EXPENSE RATIO 差0.33%。 我在FIDELITY里买VUSXX, 说:This fund is closed to new investors. majia666 发表于 2024-12-06 10:15
why are you looking at expense ratio? 7 day sec yield already accounted for that. Anyway, I bought it from wellsfargo. you are already on fidelity definitely look into directly buy new short term treasury unless you don''t have state income tax.
why are you looking at expense ratio? 7 day sec yield already accounted for that. Anyway, I bought it from wellsfargo. you are already on fidelity definitely look into directly buy new short term treasury unless you don''t have state income tax. gocaigo8421 发表于 2024-12-06 10:23
我来喂你吧,反正我闲着没事: On fidelity.com: News & Research >> Fixed Income, Bonds&CDs >> New Issues >> Treasury >> Take Action (Trade, choose the bond you want to bid on) which will bring up this: chose Account and Quanity and Auto Roll flag. (be sure not to use the account your check clear with as during the roll your balance might go negative causing the check to bounce, this happens when the old and new position settlement date mismatch)
gocaigo8421 发表于 2024-12-06 10:48 我来喂你吧,反正我闲着没事: On fidelity.com: News & Research >> Fixed Income, Bonds&CDs >> New Issues >> Treasury >> Take Action (Trade, choose the bond you want to bid on) which will bring up this: chose Account and Quanity and Auto Roll flag. (be sure not to use the account your check clear with as during the roll your balance might go negative causing the check to bounce, this happens when the old and new position settlement date mismatch)
gocaigo8421 发表于 2024-12-06 10:48 我来喂你吧,反正我闲着没事: On fidelity.com: News & Research >> Fixed Income, Bonds&CDs >> New Issues >> Treasury >> Take Action (Trade, choose the bond you want to bid on) which will bring up this: chose Account and Quanity and Auto Roll flag. (be sure not to use the account your check clear with as during the roll your balance might go negative causing the check to bounce, this happens when the old and new position settlement date mismatch)
gocaigo8421 发表于 2024-12-06 10:48 我来喂你吧,反正我闲着没事: On fidelity.com: News & Research >> Fixed Income, Bonds&CDs >> New Issues >> Treasury >> Take Action (Trade, choose the bond you want to bid on) which will bring up this: chose Account and Quanity and Auto Roll flag. (be sure not to use the account your check clear with as during the roll your balance might go negative causing the check to bounce, this happens when the old and new position settlement date mismatch)
gocaigo8421 发表于 2024-12-06 14:30 short rate has come down and the trend is down. if you put the money in now, 7 day SEC yield likely is what you will be getting (if it is not less).
我刚查的。 VUSXX (EXPENSE 0.09%) vs. SPAXX (0.42%) VANGUARD 明显比FIDELITY高。 我就是想把现金换成这个。现金现在都低于4%。
7 day SEC yield 4.57%
VUSXX (EXPENSE 0.09%) vs. SPAXX (0.42%)
我有不少WMPXX, 似乎还有4.66, 但是就算是几米实在和其他的差别不大
你如果在fidelity上买一点不复杂,就买新发行的,查一下fed auction calendar然后直接在fidelity上买,同时可以设好是不是自动roll. 这样你没有任何capital gains (报税简单)。
EXPENSE RATIO 差0.33%。 我在FIDELITY里买VUSXX, 说:This fund is closed to new investors.
比买股票复杂多了, 回来学习一下
why are you looking at expense ratio? 7 day sec yield already accounted for that. Anyway, I bought it from wellsfargo.
you are already on fidelity definitely look into directly buy new short term treasury unless you don''t have state income tax.
这我倒不知道。难怪SPAXX 低了。0.33% 啊。
On fidelity.com:
News & Research >> Fixed Income, Bonds&CDs >> New Issues >> Treasury >> Take Action (Trade, choose the bond you want to bid on) which will bring up this:
chose Account and Quanity and Auto Roll flag. (be sure not to use the account your check clear with as during the roll your balance might go negative causing the check to bounce, this happens when the old and new position settlement date mismatch)
谢谢信息。 能不能再深入一点分析一下?提供点INSIGHT。 我只买股票以前, 不懂国债。看来是人生必修课啊。 再谢谢。
没啥INSIGHT,总的来说美国国债太高,估计长期国债趋于饱和所以大于10年的国债价格还会掉(yield goes up) 所以要买短期的,避免超长期的(比如20,30年)。国债不用交州税(但如果提早卖了或者从2手市场买可能会有capital gain/loss) 也没手续费。
TIPS 是inflation protected 也可以买(但是政府inflation数据有点瞎编),我有30年的TIPS, 2054年2月到期。
我刚看了下VANGUARD 的 BROEAKERAGE ACCOUNT的钱放在 VMFXX 里面, 5.18%。 我现在现金再DISCOVER BANK, 才3.8%。 觉得有必要动一下。
5.18%? 你是不是看错了?
https://investor.vanguard.com/investment-products/mutual-funds/profile/vmfxx 7 day SEC yield 4.56%
year yield. yours is weekly.
vanguard 不记得有过任何开户bonus. Fidelity/BOA/Citi/Chase/Wellsfargo/Schwab 有过。 3.8%太低了,开个vanguard把钱放那里吧, 苍蝇腿也是肉(😄)
short rate has come down and the trend is down. if you put the money in now, 7 day SEC yield likely is what you will be getting (if it is not less).
对。 银行不提供七天数字, 我就只好拿年利率来比,
T+1 is the settlement date.
这个卖的时候怎么操作,没看见sell, close之类的选项,好像只有bid?
刚看了一下FIDELITY SPAXX 是4.25%。 一万块钱差32块钱一年。
CD是固定利率,而VMFXX的利率随时在变,当前它的年利率是4.55%, 但是三个月或六个月后年利率是多少,只有天知道了,怎么比较?
7 day SEC yield 4.55%
买treasury bill自动roll over