Now, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found that Jolin is a 33-year-old also known as Keren Zhu, according to two people familiar with the couple and several public records. And most importantly, she happens to be a Michigan alum. Keren Zhu, also known as Jolin Zhu, was awarded a bachelor of arts degree in International Studies from Michigan on April 26, 2012, the school confirmed.
new york post 有报道,看看下面老美对33亚女嫁80岁五婚的埃利损的评论
Now, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found that Jolin is a 33-year-old also known as Keren Zhu, according to two people familiar with the couple and several public records. And most importantly, she happens to be a Michigan alum. Keren Zhu, also known as Jolin Zhu, was awarded a bachelor of arts degree in International Studies from Michigan on April 26, 2012, the school confirmed.
说DNA 确认了吗