new research letter reports that doctors who received free meals and other kinds of payments from pharmaceutical companies tended to prescribe more opioid painkillers to their patients over the course of a year. Meanwhile, doctors who didn’t get such freebies cut back on their opioid prescriptions. The finding was reported Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. A team led by Dr. Scott E. Hadland of Boston Medical Center’s Grayken Center for Addiction examined Medicare data and found that 369,139 physicians prescribed an opioid painkiller at least 10 times in 2015 under one of the insurance program’s Part D plans. Then they consulted the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Open Payments database and found that 25,767 (or 7%) of these same doctors received “opioid-related payments” from drug companies in 2014. The payments added up to just over $9 million, according to the report. For doctors on the receiving end of this largesse, payments most often came in the form of food. The companies bought 97,020 meals at a total cost of $1.8 million, and the median value of these breakfasts, lunches and dinners was $13. (That means half of the meals cost more than this amount, and half cost less.)
那是versed,70岁以下的都给。你要是以前有反应下次告诉pre op 护士你过敏, 放到你的记录里,再有人给就是医疗事故了。 你这个确实麻醉有交流问题。 danfy 发表于 2024-12-15 15:03
本来就在记录里,术前和主治和麻醉沟通那么多都是关于那个药的记录。麻醉也说这不是必须给的药,决定不给我用。这次就是算医疗事故。只不过律师觉得没油水的医疗事故也没什么下文罢了。美国同事有个亲戚医疗事故都造成终身后果,照样没赢回啥钱。他一听我的故事直接同情脸说你这种能很快复工的不要浪费心思,move on 吧。
Which state consumes the most opioids? States with the highest opioid dispensing rates per 100 persons in 2023 include Arkansas (71.5), Alabama (71.4), Mississippi (63.1), and Louisiana (62.7). States with the lowest opioid dispensing rates per 100 persons in 2023 include Hawaii (22.6), California (23.8), New Jersey (26.3), and New York (26.3) 越穷的的地方吃鸦片药物越多。
这也太鲁莽了吧。我做procedure, checkin时会填各种表,有过敏反应的药物项目,进入准备间,有护士过来对着表格一一询问确认,做体检,然后手术医生过来打招呼介绍手术目的和过程,进入手术室后,麻醉护士自我介绍然后又问我做什么手术,再告诉我她会怎么给药,然后给打上IV,大概多久我能醒过来。人员都来齐了,她们问我are you ready?dont worry you will be ok. Just relax and take a nap. 然后我自己能感到手臂一点点冷,呼啦一下睡过去了,再醒来就在留观室里了。麻醉护士有过来询问我的情况,等能站起来走动了,才让人推轮椅过来把我推下楼交给老公,等我上了车后确认OK才离开。 我对获得的医疗服务质量挺满意的。
是医生不懂这个药物的危害么? 完全是因为钱。
Did drug company payments to doctors help fuel the opioid epidemic? By Karen Kaplan Science and Medicine Editor May 14, 2018 3:15 PM PT
Share Health officials hoping to stem the opioid crisis might want to pay attention to what doctors eat for lunch. A new research letter reports that doctors who received free meals and other kinds of payments from pharmaceutical companies tended to prescribe more opioid painkillers to their patients over the course of a year. Meanwhile, doctors who didn’t get such freebies cut back on their opioid prescriptions. The finding was reported Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.
A team led by Dr. Scott E. Hadland of Boston Medical Center’s Grayken Center for Addiction examined Medicare data and found that 369,139 physicians prescribed an opioid painkiller at least 10 times in 2015 under one of the insurance program’s Part D plans. Then they consulted the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Open Payments database and found that 25,767 (or 7%) of these same doctors received “opioid-related payments” from drug companies in 2014. The payments added up to just over $9 million, according to the report. For doctors on the receiving end of this largesse, payments most often came in the form of food. The companies bought 97,020 meals at a total cost of $1.8 million, and the median value of these breakfasts, lunches and dinners was $13. (That means half of the meals cost more than this amount, and half cost less.)
As tens of thousands of Americans die from prescription opioid overdoses each year, an exclusive analysis by CNN and researchers at Harvard University found that opioid manufacturers are paying physicians huge sums of money – and the more opioids a doctor prescribes, the more money he or she makes. In 2014 and 2015, opioid manufacturers paid hundreds of doctors across the countrysix-figure sums for speaking, consulting and other services. Thousands of other doctors were paid over $25,000 during that time. Physicians who prescribed particularly large amounts of the drugs were the most likely to get paid. “This is the first time we’ve seen this, and it’s really important,” said Dr. Andrew Kolodny, a senior scientist at the Institute for Behavioral Health at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University, where he is co-director of the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative. “It smells like doctors being bribed to sell narcotics, and that’s very disturbing,” said Kolodny, who is also the executive director of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing.
哇,这么理直气壮的吗? 如果给人开药时明确说了可能成瘾,那这么理直气壮没毛病
前两天看到一个新闻,咨询公司麦肯锡因为帮助Purdue Pharm虚假宣传,大力卖鸦片类药品,turbocharge opioid sales,被罚款6.5亿美元。感觉好像所有行业都是为了挣钱毫无底线,韭菜们不仅要被吸血,还要被毒害,等上瘾了之后,还有控制成瘾性的药等你
oxycodone的成瘾性在鸦片类的药里是小的了,再小吃了就不止痛了。鸦片类的药一般止痛效果越好,成瘾性也就越大。 你为什么需要处方剂量的泰诺?药房一片625mg,你最多一次吃片半,医生也不敢多开了。再说泰诺对 surgical pain 很有用的话,医生也不用给你开鸦片类的药了,开多了DEA该调查了。
自己不取就完了呀 我娃今年拔牙也是给了oxycodone的处方。 我取药时只取了抗生素。后来娃有youtube看完全就没有 抱怨痛,还是我硬是一天给两次Motrin她才吃。
所有手术都要签两个consent, 一个手术一个麻醉,不过签了出问题也可以打官司的。 你不用担心,让你签就是觉得没有问题的。真有风险,麻醉会直接取消手术,病人想担风险,麻醉还不想呢。
护士不是根据身体反应给药的。而是一见面推进手术室前就给了我那个药,我进去很快就晕过去了。主治医生一进门还没开始手术看到我已经被放倒还很纳闷,事后还去和麻醉医师核实。这也是为啥他们知道是护士错了,主治医生在回访时还为此道歉。我醒来第一时间问那个护士她为啥给错药,她也亲口承认她弄错了“哎呀sorry”。即便这种程度的证据,律师不愿接其实也没啥索赔可要。 事实上我对那个药有副反应(这也是之前商量不用的原因,有家族史),为此在家躺了好多天。
那是versed,70岁以下的都给。你要是以前有反应下次告诉pre op 护士你过敏, 放到你的记录里,再有人给就是医疗事故了。 你这个确实麻醉有交流问题。
同小手术注射了芬太尼, 伤口也是创可贴, 我觉得这东西绝对上瘾,不仅一点也不疼,人还很high, 非常快乐
本来就在记录里,术前和主治和麻醉沟通那么多都是关于那个药的记录。麻醉也说这不是必须给的药,决定不给我用。这次就是算医疗事故。只不过律师觉得没油水的医疗事故也没什么下文罢了。美国同事有个亲戚医疗事故都造成终身后果,照样没赢回啥钱。他一听我的故事直接同情脸说你这种能很快复工的不要浪费心思,move on 吧。
最要命的是吃的健康很贵,吃饱不健康很便宜。中国至少有价格公道的新鲜蔬菜, 粗粮,吃了不会早早的得糖尿病,变成大半生被西药绑架的药罐子。
看看这个,简直是给自己人灌鸦片 乐此不疲呀。制度性犯罪了。
painkillers 只有傻子才不晓得是否有成瘾的可能吧?
这也太鲁莽了吧。我做procedure, checkin时会填各种表,有过敏反应的药物项目,进入准备间,有护士过来对着表格一一询问确认,做体检,然后手术医生过来打招呼介绍手术目的和过程,进入手术室后,麻醉护士自我介绍然后又问我做什么手术,再告诉我她会怎么给药,然后给打上IV,大概多久我能醒过来。人员都来齐了,她们问我are you ready?dont worry you will be ok. Just relax and take a nap. 然后我自己能感到手臂一点点冷,呼啦一下睡过去了,再醒来就在留观室里了。麻醉护士有过来询问我的情况,等能站起来走动了,才让人推轮椅过来把我推下楼交给老公,等我上了车后确认OK才离开。
还有动手术动high的? 你这常识有没有。