In cold weather: recommend this fleece from aritzia, I love the zipped pocket, so the cell phone or cards won''t drop out when driving and sit somewhere. in warm weather: zipped pocket with another hidden credit card pocket. With those pants, I don''t need any purse to go grocery shopping or gyms.
In cold weather: recommend this fleece from aritzia, I love the zipped pocket, so the cell phone or cards won't drop out when driving and sit somewhere. in warm weather: zipped pocket with another hidden credit card pocket. With those pants, I don't need any purse to go grocery shopping or gyms. TallynsReach 发表于 2024-12-06 00:21
回复 43楼 猪舌头 的帖子 sorry I post a wrong link, edited, polartec是cold weather穿的, I wear it at home ( so I can have the phone in zipped pocket), or hiking in park, or driving kids to school, or grocery shopping. No pilling warm weather pant: I like lululemon adapted state jogger ( it is high-rise, comfortable, the zipped pocket separated credit card pocket and normal pocket. when you take out the phone, the credit card won't slip out) , the fabric is smooth, no pilling, and breathable.
这是我冬天最常穿的裤子。有很多Aritzia。外面穿还行,比较厚。 想找稍微薄一点的。能直接穿到gym里也不热。下车到gym那一段冷点没关系。 Lululemon的试过没买。早晚穿太薄,去gym又厚了,而且裤腿太肥了。 Patagonia的挺好,不软但很舒服,也是有点厚,还有不那么好看。裤腿有点短。 本来找到gap,颜色又多又便宜又薄,结果口袋太浅了。平时穿一坐下来手机容易掉。然后就蒙了,居然没有合适的。 madewell以前买过,现在颜色不多了,而且薄的已经卖没了。 还有什么大家来推荐一下吧
版型、柔软极好。(相比Aritzia和lulu的scuba) 唯一问题:很长。
买lululemon口袋有拉链的款式,口袋里面还有弹性网纱的小兜,正好可以放下可以装信用卡。 各种面料,厚薄都有 类似还有arcteryx的hiking pants,也是厚薄款式都有,兜带拉链
Patagonia很舒服,但是裤型太难看了 Aritzia和Gap款式都有好看的, 但是细节不够,比如兜都没有拉链,腰的抽绳都不能塞里面
我喜欢lulu的adapted state fleece,完全符合我各种要求。只喜欢其中一个颜色,如果哪天打折我再买一条,再盼着出点新的颜色。还有其他类似厚度的款式推荐吗?
aritizia的fleece sweatpants 就有这个鼓包问题,特别严重,只能穿一季。不明白是为什么。
INSEAM 多长啊?我最多可以穿到31
今年就剩cozyfleece的boyfriend选择多了。有收腿的有宽腿的。还有mega系列裤腿更肥一点。 perfect fit的颜色不多。
Engineered Warmth Jogger很推荐,但今年没出 黑五有款打折的it is rulu run fleece也很类似adapted
31.5 量了一下
哇, Amazon这个颜色选择好多呀 ,这条跟去年的target神裤比起来如何,肥瘦长短?质地和挺括垂坠程度呢?review说pill easily、
怀念target神裤,简直像给我量身定做的一样,在家里光脚穿正好, 就是颜色都不好看
in warm weather: zipped pocket with another hidden credit card pocket.
With those pants, I don''t need any purse to go grocery shopping or gyms.
我也推荐一条平价的 Old Navy: High-Waisted Dynamic Fleece Joggers,昨天刚收到, 我是买了在家穿。喜欢它大部分成份是棉,两侧口袋有拉链,裤型不错,不松不紧,看review也不错,中等厚度,有几个颜色还挺好看的, 在想要不要再买别的颜色。同样的还有男式的。 家里的男孩高中生也很喜欢两侧口袋有拉链,装手机不会掉,就这一点完胜孩子们喜欢的那些运动品牌。
polartec是warm weather穿的?我挺喜欢的,怕热没买 不对啊你这俩link是一样的。麻烦看看是不是贴错了。看你描述的都是我需要的特点
是Old Navy, 加了link在帖子里。裤腿不觉得偏瘦,是jogger style.
old navy女裤jogger都太短了。。。比costco的fila都短。他家的我只能是春秋不冷的时候家里做饭穿穿
可能你个子很高。是的,它的regular 也就27 1/2" inseam, petite是25 1/2" petite inseam, tall是30 1/2" inseam。
我不高,162cm……但是old navy jogger我试过的穿过的都觉得好短,但我没试过tall的,而且我这身高也跟tall不沾边
sorry I post a wrong link, edited, polartec是cold weather穿的, I wear it at home ( so I can have the phone in zipped pocket), or hiking in park, or driving kids to school, or grocery shopping. No pilling
warm weather pant: I like lululemon adapted state jogger ( it is high-rise, comfortable, the zipped pocket separated credit card pocket and normal pocket. when you take out the phone, the credit card won't slip out) , the fabric is smooth, no pilling, and breathable.
刚想推荐old navy 的裤子 便宜好穿
应该不会 是不是你刚巧买了尺寸不对的裤子