资本只需放贷,就可以通过利息永无止境的收割了。 Amount of medical debt: According to the KFF, U.S. residents owe at least $220 billion in medical debt. Total credit card balances rose 5.8% from a year ago, to $1.14 trillion, according to a recent New York Fed report. Americans owe $1.74 trillion in student loan debt As of September 2024, the total mortgage debt in the United States was $12.59 trillion. As of the third quarter of 2024, total household debt in the United States was $17.94 trillion, a record high:
资本只需放贷,就可以通过利息永无止境的收割了。 Amount of medical debt: According to the KFF, U.S. residents owe at least $220 billion in medical debt. Total credit card balances rose 5.8% from a year ago, to $1.14 trillion, according to a recent New York Fed report. Americans owe $1.74 trillion in student loan debt As of September 2024, the total mortgage debt in the United States was $12.59 trillion. As of the third quarter of 2024, total household debt in the United States was $17.94 trillion, a record high: laohua001 发表于 2024-12-09 16:43
Q "USA Wealth Report 2024 For immediate release: New York, Tuesday 19 March 2024 " Despite serious concerns over the state of the union with a Biden–Trump presidential election rematch now underway, the USA remains the world’s undisputed leader in private wealth creation and accumulation. America accounts for 32% of global liquid investable wealth — a colossal USD 67 trillion, according to the 2024 USA Wealth Report published by global wealth advisory firm Henley & Partners in partnership with New World Wealth. The USA is currently home to 37% of the world’s millionaires: some 5.5 million high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) who hold over USD 1 million in liquid investable assets. This number has risen by an impressive 62% over the past decade, well ahead of the worldwide growth rate of 38%. UQ
<America accounts for 32% of global liquid investable wealth — a colossal USD 67 trillion>
Q " Ultra-wealthy now worth A$75 trillion thanks to rallying equities "
Quick stats Globally, the ultra-wealthy account for: US$118 billion of personal luxury goods spend, equivalent to 30% of the world’s total spend. US$190 billion of philanthropic donations, equivalent to 38% of all giving by individuals. US$38 trillion of investable assets, equivalent to 32% of global assets under management. ... Top 10 ultra-wealthy countries The United States (147,950 UHWNs) China (46,060 UHWNs) Germany (22,210 UHWNs) Japan (16,565 UHWNs) UK (15,640 UHWNs) France (13,655 UHWNs) Canada (13,330 UHWNs) Hong Kong (12,545 UHWNs) Italy (10,480 UHWNs) India (9,540 UHWNs) UQ
laohua001 发表于 2024-12-09 16:43 资本只需放贷,就可以通过利息永无止境的收割了。 Amount of medical debt: According to the KFF, U.S. residents owe at least $220 billion in medical debt. Total credit card balances rose 5.8% from a year ago, to $1.14 trillion, according to a recent New York Fed report. Americans owe $1.74 trillion in student loan debt As of September 2024, the total mortgage debt in the United States was $12.59 trillion. As of the third quarter of 2024, total household debt in the United States was $17.94 trillion, a record high:
Amount of medical debt: According to the KFF, U.S. residents owe at least $220 billion in medical debt.
Total credit card balances rose 5.8% from a year ago, to $1.14 trillion, according to a recent New York Fed report.
Americans owe $1.74 trillion in student loan debt
As of September 2024, the total mortgage debt in the United States was $12.59 trillion.
As of the third quarter of 2024, total household debt in the United States was $17.94 trillion, a record high:
人家欧洲一年年假至少三十天。 各种福利。
不能和平改良,最后肯定要暴力革命。欧洲资本家比较开明r一些。 美国资本家可能属于暴发户,心里黑暗的很。
由 konichiwa楼主 » 1 分钟前 可耻
Q "USA Wealth Report 2024 For immediate release: New York, Tuesday 19 March 2024 "
Despite serious concerns over the state of the union with a Biden–Trump presidential election rematch now underway, the USA remains the world’s undisputed leader in private wealth creation and accumulation. America accounts for 32% of global liquid investable wealth — a colossal USD 67 trillion, according to the 2024 USA Wealth Report published by global wealth advisory firm Henley & Partners in partnership with New World Wealth. The USA is currently home to 37% of the world’s millionaires: some 5.5 million high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) who hold over USD 1 million in liquid investable assets. This number has risen by an impressive 62% over the past decade, well ahead of the worldwide growth rate of 38%. UQ
这次出来说话的政客,民主党的共和党的,全是谴责刺客的。包括明州那个Walz,开口就是我认识CEO,要严惩杀手。他这还是所谓“平民政客”,神马玩意儿。之前还替他辩护因为他尊重女性呢,其实也是个joke。这些人靠忽悠上台,位置坐上了根本不听你选民说什么。 再一次提醒自己看清楚,不管什么党派的,不要对这些人抱有幻想,不要投入任何个人感情,不要用自己的幻想project到他们身上,也完全没有必要为了这些政客互相攻击。不管trump派还是biden派还是harris派,一旦从政,跟我们很多根本利益就是冲突的。选民跟他们只有利用关系,他们绝对不是什么良师益友知心大姐。如果以为他们是,全是自欺欺人
Q 1955年西德加入北约后,欧洲社会主义阵营国家(包括德意志民主共和国即东德)签署了《华沙公约》,(又称苏东条约)。该条约由原苏联领导人赫鲁晓夫起草,1955年5月14日在波兰首都华沙签署,东欧社会主义国家除南斯拉夫以外,全部加入华约组织;在亚洲方面,除中华人民共和国和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国之外,其他社会主义国家都是华约组织观察员国。 UQ
只有Bernie Sanders偶尔还会替穷人说几句话!可是他却出不了线!
<America accounts for 32% of global liquid investable wealth — a colossal USD 67 trillion>
Q " Ultra-wealthy now worth A$75 trillion thanks to rallying equities "
Quick stats Globally, the ultra-wealthy account for:
US$118 billion of personal luxury goods spend, equivalent to 30% of the world’s total spend. US$190 billion of philanthropic donations, equivalent to 38% of all giving by individuals. US$38 trillion of investable assets, equivalent to 32% of global assets under management. ...
Top 10 ultra-wealthy countries The United States (147,950 UHWNs) China (46,060 UHWNs) Germany (22,210 UHWNs) Japan (16,565 UHWNs) UK (15,640 UHWNs) France (13,655 UHWNs) Canada (13,330 UHWNs) Hong Kong (12,545 UHWNs) Italy (10,480 UHWNs) India (9,540 UHWNs)
我就想知道他们什么时候能反应过来社会主义不是他们的敌人。 这次事件刚发生的时候,Reddit上一开始确实有人先骂左派(刺客),但慢慢的声音就变了,现在基本上不管左右都是支持这个小伙子的
Q Top 10 ultra-wealthy countries The United States (147,950 UHWNs) China (46,060 UHWNs)
经济奴隶的感觉都没体会到?是因为你混的太好了top 1%?
主义的意思所有的东西都以这个为根本。资本主义,就是资本运作为根本的体系,自然所有的运作和产物都是以这个为前提。同理,社会主义,就是以政府为中心的发展方式。这些体系都需要有制衡,和平衡的因素,否则就会脱离人民的需要,走向极端。美国缺少的正是政府的介入开始关心普通人的生活,以大多数人的利益为先。美国还在以资本家为中心,渐渐地社会贫富分化,竞争激烈,导致各种混乱。但现在很多人看到政府帮助穷人,就像要他命一样。不顾多数人利益,疯狂赚钱的资本家,多收他点税却是万万使不得。 当然了,中国那套独裁也不可取,政府权力太大,失去自由和活力。而且最后变成了当官的疯狂为自己争取利益,最后得益的并不是人民,而是有权力的人。 没办法,这就是人的自私本质,不管是利用资本还是利用权力,只要系统如此设置,就会出现相应的问题。