看来这个枪击案是底层人民对腐败体制的反抗 Police release new photos as they search for the gunman who killed UnitedHealthcare CEO https://apnews.com/article/unitedhealthcare-ceo-manhattan-shooting-death-7f6581ba6b0b520938d82c361e77a83c
保险公司现在只cover规定时间的麻醉,不论手术有多长。如果银子不充足,准备手术半途醒来忍痛做完手术吧 麻醉师协会官网 https://www.asahq.org/about-asa/newsroom/news-releases/2024/11/anthem-blue-cross-blue-shield-will-not-pay-complete-duration-of-anesthesia-for-surgical-procedures Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Won’t Pay for the Complete Duration of Anesthesia for Patients’ Surgical Procedures Another Example of Insurers Putting Profits Over Patients CHICAGO – In an unprecedented move, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield plans representing Connecticut, New York and Missouri have unilaterally declared it will no longer pay for anesthesia care if the surgery or procedure goes beyond an arbitrary time limit, regardless of how long the surgical procedure takes. The American Society of Anesthesiologists calls on Anthem to reverse this proposal immediately. Anesthesiologists provide individualized care to every patient, carefully assessing the patient’s health prior to the surgery, looking at existing diseases and medical conditions to determine the resources and medical expertise needed, attending to the patient during the entire procedure, resolving unexpected complications that may arise and/or extend the duration of the surgery, and working to ensure that the patient is comfortable during recovery. Payment for anesthesia services is based on several factors, including the exact amount of time for anesthesiologists to deliver care preoperatively, during the operation, and when transitioning the patient to the recovery unit afterwards. With this new policy, Anthem will arbitrarily pre-determine the time allowed for anesthesia care during a surgery or procedure. If an anesthesiologist submits a bill where the actual time of care is longer than Anthem's limit, Anthem will deny payment for the anesthesiologist’s care. With this new policy, Anthem will not pay anesthesiologists for delivering safe and effective anesthesia care to patients who may need extra attention because their surgery is difficult, unusual or because a complication arises. “This is just the latest in a long line of appalling behavior by commercial health insurers looking to drive their profits up at the expense of patients and physicians providing essential care,” said Donald E. Arnold, M.D., FACHE, FASA. “It’s a cynical money grab by Anthem, designed to take advantage of the commitment anesthesiologists make thousands of times each day to provide their patients with expert, complete and safe anesthesia care. This egregious policy breaks the trust between Anthem and its policyholders who expect their health insurer to pay physicians for the entirety of the care they need.” ASA urges people concerned about Anthem’s proposal to contact their state insurance commissioner or their state legislator. In June 2024, Elevance Health, the corporate name for Anthem, reported a 24.12% increase in its year-over-year net income to $2.3 billion and a 24.29% increase in its year-over-year net profit margin. THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS Founded in 1905, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) is an educational, research and scientific society with more than 59,000 members organized to advance the medical practice of anesthesiology and secure its future. ASA is committed to ensuring anesthesiologists evaluate and supervise the medical care of all patients before, during, and after surgery. ASA members also lead the care of critically ill patients in intensive care units, as well as treat pain in both acute and chronic settings. For more information on the field of anesthesiology, visit the American Society of Anesthesiologists online at asahq.org. To learn more about how anesthesiologists help ensure patient safety, visit asahq.org/madeforthismoment. Like ASA on Facebook and follow ASALifelineon X.
🔥 最新回帖
这个自己也可以argue并且拒付。 我有同样经历。去看了specialist留了sample做test。 结果收到账单说lab oon,uhc不付。 我说选择哪个lab 不是我能control的。 最后我就没理那个账单了。 后来再去看那个医生时,他们说账单cleared,我没有欠钱了
美国医疗贵有很多很多原因: 医疗协会壁垒高不愿意大量引进外国医生;美国制药需要创新和研发, 这些R&D的成本是非常高的, 只能摊到病人身上;生活方式和饮食不健康, 造成医疗支出高; 美国无良律师天天盯着帮病人打官司, 造成医生的成本也特别高; 还有就是各种管理上ineffiency, 这其中就包括各个环节的高层和管理层 反正, 美国的医疗就是无解,要动太多人的利益了。 美国连个高铁都建不成因为会动很多人的蛋糕,改变医疗体系至少得50年
🛋️ 沙发板凳
太扯淡了。 很多国家都没single play,没啥保险公司,医疗比美国强百倍。
你不要那那些鸟不拉屎的国家来比较。即使是中国,也是要搞“医保”的。为什么,因为保险是negotiation power。只有保险公司可以和医疗机构、医生、药厂谈下价格,否则你个人怎么和人家谈?
这个人还挺有头脑的,知道杀高层才能解决问题。 而不是在底层恶斗。
明显是职业刺客的障眼法,老百姓能买到消声器? 老百姓能那么从容杀人潜逃。都是黑吃黑
医患本是双方关系,如果有政府规范,有行之有效的social welfare体系,为什么要养肥这些商业保险?羊毛出在羊身上。这些商业保险公司CXO的千万bonus难道不是大家的保险费里来的?这些商业保险公司自身产生什么价值?
你不用保险,用GoodRx, 也会有折扣价呀。
保险公司依靠(1)把大家的风险集中在一起,这样在一个时间段里只有少数人出状况,其他人的钱可以来支付这少数的状况(2)negotiation power,这样可以帮助所有的人压价。你觉得保险没用是因为你幸运的不属于那些少数的人。一旦需要了你就知道保险的价值了。
当年刚来美国 看 The Rainmaker, 觉得那些保险公司的高层, 被宰掉的话, 人民群众应该意见不大。
这么大的行业,这么大的公司,这么heavily regulated的行业,让你说的跟老鼠会似的?
Lol 一看就是没在美国待过的。那么多在版上求医问药的,孩子咳嗽几周都不去找医生的,你都忽略了。
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Won’t Pay for the Complete Duration of Anesthesia for Patients’ Surgical Procedures Another Example of Insurers Putting Profits Over Patients CHICAGO – In an unprecedented move, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield plans representing Connecticut, New York and Missouri have unilaterally declared it will no longer pay for anesthesia care if the surgery or procedure goes beyond an arbitrary time limit, regardless of how long the surgical procedure takes. The American Society of Anesthesiologists calls on Anthem to reverse this proposal immediately. Anesthesiologists provide individualized care to every patient, carefully assessing the patient’s health prior to the surgery, looking at existing diseases and medical conditions to determine the resources and medical expertise needed, attending to the patient during the entire procedure, resolving unexpected complications that may arise and/or extend the duration of the surgery, and working to ensure that the patient is comfortable during recovery. Payment for anesthesia services is based on several factors, including the exact amount of time for anesthesiologists to deliver care preoperatively, during the operation, and when transitioning the patient to the recovery unit afterwards. With this new policy, Anthem will arbitrarily pre-determine the time allowed for anesthesia care during a surgery or procedure. If an anesthesiologist submits a bill where the actual time of care is longer than Anthem's limit, Anthem will deny payment for the anesthesiologist’s care. With this new policy, Anthem will not pay anesthesiologists for delivering safe and effective anesthesia care to patients who may need extra attention because their surgery is difficult, unusual or because a complication arises. “This is just the latest in a long line of appalling behavior by commercial health insurers looking to drive their profits up at the expense of patients and physicians providing essential care,” said Donald E. Arnold, M.D., FACHE, FASA. “It’s a cynical money grab by Anthem, designed to take advantage of the commitment anesthesiologists make thousands of times each day to provide their patients with expert, complete and safe anesthesia care. This egregious policy breaks the trust between Anthem and its policyholders who expect their health insurer to pay physicians for the entirety of the care they need.” ASA urges people concerned about Anthem’s proposal to contact their state insurance commissioner or their state legislator. In June 2024, Elevance Health, the corporate name for Anthem, reported a 24.12% increase in its year-over-year net income to $2.3 billion and a 24.29% increase in its year-over-year net profit margin. THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS Founded in 1905, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) is an educational, research and scientific society with more than 59,000 members organized to advance the medical practice of anesthesiology and secure its future. ASA is committed to ensuring anesthesiologists evaluate and supervise the medical care of all patients before, during, and after surgery. ASA members also lead the care of critically ill patients in intensive care units, as well as treat pain in both acute and chronic settings. For more information on the field of anesthesiology, visit the American Society of Anesthesiologists online at asahq.org. To learn more about how anesthesiologists help ensure patient safety, visit asahq.org/madeforthismoment. Like ASA on Facebook and follow ASALifelineon X.
CVS 今天应声而动,把所有高管的照片从官网上删除。
我说的是发生在我身上的事情。我open enrollment 咨询他们说cover,然后等我做的时候拒保。
是的,所以我觉得要提醒那些过于乐观的人,别过度解读了out of pocket maximum.
哇, 这包括各种各样的保险业, 不光医疗保险吧 ?
请问你是哪家保险公司的? 为什么你的调调和那些PUA顾客付小费的waiter一样。没有小费制度就没有waiters,没有waiters就没人端盘子,所以我们都要饿死了。你的逻辑竟然一模一样诶
以后拍成电影,还要找摔g 演,因为杀手真的是摔g
今天bcbs 改口拉,不这么干啦
Md, 杀高层就是有用
这不是保险的问题,而是黑心医院的问题吧。in network 也好,out of network也好,凭啥给护士递张纸,就要charge 4000美金啊!还有比这更黑的吗?
我现在应该算是给manage 某个保险干活的一线。 病人有问题,相应的检查和referral 我们都approve。
但是无理要求不行。 比如有个病人有皮肤搔痒问题,发现就是shower完了没有冲干净soap。然后她要求我们给开organic soap或者shower gel。 最后被denied。她可以自己去买。
我做过一个MRI in network, 全是 in network,UHC 付了 MRI的钱,但是坚决deny 读MRI片子的钱,两轮appeal + Dr peer to peer review都不行。大约两年前的事情。
Lol, 我在美国住了二十几年,从小孩到老人的医生appointment 都是我在打理,从我家人在中国和在美国看医生的经历对比,美国的医疗更好,特别是指导标准定得好,美国有的药物也是全世界最先进的。小孩发烧超过三天直接去urgent care或者儿医都是当天看,从来没有说好几个星期。 要看专科医生的确有排队长的问题,保险的东西也的确复杂混乱。但一码归一码,这些不是美国人均寿命短的原因,美国人的生活习惯才是最大问题。
二十多年来UnitedHealth Group的雇员数增长了十几倍,似乎基本上就是不断并购其他医疗集团的结果。
虽然但是不能完全这么说。患者和医院的地位不对等, 就像打螺丝的和公司的关系。心急火燎地跑到医院, 让你付多少你得乖乖地付, 如果医患直接联系的话
得有枪才能解决高层 没枪只能底层恶斗,根本无法靠近高层
共和党的理念就是一个中世纪政党的理念, 以为资本会凭着良心, 公平竞争, 非常 naive.
脑子里每一个细胞都充满了愚昧。 资本是贪婪的, 嗜血的, 越大越贪婪, 跟癌细胞一样, 最后连自己一块儿杀死。
就得杀高层,p 民互害士兵自焚p 用没有
uhc 不仅仅开保险公司,还有膨大的医生group, 叫optum, 这是其他保险公司没有的
Optum 是医药网络。
我长期吃一个药,Entecavir 0.5mg, 国内很便宜的,一个月大约20人民币能搞定。Costco 三个月自费(不走保险)现金价格 大约 $80多,Optum 保险价格 in network是 一个月 $200,三个月$600。 我是high deductible HSA plan,前$3400刀完全自付,之后20% 到年度 cap。
如果走保险,这个药必须从Optum买, 价格翻了快8倍。从Costco(也是 in network RX store),不行,除非自己掏腰包付现金。
你说我是自费,还是不该自费去买这个药? (1) 全自费,一年$330, 但是啊,保险公司不count toward annual deductible. (2)不自费,光这个药,(这个自费现金 $330的),我走保险 in network discount price, 先自费掏$2400。唯一的好处是,算deductible
我问过医疗保险公司,去Costco这种(也是 in network)自己便宜买了,然后submit for reimbursement toward annual deductible, 不行。
一般来说,现金价格比 保险公司 in network价格稍微便宜点。如果买药,那便宜一大截。
如果你是在大公司工作的话,united healthcare只不过是替你的雇主管理保险计划并收取一定的服务费,和你交的月费没有关系。如果没有保险公司,你想让你的公司怎么向你提供医疗服务?就算完全免费,想看啥病就看啥病也得有人管吧?有人管就有保险计划和保险公司,雇主又不是傻子,自己管能省很多钱就不会外包给保险公司
解读MRI是radiologist,这个radiologist也in network被拒就不大合理了。