UncleSammy 发表于 2024-11-30 07:08 India''s Middle Class Under Pressure: Jobs Lost, Debt Rising, and Spending Falling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3CrBdBB808
How could that be possible? Lots of jobs here in the US are outsourcing to India. My company is in the process of doing that.
One thing I do notice is the customer service. For example, the benefits center, it was outsourced years ago, now seems to come back. I made several phone calls for benefits related questions, 401K, health insurance, surprisingly, the other side are all native speakers, professional, polite, and helpful.
另外我相信即使5.4%的鸡的屁增长... 以三哥的尿性...拎起来 水会滴答滴答的往下落🤣🤣
在这个彼烂的年代... 中国经济表现是最好的.. 还有点增长... 三哥刨除水份 可能也有一些.. 美国也有一点 余下的世界经济 很难说有真正的增长... 基本上是stagflation...
如果是 -5%, 我一点也不吃惊。。。
好像这是正在发生中... 光吹牛 做漂亮的PPT... 来虚的 好多公司也受不了了... 把许多老印高管开了
How could that be possible? Lots of jobs here in the US are outsourcing to India. My company is in the process of doing that.