是 partial finger print from a water bottle,没有 murder weapon finger prints. 所以他律师说到现在为止没有看到任何 strong evidence.
- In many jurisdictions, the admissibility of fingerprint evidence, including partial prints, depends on the standards of forensic analysis and the qualifications of the expert witness. - Courts often require a threshold level of certainty before such evidence can be used for conviction. 所以这种partial finger prints能不能被court纳入证据还不一定
Police said a 3D-printed gun and suppressor found in Mangione's backpack at the time of his arrest was consistent with the weapon used to shoot and kill Thompson. Sometimes called a "ghost gun," this kind of firearm can be made at home using a 3D printer and lacks a serial number, which makes tracking difficult. consistent 不是 matching, 3D printer 既是人人都可以制造,没有 serial number 既是不能确定。 所以既是啥证据也不是。
Police said a 3D-printed gun and suppressor found in Mangione's backpack at the time of his arrest was consistent with the weapon used to shoot and kill Thompson. Sometimes called a "ghost gun," this kind of firearm can be made at home using a 3D printer and lacks a serial number, which makes tracking difficult. consistent 不是 matching, 3D printer 既是人人都可以制造,没有 serial number 既是不能确定。 所以既是啥证据也不是。
"The gun found on the man charged with killing United Healthcare’s CEO matched shell casings found at the site of the shooting, New York City’s police commissioner said Wednesday as authorities scrutinized evidence and the suspect’s experiences with the victim’s industry." https://apnews.com/article/unitedhealthcare-ceo-killing-charges-extradition-64ba21747f41c3a81f661900e797b6d7
这张是住纽约 hostel 的疑犯
这张是麦当劳抓到的 Luigi
Luigi 在法庭外大叫他们在侮辱美国人民的智商,难道是真的?
我一开始就觉得不会是一个人,而是一群有同样ideology的年轻人一起完成的任务。就说开完枪,枪手只在短短的十几分钟没有录像,因为在central park,他是怎么做到又扔了backpack,又过了十几个街区,最后又出现在录像视野,然后上了计程车,结果计程车里穿的jacket又不是枪手的jacket,mask也换成surgical mask了。那个自行车找到了吗?
82 岁老太太,凭一张完全不像的照片,就可以认出疑犯?
是 partial finger print from a water bottle,没有 murder weapon finger prints.
所以他律师说到现在为止没有看到任何 strong evidence.
脑洞大开了 😄
有可能是decoy. 去麦当劳前把口罩和帽子取掉,估计没人会认出来。
Water bottle 这个不能算strong evidence
- In many jurisdictions, the admissibility of fingerprint evidence, including partial prints, depends on the standards of forensic analysis and the qualifications of the expert witness. - Courts often require a threshold level of certainty before such evidence can be used for conviction.
所以这种partial finger prints能不能被court纳入证据还不一定
不要瞎分析 小心被人告去了court
Police said a 3D-printed gun and suppressor found in Mangione's backpack at the time of his arrest was consistent with the weapon used to shoot and kill Thompson.
Sometimes called a "ghost gun," this kind of firearm can be made at home using a 3D printer and lacks a serial number, which makes tracking difficult.
consistent 不是 matching, 3D printer 既是人人都可以制造,没有 serial number 既是不能确定。
free speech 啊朋友!
其实媒体挺让人失望的,为啥不去采访被保险公司害了的人,成天围绕着Luigi抓人老底,结果所有认识他的人没一个说他不好的。挖不出来媒体就说他是个privileged kid,然后把那个ceo描述成一个草根出身,我觉得他们不把这个上升到阶级矛盾不罢休。结果我等平民不上当。
"The gun found on the man charged with killing United Healthcare’s CEO matched shell casings found at the site of the shooting, New York City’s police commissioner said Wednesday as authorities scrutinized evidence and the suspect’s experiences with the victim’s industry."
Zza ne