度量衡因为混淆好像还出过事故。https://unit-converters.com/10-notable-mistakes-due-to-metric-imperial-conversion-errors/ 第一个是NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter crash lands on the planet As with most big projects, multiple teams were working on the spacecraft. The problem was that one team of engineers had used the metric system when taking measurements, whereas another team had used the imperial system. Due to the difference in metric units and imperial units, the Orbiter’s software made the wrong calculation as it neared the planet. The software calculated the spacecraft’s thruster force in imperial measurements when it should have been done using the metric measurement system. This resulted in the Orbiter crash landing on Mars and being destroyed. It is said that this project cost NASA between $125 million and $330 million, which was lost forever at the point of impact.
是的 他做个总统一天到晚叭叭叭
RE. 如果不能改,至少国家规定必须加注国际单位。
冬天时间改回来的那一两个星期,下午下班的rush hour应该是车祸激增的
我喜欢目前这样,夏天换夏时制,冬天改回标准时。 一个小时的变换几乎不需要调整。不理解很多人的痛恨
以前肯定做过可行性研究整体收益大于成本才改的。 再说对一般企业增加啥费用了?早晨睡醒了电脑时间都改完了。上班时间下班时间会议时间完全没变。 如果像有些人建议的不在全国范围改而是愿意改的企业自己改时间那才会增加成本
调整那几天大家都要小心适应。 如果没有夏时制,在冬天改标准时之前早就这么黑了,可能会导致之前的车祸增加。而且夏令时的晚上黑的晚也会减少车祸。 要整体评估很复杂,不是只看一个方面就能证明利弊。 实行夏时制之前肯定做过综合评估了
好像以前有讨论,keep夏令时涉及到法律层面东西比较多,需要各州同意。 但是取消夏令时只需要参众两院通过后总统签字就可以生效。 每年该夏令时的时候,都有众议员提案,用不投票无反对的方式通过,但是参议院不把这个做为提案讨论,因为优先级太低。
第一个是NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter crash lands on the planet
As with most big projects, multiple teams were working on the spacecraft. The problem was that one team of engineers had used the metric system when taking measurements, whereas another team had used the imperial system. Due to the difference in metric units and imperial units, the Orbiter’s software made the wrong calculation as it neared the planet. The software calculated the spacecraft’s thruster force in imperial measurements when it should have been done using the metric measurement system. This resulted in the Orbiter crash landing on Mars and being destroyed. It is said that this project cost NASA between $125 million and $330 million, which was lost forever at the point of impact.
时代变了,科技进步了,以前那些推论需要修改了。上一次夏令时调整是在2005年的energy act中,现在有光伏,电力存储技术也有很大突破,条件变了
那是一回事啊,统称daylight savings,一个ending一个starting。。。每年到这个时候就要严阵以待,多一个小时少一个小时,来自不同源头的数据会有不同的time stamp,有的用UTC的,有跨时区的,反正挺烦人的