BREAKING: Congress is pushing to break up the nation's biggest insurance monopolies after UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's murder last week. A pair of bipartisan bills seek to force insurers and other healthcare companies to sell off their so-called "pharmacy benefit managers" or PBMs — which companies and government agencies use to manage their employees' prescription benefits — within the next three years.
uosff 发表于 2024-12-12 18:03 BREAKING: Congress is pushing to break up the nation's biggest insurance monopolies after UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's murder last week. A pair of bipartisan bills seek to force insurers and other healthcare companies to sell off their so-called "pharmacy benefit managers" or PBMs — which companies and government agencies use to manage their employees' prescription benefits — within the next three years.
回复 1楼 uosff 的帖子 需要的是Universal health coverage, 不然就是治标不治本,真正的社会矛盾根本就没有触及。美国完全有能力有资本做到,为什么就是不改革这个多年来就被citizen盼望的问题。 以后选举谁保证universal health care,就选谁。
现在欧洲不仅仅自己国民免费,竟然去别的欧洲国家也可以免费。 The name for "free" healthcare access in Europe is typically called the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which allows citizens of the European Union to access state-provided healthcare in other EU countries, often at no additional cost or at a reduced rate when traveling temporarily. Key points about the EHIC: Access to healthcare: Enables access to medically necessary healthcare in other EU countries. Cost: May be completely free depending on the country and service, or may require a small fee. Important note: While often referred to as "free healthcare", it does not cover all medical costs and is not a substitute for travel insurance.
uosff 发表于 2024-12-12 18:03 BREAKING: Congress is pushing to break up the nation's biggest insurance monopolies after UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's murder last week. A pair of bipartisan bills seek to force insurers and other healthcare companies to sell off their so-called "pharmacy benefit managers" or PBMs — which companies and government agencies use to manage their employees' prescription benefits — within the next three years.
这个不MAKE SENSE 美国政府富裕吗? 欧洲那么多国家都有Universal health care, 但美国没有 美国政府富裕吗?现在都要动退休金跟退休年龄的地步 基本的问题,需要从政府立法上,保证医疗是基本的人权,这不是一个盈利的产业 至于药品价格差别那么大,是谁出头来谈价格的问题。 政府统一采购,公开透明过程,价钱就下来了。 参考别的国家用什么方式谈下来低价钱就好 Universal health care (UHC) is a system that ensures everyone has access to quality health services without financial hardship. UHC is based on the principles of equity, non-discrimination, and the right to health. It covers the full range of essential health services, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care
likepeace 发表于 2024-12-12 19:04 这个不MAKE SENSE 美国政府富裕吗? 欧洲那么多国家都有Universal health care, 但美国没有 美国政府富裕吗?现在都要动退休金跟退休年龄的地步 基本的问题,是谁出头来谈价格。 政府统一采购,公开透明过程,价钱就下来了。 参考别的国家用什么方式谈下来低价钱就好 Universal health care (UHC) is a system that ensures everyone has access to quality health services without financial hardship. UHC is based on the principles of equity, non-discrimination, and the right to health. It covers the full range of essential health services, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care
立法: 看病,手术前必须给病人出out of pocket的价格。别搞什么还要去保险公司申请这种浪费时间事。保险公司早就应该和医院签订协议了,不能case by case review. 事先都应该说好价格。 Out of pocket价格必须在2个小时之内出,不能拖拉,这样消费者可以比较价格。 现在的制度是一笔糊涂账,有时候被拒,有时候莫名其妙收到大账单
likepeace 发表于 2024-12-12 18:24 回复 1楼 uosff 的帖子 需要的是Universal health coverage, 不然就是治标不治本,真正的社会矛盾根本就没有触及。美国完全有能力有资本做到,为什么就是不改革这个多年来就被citizen盼望的问题。 以后选举谁保证universal health care,就选谁。
现在欧洲不仅仅自己国民免费,竟然去别的欧洲国家也可以免费。 The name for "free" healthcare access in Europe is typically called the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which allows citizens of the European Union to access state-provided healthcare in other EU countries, often at no additional cost or at a reduced rate when traveling temporarily. Key points about the EHIC: Access to healthcare: Enables access to medically necessary healthcare in other EU countries. Cost: May be completely free depending on the country and service, or may require a small fee. Important note: While often referred to as "free healthcare", it does not cover all medical costs and is not a substitute for travel insurance.
likepeace 发表于 2024-12-12 19:04 这个不MAKE SENSE 美国政府富裕吗? 欧洲那么多国家都有Universal health care, 但美国没有 美国政府富裕吗?现在都要动退休金跟退休年龄的地步 基本的问题,需要从政府立法上,保证医疗是基本的人权,这不是一个盈利的产业 至于药品价格差别那么大,是谁出头来谈价格的问题。 政府统一采购,公开透明过程,价钱就下来了。 参考别的国家用什么方式谈下来低价钱就好 Universal health care (UHC) is a system that ensures everyone has access to quality health services without financial hardship. UHC is based on the principles of equity, non-discrimination, and the right to health. It covers the full range of essential health services, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care
likepeace 发表于 2024-12-12 18:24 回复 1楼 uosff 的帖子 需要的是Universal health coverage, 不然就是治标不治本,真正的社会矛盾根本就没有触及。美国完全有能力有资本做到,为什么就是不改革这个多年来就被citizen盼望的问题。 以后选举谁保证universal health care,就选谁。
现在欧洲不仅仅自己国民免费,竟然去别的欧洲国家也可以免费。 The name for "free" healthcare access in Europe is typically called the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which allows citizens of the European Union to access state-provided healthcare in other EU countries, often at no additional cost or at a reduced rate when traveling temporarily. Key points about the EHIC: Access to healthcare: Enables access to medically necessary healthcare in other EU countries. Cost: May be completely free depending on the country and service, or may require a small fee. Important note: While often referred to as "free healthcare", it does not cover all medical costs and is not a substitute for travel insurance.
likepeace 发表于 2024-12-12 18:24 回复 1楼 uosff 的帖子 需要的是Universal health coverage, 不然就是治标不治本,真正的社会矛盾根本就没有触及。美国完全有能力有资本做到,为什么就是不改革这个多年来就被citizen盼望的问题。 以后选举谁保证universal health care,就选谁。
现在欧洲不仅仅自己国民免费,竟然去别的欧洲国家也可以免费。 The name for "free" healthcare access in Europe is typically called the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which allows citizens of the European Union to access state-provided healthcare in other EU countries, often at no additional cost or at a reduced rate when traveling temporarily. Key points about the EHIC: Access to healthcare: Enables access to medically necessary healthcare in other EU countries. Cost: May be completely free depending on the country and service, or may require a small fee. Important note: While often referred to as "free healthcare", it does not cover all medical costs and is not a substitute for travel insurance.
uosff 发表于 2024-12-12 18:03 BREAKING: Congress is pushing to break up the nation's biggest insurance monopolies after UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's murder last week. A pair of bipartisan bills seek to force insurers and other healthcare companies to sell off their so-called "pharmacy benefit managers" or PBMs — which companies and government agencies use to manage their employees' prescription benefits — within the next three years.
缓兵之计,关键字 pushing, pharmacy
需要的是Universal health coverage, 不然就是治标不治本,真正的社会矛盾根本就没有触及。美国完全有能力有资本做到,为什么就是不改革这个多年来就被citizen盼望的问题。 以后选举谁保证universal health care,就选谁。
The name for "free" healthcare access in Europe is typically called the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which allows citizens of the European Union to access state-provided healthcare in other EU countries, often at no additional cost or at a reduced rate when traveling temporarily.
Key points about the EHIC: Access to healthcare: Enables access to medically necessary healthcare in other EU countries. Cost: May be completely free depending on the country and service, or may require a small fee. Important note: While often referred to as "free healthcare", it does not cover all medical costs and is not a substitute for travel insurance.
这种合了分,分了合不要太正常。uhc还不至于大到垄断, 就算分了又有什么影响? 大家都知道问题的原因不在这里。 方向不对,或者故意方向不对,再怎么努力也不过是多浪费资源。 这和公司里没事找事要visibility没本质区别。
至少是个好的开始吧,不然整天就在搞几个tech company的垄断。healthcare啥也不干坐着收钱,却没人管。
UHC已经是美国业内第一大了,如果拆分开,也许会在policy和premium有更多其他公司来竞争,有一些好的变化,总比一家独大一成不变强。这还是bipartisan bills,两党都同意
美国政府富裕吗? 欧洲那么多国家都有Universal health care, 但美国没有
至于药品价格差别那么大,是谁出头来谈价格的问题。 政府统一采购,公开透明过程,价钱就下来了。 参考别的国家用什么方式谈下来低价钱就好
Universal health care (UHC) is a system that ensures everyone has access to quality health services without financial hardship. UHC is based on the principles of equity, non-discrimination, and the right to health. It covers the full range of essential health services, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care
美国历史上,1910 年左右拆分垄断的standard oils, 1980 拆分AT&T,
2000 企图拆分垄断企业微软,结果也就不允许微软强推explorer.
2010 年 金融危机后,不允许银行自营业务。
就是说,最近50年,国会除了金融危机,没有成功拆分过公司。pbm 是三个巨头垄断80% 市场,根本没有到微软一家90%的地步,也没有到金融危机的程度。
议会连ticktock ban, China bio security 法案都通不过,这个法律为什么会通过?美国资本主义不是白说的。
当然,pbm 垄断specialty drug, 就是高价药,市场肯定不对。政府应该监管,但是拆分我就呵呵了。
什么体验好不好的,老百姓得个小病想要vip服务本来在哪儿都不可能。想要vip那就掏钱私人医疗,也是上不封顶。医疗就是要给最倒霉的人兜底。谁没事儿看病玩儿?! 我朋友不幸孩子得了罕见病,万幸在加拿大,8个团队为她服务。就这我就不会说加拿大医疗的坏话。我不敢想象要是在美国或者中国要怎么办。
应该限制利润啊!可惜议员们绝对不会做的!限制CEO, 和各种CXO的工资上限也可以啊,议员们也绝对不会做!因为这些都不是资本主义啊!
确实, 只要医保公司以盈利为目的。拆分也不会有太大效果。
全世界美国医生相对工资最高,相当一部分水平一言难尽,也是医疗成本吧 就这样social media上还一堆医生whine收入低辛苦burn out的,讨论怎么多开展副业 医学院多收点人或者从中日韩+欧洲医学院招医生过来给他们减减负可以吧,动了蛋糕又会疯吧
看病,手术前必须给病人出out of pocket的价格。别搞什么还要去保险公司申请这种浪费时间事。保险公司早就应该和医院签订协议了,不能case by case review. 事先都应该说好价格。
Out of pocket价格必须在2个小时之内出,不能拖拉,这样消费者可以比较价格。
美国不富裕, 一个劲儿的给乌克兰送钱,全世界到处驻军,航母到处转悠, 老费钱了。
你问问全世界有全民医保的哪个又会换美国这种?! 别人不满意,别人是吃燕窝不满意,和你吃窝头不满意,一样吗?
军费怎么来的,全民医保也怎么来,就是 tax. 多加点税死不了人,没有医保会死人。
千万别大话说前面, 等轮到自己就知道啥滋味了。
另外,你懂不懂,加拿大欧洲等等国家是全民医保的同时, 你自己可以花钱选私人保险,服务更好更快。
这叫国家兜底,但民众有选择权, 懂吗?
英国的全民医保现在一塌糊涂, 大家都愿意去私立医院诊所
统一透明的收费 --医生和医院都不会同意的。
美国的中产是最惨的, 你现在是因为你有工作,工作一丢(哪怕是公司倒闭裁员,和你个人表现无关), 保险就没,要是正赶上要动个大手术,那真傻眼了。
美国人都自以为是中产阶级。从年收入40K 到400K 都自以为是中产。 以为麻烦都在别人那。欧洲人知道自己是Working Class , 永远无法突破阶级壁垒,所以 早早推动了全民医保。
有个英国小伙儿送女朋友的猫去医院。出来后叹口气。他说, 我这辈子没有受过这么好的对待。
这只黑猫🐈⬛本是流浪猫, 被收养了,被 又亲又抱, 还拍了张艺术照, 看起来像国王。上了医保, 医保不够, 主人不时出一笔钱带着到处看病。
n m k m
怎么学? 首先医生薪水得砍一大半,其次医生不准开私人诊所,什么周末假日就关门不看诊的,统统都得在医院上班,周末假日夜班都得轮,这样把医生护士当牛马才可能像国内那么高效率运转。
真滴是。 全民医保只有等等等。
双轨,公私合营, 尤其是美国现在是私营为主, 国营能 cover 30% 就不错了。
普通的职业学费为啥这么贵?还有这么长的低收入resident 培养时期?医生的physician insurance 也很贵,还有很多的paperwork, 行业regulation,从业成本很高。要改变的地方多了。不是简单的多招生减薪就行了,只要是个医生,就得面临一样的运营成本