,H5N1%20virus%20in%20dairy%20milk. 10/3/2024 - Silo Study Since the onset of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5N1 (H5N1) outbreak in dairy cattle earlier this year, researchers across the federal and state governments have been working to understand the prevalence of H5N1 in the U.S. milk supply. This week, states were invited to participate in a new study that will generate data to aid in the understanding of the prevalence of H5N1 in bulk raw cow’s milk received by dairy processing facilities across the nation. Dubbed “the silo study,” the information garnered from this research can help inform the national strategy to control the spread of the virus to other dairy cattle and avian flocks, and to identify any viral transformations. Beginning October 28, Grade “A” raw cow’s milk from participating states intended to be pasteurized will be sampled from raw milk storage silos at dairy processing facilities, over a six-week period. This double-blinded study is designed for data-gathering purposes only, with no intent or means of traceback or trace forward. Neither participating nor non-participating states or facilities will be identified as part of this project. Samples will be collected, double blinded, and sent to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Veterinary Services Laboratory for analysis. A robust milk sampling program exists within the regulatory framework of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) and the federal-state cooperative Grade “A” milk program. The silo study seeks to leverage the Grade “A” Milk Safety Cooperative Program and its members to further understand the prevalence of HPAI in cow’s milk that is sent for commercial processing and stored at dairy processing facilities prior to pasteurization. State participation in the silo study is voluntary, but it is hoped that states will want to contribute to this important project. The FDA, National Conference of Interstate Milk ShipmentsExternal Link Disclaimer (NCIMS), and USDA will review the results of the silo study and are committed to providing study results in the near future. The FDA’s ongoing assessments of the milk safety system continue to confirm that pasteurization is effective at eliminating infectious H5N1 virus in dairy milk. In addition to this silo study, the FDA is funding research activities (see the September 26 update) designed to ensure the continued effectiveness of the federal-state milk safety system. The FDA will continue to follow a sound, scientific process to inform the agency’s public health decisions related to milk safety during the first-of-its-kind outbreak of H5N1 in dairy cattle. The FDA remains committed to providing further updates on research efforts.
市面上还是有生牛奶制品的 State Secures Broad Voluntary Recall of Raw Milk and Cream to Protect Consumers December 3, 2024 NR24-044 Recall includes all Raw Farm, LLC raw milk and cream remaining on retail shelves; CDPH warns consumers against consuming any raw milk products from quarantined farm What You Need to Know: California has secured a broad, voluntary recall of all Raw Farm, LLC raw milk and cream products due to possible bird flu contamination. Californians are strongly encouraged not to consume any raw milk or cream products in their possession or still on store shelves. Pasteurized milk remains safe to drink.
最近的新闻: USDA orders testing across nation's milk supply amid rising bird flu cases
不都说政府部门没用吗?直接把usda cut掉吧。检验啥?听天由命。
那就不用担心了? 生牛奶很难看到
H5n1 这玩意儿总有一天会以当年Spanish flu 的方式卷土重来,干掉人类一半
得买 ultra pasturized,纸盒装的那种。
放凉了不就行了吗。 这么容易就新天地.
小时候喝的那种煮生奶对我来说好腥啊,所以我一直不爱喝。 印象中我平时都是喝奶粉的,奶粉泡的奶就不腥。
现在喝的消毒鲜奶就香喷喷的太好喝了,太感谢巴氏消毒了 我可一点也不怀念小时候那“厚厚的奶皮”,哈哈
10/3/2024 - Silo Study Since the onset of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5N1 (H5N1) outbreak in dairy cattle earlier this year, researchers across the federal and state governments have been working to understand the prevalence of H5N1 in the U.S. milk supply. This week, states were invited to participate in a new study that will generate data to aid in the understanding of the prevalence of H5N1 in bulk raw cow’s milk received by dairy processing facilities across the nation. Dubbed “the silo study,” the information garnered from this research can help inform the national strategy to control the spread of the virus to other dairy cattle and avian flocks, and to identify any viral transformations. Beginning October 28, Grade “A” raw cow’s milk from participating states intended to be pasteurized will be sampled from raw milk storage silos at dairy processing facilities, over a six-week period. This double-blinded study is designed for data-gathering purposes only, with no intent or means of traceback or trace forward. Neither participating nor non-participating states or facilities will be identified as part of this project. Samples will be collected, double blinded, and sent to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Veterinary Services Laboratory for analysis. A robust milk sampling program exists within the regulatory framework of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) and the federal-state cooperative Grade “A” milk program. The silo study seeks to leverage the Grade “A” Milk Safety Cooperative Program and its members to further understand the prevalence of HPAI in cow’s milk that is sent for commercial processing and stored at dairy processing facilities prior to pasteurization. State participation in the silo study is voluntary, but it is hoped that states will want to contribute to this important project. The FDA, National Conference of Interstate Milk ShipmentsExternal Link Disclaimer (NCIMS), and USDA will review the results of the silo study and are committed to providing study results in the near future. The FDA’s ongoing assessments of the milk safety system continue to confirm that pasteurization is effective at eliminating infectious H5N1 virus in dairy milk. In addition to this silo study, the FDA is funding research activities (see the September 26 update) designed to ensure the continued effectiveness of the federal-state milk safety system. The FDA will continue to follow a sound, scientific process to inform the agency’s public health decisions related to milk safety during the first-of-its-kind outbreak of H5N1 in dairy cattle. The FDA remains committed to providing further updates on research efforts.
State Secures Broad Voluntary Recall of Raw Milk and Cream to Protect Consumers December 3, 2024 NR24-044 Recall includes all Raw Farm, LLC raw milk and cream remaining on retail shelves; CDPH warns consumers against consuming any raw milk products from quarantined farm What You Need to Know: California has secured a broad, voluntary recall of all Raw Farm, LLC raw milk and cream products due to possible bird flu contamination. Californians are strongly encouraged not to consume any raw milk or cream products in their possession or still on store shelves. Pasteurized milk remains safe to drink.
我也很喜欢奶皮 你现在也可以煮啊 我会加一点红枣片 嘻嘻 可香了
我有一次在国内西北喝牛奶 特好喝 其他地方的奶掺水似的 没奶味