说的好像加州对美国其他州有海关边境似的 Donald Trump promised to sign "concealed carry reciprocity" legislation if he won a second term in office. The policy would allow gun owners with a concealed carry permit from one state to legally carry their weapons in other states. Every state in the U.S. permits some form of concealed carry, but the regulations can vary widely. Some states do not require a permit to carry concealed weapons, while others demand permits, stipulating certain conditions. States such as California and New York have particularly strict requirements.
为什么全国性通过gun control 就这么难!
加州。靠近Sacramento 那里🥺
首先全国性通过gun control,就是这么难。因为赞成与反对的势力基本上已经达到了平衡,要有实质的改变,当然难了。
其次,这仍然是极小概率事件(这也是前面那一条的原因之一)。 ‘
出了娘胎,gop说被枪杀是体现2修的必要性。 隔壁楼里还有说为枪支暴力洗地的。
Donald Trump promised to sign "concealed carry reciprocity" legislation if he won a second term in office.
The policy would allow gun owners with a concealed carry permit from one state to legally carry their weapons in other states. Every state in the U.S. permits some form of concealed carry, but the regulations can vary widely. Some states do not require a permit to carry concealed weapons, while others demand permits, stipulating certain conditions. States such as California and New York have particularly strict requirements.
看看其他发达国家,谁三天两头的有学校枪击? 隔壁说教育水平下降,你说学生从小练习在学校躲枪击,能有正面影响?
说明单一州禁枪还是不够, 另外抓到非法持枪判个20年就差不多了。
不是targeted,这个人跑去给为自己孩子enrollment的事找校长。 谈完话之后就枪击。
那是进学校的借口。 其实我一直觉得有天中文学校会被targeted