Maye Musk Having children is the greatest gift in your life. When Elon was born, we were in a small two bedroom apartment overlooking a garage. When Kimbal was born, we moved to a two bedroom apartment with a view. When Tosca was born, we moved to a two bedroom house. All in the same area. We didn’t go out for dinner nor to the movies. As my former-husband was promoted at the engineering firm, we upgraded our lifestyle. He then opened his own engineering firm, and we could move to a beautiful home in a better area. Children give you your greatest joy in the world. I never felt like I was sacrificing anything. As soon as I could afford some help in the house, I opened my dietetics practice in my home. My career was on hold for a short while, but so worth it. Have children, add v
Maye Musk Having children is the greatest gift in your life. When Elon was born, we were in a small two bedroom apartment overlooking a garage. When Kimbal was born, we moved to a two bedroom apartment with a view. When Tosca was born, we moved to a two bedroom house. All in the same area. We didn’t go out for dinner nor to the movies. As my former-husband was promoted at the engineering firm, we upgraded our lifestyle. He then opened his own engineering firm, and we could move to a beautiful home in a better area. Children give you your greatest joy in the world. I never felt like I was sacrificing anything. As soon as I could afford some help in the house, I opened my dietetics practice in my home. My career was on hold for a short while, but so worth it. Have children, add v
Maye Musk
Having children is the greatest gift in your life. When Elon was born, we were in a small two bedroom apartment overlooking a garage. When Kimbal was born, we moved to a two bedroom apartment with a view. When Tosca was born, we moved to a two bedroom house. All in the same area. We didn’t go out for dinner nor to the movies. As my former-husband was promoted at the engineering firm, we upgraded our lifestyle. He then opened his own engineering firm, and we could move to a beautiful home in a better area. Children give you your greatest joy in the world. I never felt like I was sacrificing anything. As soon as I could afford some help in the house, I opened my dietetics practice in my home. My career was on hold for a short while, but so worth it. Have children, add v
他本来就是秉承家教啊,the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
以前还挺喜欢她的 现在看她就烦,怎么生出elon这么个怪胎 还到处显摆
是哦, 有一个 Musk 那样的儿子, 做了首富, 肯定觉得什么都值了.
如果 Musk 是在街上的 homeless, 她会觉得是 gift 吗?
那她大可以说是in my life。 既然她这辈子最棒的就是生了孩子,那她凭什么站那里给天下其它人说教,是专业学习了还是亲自科研了,还是现在但凡有几个钱就可以出来传授真理了别人还不能嗤之以鼻了?