他说的不对 healthcare providers get paid for services, not outcomes. 医生看病必须follow protocol,从关节炎到癌症治疗都有相应的guidance,这些guidance后面是行业协会and yaochang,压根就不是相对弱势的医生 price limit也不是医生定的,而是保险公司和医院协商的,
还是有不少数据的:Health insurance companies took in $25 billion in profit last year, while hospitals collected an eye-popping $90 billion. Of the $4.5 trillion spent on U.S. health care in 2022, hospitals collected 30% of that total health spending, according to data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Doctors rank second at 20%. Prescription drugs accounted for 9% and health insurance − both private health insurance and government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid − collect 7% in administrative costs.
Under a law that passed Congress during Trump's first term and was enacted under the Biden administration, hospitals must disclose cash prices and rates negotiated with health insurers for a broad list of procedures in a computer-readable format so the information can be analyzed. The rule also mandated hospitals post estimates for at least 300 services so consumers can compare prices. However, the consumer nonprofit Patient Rights Advocate said in a November report that just 21% of hospitals fully comply with the existing federal price transparency rule, down from 35% as of February.
Wall Street investors who control private equity firms have taken over hospitals and large doctors practices, with the primary goal of making a profit. The role of these private equity investors has drawn increased scrutiny from government regulators and elected officials.
healthcare providers get paid for services, not outcomes.
医生看病必须follow protocol,从关节炎到癌症治疗都有相应的guidance,这些guidance后面是行业协会and yaochang,压根就不是相对弱势的医生
price limit也不是医生定的,而是保险公司和医院协商的,
Of the $4.5 trillion spent on U.S. health care in 2022, hospitals collected 30% of that total health spending, according to data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Doctors rank second at 20%. Prescription drugs accounted for 9% and health insurance − both private health insurance and government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid − collect 7% in administrative costs.
However, the consumer nonprofit Patient Rights Advocate said in a November report that just 21% of hospitals fully comply with the existing federal price transparency rule, down from 35% as of February.
这个lz贴没有说出真正的问题。 每个医院或者门诊,真正给病人提供服务的人数量是极其有限的。完全没有指出那个庞大的overhead 管理人员数量。而且那些人相对直接接触病人的从业者收入更好。不要拿普通小米和医生比哈!如果按rank比,普通小米和CNA比这种比。
是的,overhead, 管理阶层消耗非常大。 大学也一样,老师工资并不高,但学费很高,钱都到哪里去了?各类director, 大领导们的工资和人情往来,各种名义的调研实际是就是免费的公费旅游,一个小官就得给他安好多个助理。最可恨的是我们这种州立,还得给州议会的议员变相送钱,避免他们在Budget 上故意为难我们。 为了一个楼换空调的钱折腾了好几年,公关的钱花了好多。人家搞活动,学校就花钱买几桌捧场,那个饭根本不值钱,太黑了,简直和国内一模一样。
医院里做Admin的人,挣得可不比专科医生少,院长一年50万上下,CFO这些也不少。做PCP的医生,一年就15万上下,当医生前,3年residency期间每年5-6万。做专科医生的residency就更长了。最近家里有学医的同事说,做了医生后,头5年基本上一半的工资都拿去交malpractice insurance了,哪个病人来告,律师拿走最大头。学医的收入,真的没学金融去华尔街,学CS去大厂的多和轻松。辛苦钱。
RE. 还是真有病。
为啥薄凉薄凉啊? healthcare 就是基本人权之一
医生人数增加的瓶颈并不是医学院,而是residency program,项目的钱是Medicare出的,这个资金有限,医学院再扩招也没用。医学院这些年其实已经扩招了
大部分年轻医生都失去生产资料、变成雇员了,收入还不如版上炫富的码工。Luigi枪指corporate greed,群众眼睛雪亮,谁想别想spin!
不需要资本家 只要眼睛没瞎, 老百姓就能看见美国医生行会的恶毒
就是啊,最好的学生读医,又累又苦,专科医生30几了才开始赚钱。 如果最先打压医生的话,long term 好学生谁还想去读医。
现在门槛过于高了。卡这么紧真的没必要。短缺的结果就是,绝大多数人实际看的都是NP, 加勒比海, 印度的医生。