那些因为鸡蛋价格而投票支持MAGA的那些蠢穷人,准备好了musk这种billionaire治国了吗? UnitedHealth CEO今天做的这个妖,只是Jan 20的前菜. CEO亲自发信要求员工去冒充病人给UnitedHealth刷好评 From UnitedHealth CEO Andrew Witty: Dec 12, 2024 Messages of Support from the People We Serve "I was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year and have been in treatment ever since. I'm cancer free due to the incredible care that I received, and it was because I have UnitedHealthcare benefits, that I was able to receive that care. I'm thankful to UHC and everyone there who works within a broken system to help as many people as they can." "I do not need any help, I just wanted to express to UHC my condolences to everyone in the loss of your CEO. He was a fair-minded leader whom I appreciated very much! Prayers to all of you as you navigate this loss at a very busy time. I am doing well and appreciate all the help I have received from Agent Support at UHC during this AEP. I am most grateful and it has been my privilege to work with UHC for the last 17 years! Thank you for your excellent service to me and more importantly to my clients. I am grateful." "Thank you so much and rest in heaven ... I don't know why somebody did that ... but prayers going up and y'all just keep going 'cause you guys got good customer service and I like your healthcare, so I'm not going to switch." "I have been a member of UHC for many years. I am very sad that his life was cut short. UHC is the best coverage above all other companies ... May you find peace during this sad time. From a loyal member of the UHC family." "My condolences on the death of UHC CEO. So very sad that this world is so hateful. I have always had great experiences with UHC — thank you for the terrific service." "I wanted to let you know that I appreciate all the diligent work [you] did in helping me get a medication that I desperately need. And to give some positive feedback considering the climate and everything happening at United right now, I want to be a member that says there are good people at United. They really do care." This message is to all UnitedHealth Group, Optum and UnitedHealthcare employees. For internal use only. Do not forward or share outside the company.
i can’t believe it. This would be committing fraud. I hope this is verifiable though. My goodness. This Andrew guys sounds like a shameless hack, from his English in his email in another thread. I need to google this.
UnitedHealth CEO今天做的这个妖,只是Jan 20的前菜. CEO亲自发信要求员工去冒充病人给UnitedHealth刷好评
From UnitedHealth CEO Andrew Witty:
Dec 12, 2024
Messages of Support from the People We Serve
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year and have been in treatment ever since. I'm cancer free due to the incredible care that I received, and it was because I have UnitedHealthcare benefits, that I was able to receive that care. I'm thankful to UHC and everyone there who works within a broken system to help as many people as they can."
"I do not need any help, I just wanted to express to UHC my condolences to everyone in the loss of your CEO. He was a fair-minded leader whom I appreciated very much! Prayers to all of you as you navigate this loss at a very busy time. I am doing well and appreciate all the help I have received from Agent Support at UHC during this AEP. I am most grateful and it has been my privilege to work with UHC for the last 17 years! Thank you for your excellent service to me and more importantly to my clients. I am grateful."
"Thank you so much and rest in heaven ... I don't know why somebody did that ... but prayers going up and y'all just keep going 'cause you guys got good customer service and I like your healthcare, so I'm not going to switch."
"I have been a member of UHC for many years. I am very sad that his life was cut short. UHC is the best coverage above all other companies ... May you find peace during this sad time. From a loyal member of the UHC family."
"My condolences on the death of UHC CEO. So very sad that this world is so hateful. I have always had great experiences with UHC — thank you for the terrific service."
"I wanted to let you know that I appreciate all the diligent work [you] did in helping me get a medication that I desperately need. And to give some positive feedback considering the climate and everything happening at United right now, I want to be a member that says there are good people at United. They really do care."
This message is to all UnitedHealth Group, Optum and UnitedHealthcare employees. For internal use only. Do not forward or share outside the company.
那些愚蠢的支持MAGA billionaire治国的傻穷人,准备好了吗?
你是病人,你会用词“UHC family”?
美国人说family很正常。 AEP 就是Annual Enrollment Period,在美国上班的都懂是什么意思。 你这是不是暴露自己没在美国上过班?
=================== Update: 一群人误解我的意思成"在美国上班的都懂AEP什么意思"。 我不是那个意思。 我的原意是在美国上班的都懂Annual Enrollment Period什么意思。 这是在美国上班的人都要参与的东西,不是什么医疗保险人员才会接触到的用语,有人用他们自己公司的缩写AEP写出来不是很正常吗。
哈哈哈 川粉果然大批出动洗地来了
我们都知道annual enrollment 但是没人会把AEP挂嘴边
我不知道。我们叫open enrollment。没听说过AEP
我大惊失色,我确实不知道AEP,每年被催做enrollment。 我在平行世界里
enroll 20多年的人从来没听说过AEP.. 听着好像是insider terminology/acronym usage …
但是我和Luigi不一样的是,我现在已经黑化了,我no longer give a f,我现在挺疮,我挺billionaire治国,musk明年1月20号就开始砍掉你们穷疮粉基本福利,转手给我一年额外减税10多万,我为啥不高兴呢?
social security medicare我根本不不在乎,光deferred compensation退休就够了,别说其他NW
所以你也别讽刺我了,MAGA的billionaire治国,我们这个阶层比你靠social security Medicare 的穷疮粉日子滋润多了。我希望 MAGA完全按照project 2025来吧,billionaire治国 MAGA!
你拉倒吧,就没几个人知道aep 代表那玩意儿
我还可以说是American emergency physicians呢
哈哈暗示😂。估计开始理解错了英文只好自圆其说? LZ这贴是给反UH的人招黑。
把自己跟Luigi相提并论?😂 挺会抓时机
不知道为啥对UHC恶意这么大。我们公司用的就是UHC,我觉得没啥问题。队友的公司用的是BCBS。BCBS的network好,claim可能宽松些,但保费要高很多。这个东西都是一份价钱一份货。我的确在UHC的claim被denial过一次,因为在ER的Service里面有一个是out of network, 结果appeal一下也就过了。
+1. 支持楼主。从楼主过去的文章能看出楼主是一个没有私心 目光长远的人。华人中竟然有这么多川粉真是让人痛心疾首
Update: 抬头看楼主ID 这不是那位著名L8吗?