很多啦,没时间都写。先开个头吧。Free market的精髓来自于mutual consent without undue coercion. 也就是买卖双方都出于自愿,而没有来自一方或政府的胁迫。Libertarians call it the non-aggression principle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-aggression_principle Freedom不是你想干啥就干啥。Freedom必须建立在别人不受侵害的基础上,所谓The freedom of your fist stops at the tip of my nose.
Free To Choose: The Original 1980 TV Series In these programs, which first aired on January 11, 1980, Dr. Friedman focuses on basic principles. How do markets work? Why has socialism failed? Can government help economic development? The 1980 version consists of 10 one-hour programs. https://www.freetochoosenetwork.org/programs/free_to_choose/index_80.php
fridec2 发表于 2024-12-07 17:10 Free To Choose: The Original 1980 TV Series In these programs, which first aired on January 11, 1980, Dr. Friedman focuses on basic principles. How do markets work? Why has socialism failed? Can government help economic development? The 1980 version consists of 10 one-hour programs. https://www.freetochoosenetwork.org/programs/free_to_choose/index_80.php
Ironically, Friedman was the brain behind the tax withholding system in the United States: i.e. the government takes a piece off every one of your paycheck BEFORE you even see a penny of it. Take a look at your tax form, how would it change your political leaning if you have to write ONE BIG CHECK each year on April 15th? Or better yet, if Americans have to write those big tax payment checks the week BEFORE election day?
fridec2 发表于 2024-12-07 17:10 Free To Choose: The Original 1980 TV Series In these programs, which first aired on January 11, 1980, Dr. Friedman focuses on basic principles. How do markets work? Why has socialism failed? Can government help economic development? The 1980 version consists of 10 one-hour programs. https://www.freetochoosenetwork.org/programs/free_to_choose/index_80.php
我先抛砖引玉一下下,仅自学过一点经济,只有点皮毛知识。我也只能问些泛而简单的问题: 1、就像讲个人Freedom 一样是有前提条件并不是说你想干啥就干啥。Free market 的前提或是先决条件是什么? 2、Free market 的优劣、尤其是有没有什么劣根性? 理解了劣根性才会避免把好东西搞坏。 3、中国free market的实施:那些比较好的方面,那些不好的方面?高屋建瓴的回答即可。 4、美国Free market 的实施:那些比较好的方面,那些不好的方面?高屋建瓴的回答即可
再次声明:懂经济的来回答哈。 那些“我觉得”之类的回答就算了。大家都有“觉得”这些认知,还因为信息茧房的问题觉得很不一样。希望此帖能有清新空气,帮助我们普通群众涨见识知识,走出哪怕一点点信息茧房。感谢!
Freedom不是你想干啥就干啥。Freedom必须建立在别人不受侵害的基础上,所谓The freedom of your fist stops at the tip of my nose.
喜欢这个说法: 简明扼要的说出来精髓。你拳头的自由建立在他必在我鼻头前停住。
Free market 的“度”在哪里?
In these programs, which first aired on January 11, 1980, Dr. Friedman focuses on basic principles. How do markets work? Why has socialism failed? Can government help economic development? The 1980 version consists of 10 one-hour programs.
Ironically, Friedman was the brain behind the tax withholding system in the United States: i.e. the government takes a piece off every one of your paycheck BEFORE you even see a penny of it. Take a look at your tax form, how would it change your political leaning if you have to write ONE BIG CHECK each year on April 15th? Or better yet, if Americans have to write those big tax payment checks the week BEFORE election day?
感谢推荐 不错👍