▲"汉娜"显示人们长期"每天只睡6小时"可能发生的身体变化。(图/翻摄Bensons for Beds) 英国寝具零售商"Bensons for Beds"与睡眠专家波斯托克(Dr Sophie Bostock)根据多份学术研究结果,推出虚拟角色汉娜(Hannah),显示如果人们每天晚上只睡6小时,长期下来会对身体产生什么变化,以及随之而来的健康影响。 汉娜被设定为一名来自2050年的45岁英国女性,她的眼睛红肿、头发稀疏、慢性背痛、皮肤松弛、小腹凸起、四肢肌肉萎缩,而且因为免疫系统变弱,越来越容易罹患流感。 每日邮报指出,由于忙碌的现代生活方式,以及对于智慧型手机的痴迷,人们可能比以往任何时候失去更多睡眠,"所以到了2050年,睡眠不足将造成『多到夸张』的慢性健康问题,就像汉娜所遭受的那样。" 研究显示,长期睡眠不足,可能导致人们处于更高的健康风险之中,包括肥胖、心脏病、第二型糖尿病等。汉娜的设计,则是根据2010年至今19篇关于睡眠不足健康风险的学术论文而来。 一般而言,专家建议成人每晚睡7至9小时,如果睡不到7小时,更容易出现健康问题。但根据今年一项调查,英国人平均每晚只睡6小时20分。 波斯托克表示,很多人都没有意识到,紊乱的日常作息与缺乏睡眠,将会干扰生理时钟,幸好过去10年里,强调睡眠品质与健康福祉关联性的研究越来越多,而汉娜也说明了睡眠对于保持健康的重要性。
我们听说过的人: Michael Jackson was sleep-deprived for a significant amount of time before his death in 2009: 60 days without REM sleep Sleep experts said that Jackson went 60 days without REM sleep, which is damaging to health. Couldn''t sleep more than five hours a night A nurse testified that Jackson couldn''t sleep more than five hours a night, even after receiving IV treatments. Symptoms of sleep deprivation Jackson''s inability to learn new dance moves and remember song lyrics were symptoms of sleep deprivation. Propofol treatments Jackson received nightly infusions of propofol, a surgical anesthetic, for two months to treat his insomnia. Propofol suppresses REM sleep. Lack of REM sleep may have killed him Harvard sleep scientist Dr. Charles Czeisler testified that if Jackson hadn''t died primarily of an overdose, the lack of REM sleep may have eventually killed him. Jackson''s lawyer said that Jackson suffered from sleeplessness when he was under pressure.
汉娜被设定为一名来自2050年的45岁英国女性,她的眼睛红肿、头发稀疏、慢性背痛、皮肤松弛、小腹凸起、四肢肌肉萎缩,而且因为免疫系统变弱,越来越容易罹患流感。 每日邮报指出,由于忙碌的现代生活方式,以及对于智慧型手机的痴迷,人们可能比以往任何时候失去更多睡眠,"所以到了2050年,睡眠不足将造成『多到夸张』的慢性健康问题,就像汉娜所遭受的那样。" 研究显示,长期睡眠不足,可能导致人们处于更高的健康风险之中,包括肥胖、心脏病、第二型糖尿病等。汉娜的设计,则是根据2010年至今19篇关于睡眠不足健康风险的学术论文而来。 一般而言,专家建议成人每晚睡7至9小时,如果睡不到7小时,更容易出现健康问题。但根据今年一项调查,英国人平均每晚只睡6小时20分。 波斯托克表示,很多人都没有意识到,紊乱的日常作息与缺乏睡眠,将会干扰生理时钟,幸好过去10年里,强调睡眠品质与健康福祉关联性的研究越来越多,而汉娜也说明了睡眠对于保持健康的重要性。
就像有人当MSG是毒 但是有人做菜一勺一勺放 也不妨碍活到近90 身体习惯了就是常态了
Michael Jackson was sleep-deprived for a significant amount of time before his death in 2009: 60 days without REM sleep Sleep experts said that Jackson went 60 days without REM sleep, which is damaging to health.
Couldn''t sleep more than five hours a night A nurse testified that Jackson couldn''t sleep more than five hours a night, even after receiving IV treatments.
Symptoms of sleep deprivation Jackson''s inability to learn new dance moves and remember song lyrics were symptoms of sleep deprivation.
Propofol treatments Jackson received nightly infusions of propofol, a surgical anesthetic, for two months to treat his insomnia. Propofol suppresses REM sleep.
Lack of REM sleep may have killed him Harvard sleep scientist Dr. Charles Czeisler testified that if Jackson hadn''t died primarily of an overdose, the lack of REM sleep may have eventually killed him. Jackson''s lawyer said that Jackson suffered from sleeplessness when he was under pressure.
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