饮料 这些物品符合条件: 非酒精饮料,如咖啡、茶、碳酸饮料、果汁和冰沙 符合条件的酒精饮料: 啤酒和麦芽饮料,例如罐装或瓶装啤酒、桶装啤酒 酒精含量 (ABV) 为 22.9% 或以下的葡萄酒、苹果酒和清酒(包括强化酒 详细内容: 葡萄酒和清酒(包括强化酒) 酒精含量为 7% 或以下的烈酒冷却器和预调酒精饮料 详细内容 烈性清凉饮料和预调酒精饮料 符合以下所有标准的能量或蛋白质饮料和奶昔: 与其他未添加蛋白质、咖啡因、维生素和/或矿物质的同类产品直接竞争(在商店的类似货架上销售,并以类似方式进行营销) 普通人认为是解渴饮料 加拿大卫生部认为是饮料 包含饮料和其他物品的礼品篮,如果该礼品篮总价值的90%或更多属于如果单独供应则无需征收GST/HST的物品 这些物品不符合条件: 自动售货机出售的饮料 不符合条件的酒精饮料: 酒精烈酒和利口酒 酒精含量超过 7% 的酒精饮料(啤酒、麦芽饮料、葡萄酒、苹果酒和清酒除外 包含饮料和其他物品的礼品篮,如果该礼品篮总价值的90%以下为自给自足的免征 GST/HST 的物品 Beverages These items qualify: Non-alcoholic drinks, such as coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, juices, and smoothies Eligible alcoholic beverages: Beer and malt beverages, for example, canned or bottled beer, pitchers of beer Wine, cider and sake (including fortified) that are 22.9% alcohol by volume (ABV) or less In detail: Wine and sake (including fortified) Spirit coolers and premixed alcoholic beverages that are 7% ABV or less In detail: Spirit coolers and premixed alcoholic beverages Energy or protein drinks and shakes, if they meet all of the following criteria: Compete directly with other similar products that are not enhanced by protein, caffeine, vitamins, and/or minerals (sold in a similar aisle in a store and are marketed in similar fashion) Considered by the average person to be a beverage to satisfy thirst Considered by Health Canada to be a beverage A gift basket that contains beverages and other items, if 90% or more of the total value of the basket corresponds to items that would have no GST/HST charged on them if they were supplied separately These items do not qualify: Beverages sold from a vending machine Non-eligible alcoholic beverages: Alcoholic spirits and liqueurs Alcoholic beverages (other than beer, malt beverages, wine, cider, and sake) with more than 7% ABV A gift basket that contains beverages and other items, if less than 90% of the total value of the basket corresponds to items that would have no GST/HST charged on them if they were supplied separately Dietary supplements In detail: dietary supplements Cannabis products sold in the form of a beverage
全体加拿大人减税法案》(Bill C-78)已获得皇家批准,这意味着该法案现已成为法律。
在 2024 年 12 月 14 日至 2025 年 2 月 15 日期间,某些商品可享受 GST/HST 临时减税优惠。
非酒精饮料,如咖啡、茶、碳酸饮料、果汁和冰沙 符合条件的酒精饮料: 啤酒和麦芽饮料,例如罐装或瓶装啤酒、桶装啤酒 酒精含量 (ABV) 为 22.9% 或以下的葡萄酒、苹果酒和清酒(包括强化酒 详细内容: 葡萄酒和清酒(包括强化酒) 酒精含量为 7% 或以下的烈酒冷却器和预调酒精饮料 详细内容 烈性清凉饮料和预调酒精饮料 符合以下所有标准的能量或蛋白质饮料和奶昔: 与其他未添加蛋白质、咖啡因、维生素和/或矿物质的同类产品直接竞争(在商店的类似货架上销售,并以类似方式进行营销) 普通人认为是解渴饮料 加拿大卫生部认为是饮料 包含饮料和其他物品的礼品篮,如果该礼品篮总价值的90%或更多属于如果单独供应则无需征收GST/HST的物品 这些物品不符合条件:
自动售货机出售的饮料 不符合条件的酒精饮料: 酒精烈酒和利口酒 酒精含量超过 7% 的酒精饮料(啤酒、麦芽饮料、葡萄酒、苹果酒和清酒除外 包含饮料和其他物品的礼品篮,如果该礼品篮总价值的90%以下为自给自足的免征 GST/HST 的物品
Beverages These items qualify: Non-alcoholic drinks, such as coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, juices, and smoothies Eligible alcoholic beverages: Beer and malt beverages, for example, canned or bottled beer, pitchers of beer Wine, cider and sake (including fortified) that are 22.9% alcohol by volume (ABV) or less In detail: Wine and sake (including fortified) Spirit coolers and premixed alcoholic beverages that are 7% ABV or less In detail: Spirit coolers and premixed alcoholic beverages Energy or protein drinks and shakes, if they meet all of the following criteria: Compete directly with other similar products that are not enhanced by protein, caffeine, vitamins, and/or minerals (sold in a similar aisle in a store and are marketed in similar fashion) Considered by the average person to be a beverage to satisfy thirst Considered by Health Canada to be a beverage A gift basket that contains beverages and other items, if 90% or more of the total value of the basket corresponds to items that would have no GST/HST charged on them if they were supplied separately These items do not qualify: Beverages sold from a vending machine Non-eligible alcoholic beverages: Alcoholic spirits and liqueurs Alcoholic beverages (other than beer, malt beverages, wine, cider, and sake) with more than 7% ABV A gift basket that contains beverages and other items, if less than 90% of the total value of the basket corresponds to items that would have no GST/HST charged on them if they were supplied separately Dietary supplements In detail: dietary supplements Cannabis products sold in the form of a beverage
大多数基本食品已经不征收 GST/HST。
下列这些食品也暂时不征收 GST/HST: 预制食品,包括三明治、沙拉、蔬菜或奶酪拼盘以及预制餐点 零食,包括薯片、糖果、烘焙食品、水果类零食和燕麦棒 符合以下所有标准的能量棒或蛋白质棒: 与其他未添加蛋白质、咖啡因、维生素和/或矿物质的同类产品直接竞争(在商店类似的货架上销售,并以类似的方式进行营销) 普通人认为是充饥食品 加拿大卫生部认为是一种食品 包含食品和其他物品的礼品篮,如果该礼品篮总价值的90%或更多的物品如果单独供应将不被征收 GST/HST
下列这些物品不符合条件: 自动售货机出售的食品 包含食品和其他物品的礼品篮,如果篮子总价值的90%以下的物品如果单独供应将不被征收 GST/HST 膳食补充剂 详细说明:膳食补充剂 以食品形式销售的大麻产品 喉糖 其他不属于人类消费食品的物品(例如宠物食品)
符合GST/HST减免条件的商品类型 符合条件的产品或服务类型详细信息、示例和限制条件 食品 食品的细节、示例和限制 更新日期:2024 年 12 月 11 日 2024年12月11日 饮料 饮料的详细信息、示例和限制条件 更新日期:2024 年 12 月 11 日 2024 年 12 月 11 日更新 餐馆、餐饮和其他食品或饮料机构的详细情况、示例和限制条件餐馆、餐饮和其他食品或饮料机构: 2024 年 12 月 6 日已更新 儿童服装和鞋类 儿童服装和鞋类的详情、示例和限制规定 儿童尿布 儿童尿布的详情、示例和限制规定 儿童汽车座椅 儿童汽车座椅的详细信息、示例和限制规定 儿童玩具 儿童玩具的详细信息、示例和限制规定 拼图游戏 适合所有年龄段的拼图 符合条件
电子游戏控制台、控制器和实物电子游戏 儿童电子游戏控制台、控制器和游戏的详情、举例和限制条件 实体书籍 印刷书籍的详情、示例和限制条件 印刷报纸 印刷报纸的细节、示例和限制条件 圣诞树和类似的装饰树 圣诞树和类似的装饰树的详细资料、例子和限制规定 已更新: 2024 年 12 月 11 日更新