担心欠税罚款可以看看这个 Avoid a penalty You may avoid the Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals Penalty if: Your filed tax return shows you owe less than $1,000 or You paid at least 90% of the tax shown on the return for the taxable year or 100% of the tax shown on the return for the prior year, whichever amount is less. If your adjusted gross income (AGI) for 2023 was more than $150,000 ($75,000 if your filing status for 2024 is married filing separately), substitute 110% for 100%.
回复 1楼 小棉袄66 的帖子 通常来说,你这里是没有办法消掉w2 上的收入的,我以前调查过有三种情况,不过我自己没有亲身实践过。 如果操作上可行,你可以去调查一下,然后给我反馈 我调查的下面情况可以对冲一部分w2 There are 3 cases 1 passive activity with active participation: deduct 25000 when w2 is less than 100k 2 nonpassive activity short term rental. This has no income limits if rental is a business (not passive income) 3 real estate professional . No income limits
1)Roth IRA,不是雇主提供的 2)Roth IRA 7000 contribution 部分, Joint 报税,收入超过24万就不可以了 3)RSU,从来没有vest 过,说明拿到RSU还不到一年,原公司一次性给那么多吗? 4)如果今年比去年预交了至少一样的税,欠税没有罚款,RSU交的税大概率足够避免罚款了 Generally, most taxpayers will avoid this penalty if they either owe less than $1,000 in tax after subtracting their withholding and refundable credits, or if they paid withholding and estimated tax of at least 90% of the tax for the current year or 100% of the tax shown on the return for the prior year, whichever is smaller.
我们一直联合保税。我是自雇,有一个小consulting sole proprietorship,每年有小小一些收入吧。还有其他一些租金收入算我们共同收入。今年联合应税收入落入最高税率bracket, 这是背景。
我能想到的省税方法只有下面这些,都已经max out了。
1. Max Out 401(k) contribution up to 今年上限$23000:
(队友Employer提供Roth iRA,为了最大限度的省税,那我们就只contribute PRETAX 401, 没有contribute 7000 to ROTH. 这两个加起来每年限度不能超过23,000对吧?
2. 已经max Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
3. MAX out Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
4. Contribute to 529plan? 不过这个not deductible 联邦税。而且我们州 夫妻两个联合报税 only allow $2000 deductible.
5. MegaBackdoor Roth IRA, 不过 这个对当年省税上也没有什么作用,对么?
6. 工资单上标有 PAYOUT RSUFT 和 PAYOUT RSUSF, 这两个有什么区别呢?我看工资单上withholding只有22%。感觉我们要补交很多很多税,我想问一下这个estimated tax payment可以到明年1月15之前再交么 (RSU payout发生在9月初)?
7. 我的小consulting business今年还有一点儿应收款,我还没有给客户发账单。我可以推迟到明年年初再发账单,但是我今年 earned income就是零了。好处是我不用以最高税率交收入税和sst , 但是夫妻联合报税,如果一方除了投资收入之外,没有任何earned income, 会影响我们收到child tax credit或者别的和孩子有关的税收抵免么? 通过先生的公司存有dependent care FSA. 如果我没有earned income,是不是就白存啦?
以前收入少,有一点余粮也没想过要怎么省税,就赶紧想拿出来家用或其它投资。所以这方面从来没有花太多时间 做 research.华人姐妹们藏龙卧虎,收入超过贫困线的比比皆是,这方面肯定经验丰富。所以想请教大家,或者专业报税方面的jms有没有其他的办法来省税呢?非常感谢大家!预祝大家节日快乐!🌹🌹
谢谢妹妹的回复,想确认一下-RSU和普通的earned income Subject to同等的税率吗?
invest in opportunity zone properties. but it's another big project.
另外mag back door Roth会补税的, 相当于拿出Ira作为本年收入,交上税,变成以后不用交税的Roth. 最好在收入低的年份做
通常来说,你这里是没有办法消掉w2 上的收入的,我以前调查过有三种情况,不过我自己没有亲身实践过。 如果操作上可行,你可以去调查一下,然后给我反馈
There are 3 cases 1 passive activity with active participation: deduct 25000 when w2 is less than 100k
2 nonpassive activity short term rental. This has no income limits if rental is a business (not passive income)
3 real estate professional . No income limits
那是没有交够前一年应缴税的110%,而且是在payroll 里交够。交够了,只会补税,没有利息和罚款
楼主的情况不可能会罚款,他们今年已经扣掉的税铁定大于去年交的税的110%,safe harbor rule applies.
今年就10几天了 你觉得现实不
而且买一个投资房也没用,real estate professional不是有投资房就算的
2)Roth IRA 7000 contribution 部分, Joint 报税,收入超过24万就不可以了
3)RSU,从来没有vest 过,说明拿到RSU还不到一年,原公司一次性给那么多吗?
Generally, most taxpayers will avoid this penalty if they either owe less than $1,000 in tax after subtracting their withholding and refundable credits, or if they paid withholding and estimated tax of at least 90% of the tax for the current year or 100% of the tax shown on the return for the prior year, whichever is smaller.