回复 1楼 rabbitfl 的帖子 常见原因有二个:if no reaction at all, it might because the breaker jumped . typically garage has a gfci breaker, find it and reset. If it moves a bit then back up, sensor alignment issue. Clean the glass and realign. beyond these two, call professional. 如果智能的可能软件问题。我没用过。
检查车库靠地面哪对garage door detector sensor misaligned surface gets dirty
不碰弹簧的话。没什么大问题。 总体上来说家里的东西,车库门和微波炉不要自己不知道瞎搞。出问题可能会比较严重
要是wall mount button 没坏,sensor misalignment 不会影响墙上按钮,但影响remote clicker。
切记:不要去碰弹簧,那个危险。 不要带电操作,其他部分可以自己整整。
常见原因有二个:if no reaction at all, it might because the breaker jumped . typically garage has a gfci breaker, find it and reset. If it moves a bit then back up, sensor alignment issue. Clean the glass and realign. beyond these two, call professional.