this is for etrade, fidelity should have something similar. THROUGH THE SECURITIES INVESTOR PROTECTION CORPORATION (SIPC) Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is a member of SIPC.SIPC protects customer accounts up to $500,000 (including $250,000 for cash only). Morgan Stanley (ultimate parent) also maintains additional insurance with an aggregate firmwide cap of $1 billion for securities and a $1.9 million per client limit for uninvested cash. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC clients are covered under the Morgan Stanley excess of SIPC supplemental insurance policy. Please be advised that you may obtain information about SIPC, including the SIPC brochure, by contacting SIPC at 202-371-8300 or by visiting
Excess of SIPC In addition to SIPC protection, Fidelity provides its brokerage customers with additional "excess of SIPC" coverage. The excess coverage would only be used when SIPC coverage is exhausted. Like SIPC, excess protection does not cover investment losses in customer accounts, including losses due to market fluctuation. For example, fraud claims would not be covered if the brokerage firm was still in operation. Total aggregate excess of SIPC coverage available through Fidelity's excess of SIPC policy is $1 billion. Within Fidelity's excess of SIPC coverage, there is no per customer dollar limit on coverage of securities, but there is a per customer limit of $1.9 million on coverage of cash awaiting investment. This is the maximum excess of SIPC protection currently available in the brokerage industry.
vanguard和fidelity都有,前者越来越难用,感觉是founder John Bogle去世以后,这个vanguard就不是以前的简单费用低的vanguard了。我还想着把vanguard的钱都转去fidelity呢,但是在vanguard关闭账户还要charge $100(我有3个账户,就是$300!),算了吧。
laserist 发表于 2024-12-08 12:01 vanguard和fidelity都有,前者越来越难用,感觉是founder John Bogle去世以后,这个vanguard就不是以前的简单费用低的vanguard了。我还想着把vanguard的钱都转去fidelity呢,但是在vanguard关闭账户还要charge $100(我有3个账户,就是$300!),算了吧。
查了下是今年七月一日的新政策,网上一些用户说收到过通知,但我没收到。从条文看似乎把账户设置成e-delivery就不收这个钱了。不知你问过客服吗? Vanguard Brokerage Services charges a $100 fee to close an account and transfer assets to another firm, unless the account holder meets certain criteria: Has at least $5 million in qualifying Vanguard assets Has a brokerage account enrolled in a Vanguard-affiliated advisory service Has an organization or trust account registered under an employee identification number (EIN) Has elected e-delivery of statements, annual privacy policy notice, confirmations, reports, prospectuses, proxy materials, and notices, amendments, and other important account updates
班上用vanguard的多吗,好不好用?我有chase 的投资账户,极其难用,完全不推荐,但凡好用一点我都不会想新开vanguard。
我这俩都有。fidelity 好用很多。
THROUGH THE SECURITIES INVESTOR PROTECTION CORPORATION (SIPC) Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is a member of SIPC. SIPC protects customer accounts up to $500,000 (including $250,000 for cash only).
Morgan Stanley (ultimate parent) also maintains additional insurance with an aggregate firmwide cap of $1 billion for securities and a $1.9 million per client limit for uninvested cash. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC clients are covered under the Morgan Stanley excess of SIPC supplemental insurance policy. Please be advised that you may obtain information about SIPC, including the SIPC brochure, by contacting SIPC at 202-371-8300 or by visiting
都在其实不安全,因为保险上限有限. 唯一的地方就是如果你通过fidelity买各家的CD 的话,CD 的保险都是各家保的,那就可以远远超过25w的上限.
国家信用做担保? 拉倒吧
银行存款fdic 都不是国家信用, 因为它只有129b 的钱。真到fidelity, vanguard, ms 不行了, 就是天塌下来了,黄金食物枪支才是硬通货
我以前认识的一位老人家,就是在各个银行开户,每个银行存保险最高上限,好像当时是25万 fidelity应该算是自动给客户这么做了,但是账号还是一个,客户比较省心
看来跟 etrade 是一样的。
不要为了利息(差)的蝇头小利,借太多的钱,几个房子free and clear,再optimize你的portfolio不迟
我转过一次 RSU, 是对的。 以防万一, 最好把原来的做一次 download.
超过25k fidelity会reimburse的。我也有点想转了
Vanguard Brokerage Services charges a $100 fee to close an account and transfer assets to another firm, unless the account holder meets certain criteria: Has at least $5 million in qualifying Vanguard assets Has a brokerage account enrolled in a Vanguard-affiliated advisory service Has an organization or trust account registered under an employee identification number (EIN) Has elected e-delivery of statements, annual privacy policy notice, confirmations, reports, prospectuses, proxy materials, and notices, amendments, and other important account updates
Vanguard 的trust account, 就有限制,只能交给他们的personal advisor管理,不能自己管理。操作也比较慢。
Schwab,还没有自己操作买卖过其他股票。但他家的利息比fidelity 低不少。不知道是不是我操作不对。
那么这是不是说 Broker 账户就没有倒闭风险(注意我是说倒闭风险,不是投资风险,Broker 账上客户的投资风险,客户自己承担)。
首先 Custodian Company 有可能倒闭,但在 Custodian Company 里客户账户也是和 Company 自己账户分开,再加上 Custodian Company 不使用客户资产投资,所以风险也很小。
其次 Fraud。这是 Broker 账户上因信誉风险亏钱的最大原因。比如 FTX 曾今是在巴哈马注册的全球最大数字货币 Broker,但是由于 巴哈马政府监管不严,FTX 偷偷使用客户 Custodian Account 里的钱财进行再投资,投资亏损后,客户资产受到非法的损失,最后公司破产。后来美国政府强行把 FTX 老板从巴哈马搞回美国判刑。 但是 Fidelity Investment 是美国公司,美国监管部门会要求 Fidelity Investment 这种公司每天至少一次汇报 Custodian 账户上的情况,查看客户资产有无被挪用(这里 AI 起了大作用,大大减少了工作量)
还有一个特殊的风险,这是 Fidelity 具有的。Fidelity 集团自己有一个 Custodian Company 叫 National Financial Services LLC, 而 Fidelity Investment 使用自己集团里的 Custodian Company, 这点多少有点膈应。相反 Vanguard,除了 IRA account, 其他账户使用 Nowport Trust,JP Morgan, State Street, 和 Bank of New York Mellon。所以 Vanguard 的 Custodian Service 用的是多个独立的其他公司。这里使用 Fidelity Investment 的投资者应该知道。
至于SIPC 和其他Broker保险的问题,是和 FDIC 银行保险不一样的,真实的意义比较复杂。
首先。如上面所说, Broker 倒闭后绝大多数的情况下不会影响到客户,所以保险成本本身也不高,多少是 Broker的噱头。
其次,也是更关键的一点,Broker 客户资产的价格怎样计算会非常复杂,它不像银行里的资产,本身就是美元计价,资产数额一目了然。Broker Account 里许多都是非 Cash 资产,值多少钱就成问题。一般 Boker Custodian Account 里真有损失,那资产一定被盗用,所以赔偿时是不可能原资产赔偿(即使原资产赔偿也会发生在 Holding period 股市暴降造成严重亏损的问题),一般是按某天的收盘价做 snap shot,换算成美元金额赔偿。由于 Broker 倒闭 Account 被查封后,有许多 legal battle,你也不知道啥时候 take snap shot,你的资产在里面动也动不了,每天看着股市跌跌涨涨,也不知道到底能拿回多少钱。FTX 倒闭后,客户巨亏,take 了一个 snap shot,但是资产一直被冻结,比特币当时暴跌也卖不了。一直到今年在开始正式赔偿,结果由于比特币暴涨,客户发现最后的赔偿远高于 take snap shot 时的价值。但是这事情也完全可能反过来。所以 不要以为 SPIC 可以"保护“你认为的财产,到时候你财产的价值会取决于很多因素,并非你认为的价值。
我并非黑那家 Broker,其实我40%的资产也在 Fidelity 里,而且多年来对他们的服务非常满意,我也推荐这家 Broker,但是要知道事实和真正的风险。
自己记录买进价,转后修改cost base
请问什么是trust account?