最近去超市,发现一些奶酪或者牛奶上不再写never treated with hormones or rBST了,而是写 no significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rBST treated and non-rBST treated cows. 看到这句话,觉得挺警惕的,因为干嘛要用这种语调来注明。还有一个感觉是我吃了本土生产的奶酪后,胸部会隐隐疼(一丝丝疼,一天一两次),我是非常敏感的体质,所以我不会再吃了,觉得会有hormone污染。 但是买欧洲生产的奶酪,就没这些感觉。 另外摘抄一段描述 Recombinant somatotropin, rBST (previously called bovine growth hormone), is a genetically engineered hormone injected into dairy cows to increase milk production. Milk from rBST-treated cows is used in dairy products including ice cream, butter, cheese and yogurt. 鉴于很多人都到了乳腺癌开始探头的年龄,建议仔细看看ingredients
Recombinant somatotropin, rBST (previously called bovine growth hormone), is a genetically engineered hormone injected into dairy cows to increase milk production. Milk from rBST-treated cows is used in dairy products including ice cream, butter, cheese and yogurt.