Now, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found that Jolin is a 33-year-old also known as Keren Zhu, according to two people familiar with the couple and several public records. And most importantly, she happens to be a Michigan alum. Keren Zhu, also known as Jolin Zhu, was awarded a bachelor of arts degree in International Studies from Michigan on April 26, 2012, the school confirmed.
new york post 有报道,看看下面老美对33亚女嫁80岁五婚的埃利损的评论
相当于默多克/邓文迪那个层次,这种老头肯定对美国政经有一定影响力的,其实财富上Larry比默多克还有钱得多。搜了几个老头的net worth,直观感受一下: Larry Ellison 223.7B (As of November 13, 2024, he is the third-wealthiest person in the world, according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index) rudolph murdoch 22.7B Trump 5.5B
shijingshan 发表于 2024-12-03 23:10 new york post 有报道,看看下面老美对33亚女嫁80岁五婚的埃利损的评论
这个女的大学本科major international studies,文科生 Billionaire Larry Ellison’s wife, Jolin Zhu — who also goes by Keren Zhu — received a bachelor of arts degree in International Studies from Michigan in 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported.
买买提闲人 发表于 2024-12-04 21:11 这个女的大学本科major international studies,文科生 Billionaire Larry Ellison’s wife, Jolin Zhu — who also goes by Keren Zhu — received a bachelor of arts degree in International Studies from Michigan in 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported.
international studies到底是个什么专业? 猜 发表于 2024-12-04 22:20
不太清楚,类似于国关国际关系?然后分支出东亚研究、欧洲研究之类?狗了一下学习内容和就业方向,感觉版上不少熟眼的id是这方面行家哈 An international studies major is an interdisciplinary degree that provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the world''s cultures, nations, and challenges. Students learn about the political, economic, social, and historical forces that shape the world through a variety of subjects, including history, geography, religion, economics, politics, and foreign languages. Students who are interested in international studies may enjoy learning about other cultures and events happening on the global stage. They may also be creative problem solvers who are interested in tackling complex issues like human rights or economic inequality. Some potential career paths for international studies graduates include: diplomacy, government service, international business, non-profit organizations, journalism, international law, and humanitarian aid. Some programs may emphasize proficiency in a second language.
女的厉害, 两个娃,给娃花1千万买个玩具。 老头欣然答应加入 Then, Portnoy got a call. “I got a call from the Michigan football team,” Portnoy said. “They said, ‘Hey, there’s this donor who wants to talk to you.’ I said I’m doing this [landing Underwood] by myself, and I don’t need to talk to anybody. And they said, ‘Please, this woman is a big fan of Barstool and you; she’d love to talk to you. Her name is Jolin.’ … They said, ‘Oh, her husband is a guy by the name of Larry Ellison. Have you ever heard of him?’ Oh, Larry Ellison? Like, the No. 2 richest guy on the planet? Yeah, I’ll take that phone call.” Jolin Ellison is a Michigan alum. She talked via Zoom with Portnoy. “That night, we’re on a Zoom,” Portnoy said. “And we’re talking. … She said, ‘I never want to live that era [Brady Hoke, Michigan coach 2011-2014] ever again. We’re the national champs, I have two kids. I can’t stomach waking up on a Saturday knowing we’re not the best team on the field.’ “And I said, ‘I’m with you. What do we have to do?’ And she said, ‘I know what we’ll do. Let’s set up a call tomorrow night with Bryce Underwood and his parents.'” So the Ellisons and Portnoy talked to Underwood and his parents. It had to be a persuasive call, with a man of Ellison’s wealth and reputation actively recruiting the quarterback. “And we talked and we pitched Bryce,” Portnoy said. “And I said, ‘Listen, Barstool and the marketing. But more importantly Larry Ellison and Jolin — nobody can match this. This guy is a legend.’ And we pitched and we pitched.” The pitch worked. Underwood will reportedly earn between $10 million and $12 million over four years, according to various sources. The Ellisons and Portnoy weren’t the only outsiders recruiting the five-star QB. Former Michigan quarterback Tom Brady also reached out to the recruit to offer his help should Underwood head to Ann Arbor.
公用马甲33 发表于 2024-12-05 09:35 女的厉害, 两个娃,给娃花1千万买个玩具。 老头欣然答应加入 Then, Portnoy got a call. “I got a call from the Michigan football team,” Portnoy said. “They said, ‘Hey, there’s this donor who wants to talk to you.’ I said I’m doing this [landing Underwood] by myself, and I don’t need to talk to anybody. And they said, ‘Please, this woman is a big fan of Barstool and you; she’d love to talk to you. Her name is Jolin.’ … They said, ‘Oh, her husband is a guy by the name of Larry Ellison. Have you ever heard of him?’ Oh, Larry Ellison? Like, the No. 2 richest guy on the planet? Yeah, I’ll take that phone call.” Jolin Ellison is a Michigan alum. She talked via Zoom with Portnoy. “That night, we’re on a Zoom,” Portnoy said. “And we’re talking. … She said, ‘I never want to live that era [Brady Hoke, Michigan coach 2011-2014] ever again. We’re the national champs, I have two kids. I can’t stomach waking up on a Saturday knowing we’re not the best team on the field.’ “And I said, ‘I’m with you. What do we have to do?’ And she said, ‘I know what we’ll do. Let’s set up a call tomorrow night with Bryce Underwood and his parents.'” So the Ellisons and Portnoy talked to Underwood and his parents. It had to be a persuasive call, with a man of Ellison’s wealth and reputation actively recruiting the quarterback. “And we talked and we pitched Bryce,” Portnoy said. “And I said, ‘Listen, Barstool and the marketing. But more importantly Larry Ellison and Jolin — nobody can match this. This guy is a legend.’ And we pitched and we pitched.” The pitch worked. Underwood will reportedly earn between $10 million and $12 million over four years, according to various sources. The Ellisons and Portnoy weren’t the only outsiders recruiting the five-star QB. Former Michigan quarterback Tom Brady also reached out to the recruit to offer his help should Underwood head to Ann Arbor.
Now, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found that Jolin is a 33-year-old also known as Keren Zhu, according to two people familiar with the couple and several public records. And most importantly, she happens to be a Michigan alum. Keren Zhu, also known as Jolin Zhu, was awarded a bachelor of arts degree in International Studies from Michigan on April 26, 2012, the school confirmed.
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Lauren Sánchez 啥Laura
🛋️ 沙发板凳
说DNA 确认了吗
年轻美貌亚裔女啃老白老头多了对亚裔女整体形象不好,想起读书时候白男同学笑说起他白人同学女朋友老中女的时候笑嘻嘻的说she is easy
这可不是普通的白老公或者就是简单的有钱白老头。能嫁到也不是简单的事儿。 话说Larry80了身体可真好。看着比78的老川和82的拜登都年轻不少
相当于默多克/邓文迪那个层次,这种老头肯定对美国政经有一定影响力的,其实财富上Larry比默多克还有钱得多。搜了几个老头的net worth,直观感受一下: Larry Ellison 223.7B (As of November 13, 2024, he is the third-wealthiest person in the world, according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index) rudolph murdoch 22.7B Trump 5.5B
最搞笑的是,华尔街出动了6名记者去查,都没查出来什么信息。 其实微博很容易就找到了。而且这个微博,我当年都看过,我还是当作笑话看的。
不是33嫁80 7年前就嫁了,今年才公开 是26嫁73
这就纯属扯蛋了。能进入这种exclusive 关系的,说明了华女在婚姻市场上的吸引力。不要那么酸葡萄
就是啊,也別光盯着老头看。Tech大厂的老中青三个founder 婚了或婚过华裔女,比例很高了。
这个女的大学本科major international studies,文科生
Billionaire Larry Ellison’s wife, Jolin Zhu — who also goes by Keren Zhu — received a bachelor of arts degree in International Studies from Michigan in 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported.
虽然但是,Larry真的不是颤颤巍巍的老头,he ages really well,比大部分50岁的白男国男看起来年轻。
这就是白男白女嫉妒了。去看看美国论坛白女当sugar girl不要太多,n多college出来卖搞学费的,还专门讨论各种事宜搞的特professional. 没捞上billionaire不是她们不想而是没搞上,反而亚女有传统文化的frame在。
接着怀疑,没问题,这是华人一贯套路 你怎么不想那人是那女的直接朋友,不敢曝光自己呢?
也不一定是只搞学费,有些野心比较大的是为了找“mentor”或者打进一些圈子挖真正的第一桶金,但是这种也容易聪明反被聪明误捞不到什么实质利益,sugar daddy也都是人精
新闻里有提到two toddlers
international studies到底是个什么专业?
An international studies major is an interdisciplinary degree that provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the world''s cultures, nations, and challenges. Students learn about the political, economic, social, and historical forces that shape the world through a variety of subjects, including history, geography, religion, economics, politics, and foreign languages.
Students who are interested in international studies may enjoy learning about other cultures and events happening on the global stage. They may also be creative problem solvers who are interested in tackling complex issues like human rights or economic inequality.
Some potential career paths for international studies graduates include: diplomacy, government service, international business, non-profit organizations, journalism, international law, and humanitarian aid.
Some programs may emphasize proficiency in a second language.
那个snap CEO还是哪个CEO的大明星妻子kerr以前为了钱也上了这个猪头
我狗了一下,和几个老头和大厂巨头比也不算很有钱,号称家族财富1.75B美元, 倒是挺会全世界骗钱的
据当地时间12月4日消息称,密歇根大学橄榄球发布了一份声明,在其中他们说道:“我们很高兴布莱斯(路易斯安那州立大学招收头号新秀布莱斯·安德伍德)。能留在密歇根,继续创造他的传奇。我要亲自感谢拉里和他的妻子乔琳,他们为 我们提供了宝贵的指导和财政资源,为实现这一目标发挥了重要作用。”
拉里指的是甲骨文公司的创始人拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison),凭借着2237亿美元的净值,位列全球富豪榜的第四位。而显然乔琳就是曾多次被看到陪伴着他欣赏体育比赛的华裔女士了。
乔琳,本名朱可人(Keren Zhu,音译),多次出现在现年80岁的埃里森的身边,但两个人并没有公开他们的关系,要不是大学橄榄球队的声明,外界更是很难相信乔琳已经是他的妻子了。
据悉,埃里森最初迈入婚姻殿堂是在1967年,与阿达·奎因 (Adda Quinn)结婚,7年后离婚。之后他又相继和南希·惠勒·詹金斯 (Nancy Wheeler Jenkins)、芭芭拉·布思 (Barbara Boothe)结婚,但每段婚姻的时间都不长。
2003年埃里森迎娶了浪漫小说家梅兰妮·克拉夫特 (Melanie Craft,如图),当时已故的苹果联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯为他们担任了婚礼摄像师。不过这段婚姻也是只维持了7年就宣告终结了。
在刚刚结束第四段婚姻后,埃里森就和出生于乌克兰的女演员尼基塔·卡恩(Nikita Kahn)相恋了。本名伊琳娜·奥西波娃 (Iryna Osipova)的女演员和埃里森在一起时只有19岁,而富豪当时已经66岁了。
哈哈哈哈 , 体现在对高龄白老头褶皱皮的忍耐力, 这点上 亚女遥遥领先
19 vs 66。。。
autumncolor22 发表于 2024-12-04 22:51 比男的小47岁。。。老头80了。有人相信这是爱情吗?
而且这个吹牛的博主,是弯曲的一个老网红把,以前叫做杨老师。 这个博文是12年还是13年届,Michigan University得留学生里面的八卦和笑话,当时真的就是当作笑话的。
Then, Portnoy got a call. “I got a call from the Michigan football team,” Portnoy said. “They said, ‘Hey, there’s this donor who wants to talk to you.’ I said I’m doing this [landing Underwood] by myself, and I don’t need to talk to anybody. And they said, ‘Please, this woman is a big fan of Barstool and you; she’d love to talk to you. Her name is Jolin.’ … They said, ‘Oh, her husband is a guy by the name of Larry Ellison. Have you ever heard of him?’ Oh, Larry Ellison? Like, the No. 2 richest guy on the planet? Yeah, I’ll take that phone call.” Jolin Ellison is a Michigan alum. She talked via Zoom with Portnoy.
“That night, we’re on a Zoom,” Portnoy said. “And we’re talking. … She said, ‘I never want to live that era [Brady Hoke, Michigan coach 2011-2014] ever again. We’re the national champs, I have two kids. I can’t stomach waking up on a Saturday knowing we’re not the best team on the field.’ “And I said, ‘I’m with you. What do we have to do?’ And she said, ‘I know what we’ll do. Let’s set up a call tomorrow night with Bryce Underwood and his parents.'” So the Ellisons and Portnoy talked to Underwood and his parents. It had to be a persuasive call, with a man of Ellison’s wealth and reputation actively recruiting the quarterback. “And we talked and we pitched Bryce,” Portnoy said. “And I said, ‘Listen, Barstool and the marketing. But more importantly Larry Ellison and Jolin — nobody can match this. This guy is a legend.’ And we pitched and we pitched.” The pitch worked. Underwood will reportedly earn between $10 million and $12 million over four years, according to various sources. The Ellisons and Portnoy weren’t the only outsiders recruiting the five-star QB. Former Michigan quarterback Tom Brady also reached out to the recruit to offer his help should Underwood head to Ann Arbor.
哈哈哈我想起来我的发型师之前给贝秃家的lauren做头发,Lauren还问她是不是也会剪男的,我大惊:for Jeff?! 我俩笑了好久