回复 1楼 的帖子 刚看到的新闻,401k看起来也不能都放一个篮子了。这年头啥都不靠谱了 https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/i-don-t-know-where-to-turn-or-what-to-do-his-763-094-retirement-fund-is-in-limbo/ar-AA1uzPBD ‘I Don’t Know Where to Turn or What to Do.’ His $763,094 Retirement Fund Is in Limbo.
Roth in plan conversion 不受影响。 Notably, though, the IRA aggregation rule will not apply to an intra-plan Roth conversion, as the aggregation rule specifically is only for IRAs; in the case of employer retirement plans, you’ll calculate that pro-rata distribution amount based only on the retirement plan account balance (and after-tax contributions) for that employer. If the client does multiple intra-plan conversions over time (as new contributions are made), each conversion will be still subject to the pro-rata rule, based on the total value and total after-tax contributions of that plan at that time.
每个帖子里都这样百分百确定的回复,非常误导人呢。 IRA的投资选项比401k好太多,好不容易可以从401k转到IRA,为啥还要自投罗网去401k。你可以说401k有401k的好处,比如破产的时候401k不被收走,但是每个人财务情况不一样,没有one size fit all。 有关traditional IRA vs Roth IRA,每个人的财务状况不一样,不能一棍子打死。预计退休以后tax bracket会比现在低的,无脑选traditional IRA。反之Roth。把传统401k转到Roth IRA的话,一下子付很多税。把那些税defer着,利生利,不香吗
我打电话问了目前公司的401k是可以把traditional ira rollover过来的, 现在的401k里面可以选Fidelity 500 Index Fund FXAIX -- 这个是不是跟大盘一样的? 之前被agent忽悠转的traditional ira是什么anuity, 感觉能跑到现在公司的401投大盘已经是好的归宿了? 😅
a2maker 发表于 2024-11-24 12:34 如果你是backdoor Roth到Roth IRA,pro rata rule每年都apply。如果公司有after tax 401k in plan Roth conversion 的选项,pro rata rule does not apply.
mm是高人呀! 我看到现在公司的401k里,有个contribute 7000 post tax到roth ira的选项 -- 今年我还有traditional ira,我不知道能不能投这个呀? 是不是最好跟公司401k plan 确认一下这个7000 post tax 选项不受pro rate rule影响?
mm是高人呀! 我看到现在公司的401k里,有个contribute 7000 post tax到roth ira的选项 -- 今年我还有traditional ira,我不知道能不能投这个呀? 是不是最好跟公司401k plan 确认一下这个7000 post tax 选项不受pro rate rule影响? 花花猪 发表于 2024-11-24 18:28
那听起来就是普通的Roth IRA,不是Backdoor Roth。 如果你AGI不超过的话,可以投。和 pro rata rule没关系。注意Tradition IRA + Roth IRA contribution 不能超过7000. The contribution limit for a Roth IRA in 2024 is $7,000 for those under 50 and $8,000 for those 50 and older. To contribute the full $7,000, your MAGI must be under $146,000 if you''re single or under $230,000 if you''re married filing jointly. Backdoor Roth没有这个AGI限制。但是你有tradition IRA, 弄backdoor roth的话,pro rata rule applies.
a2maker 发表于 2024-11-24 12:02 Roth in plan conversion 不受影响。 Notably, though, the IRA aggregation rule will not apply to an intra-plan Roth conversion, as the aggregation rule specifically is only for IRAs; in the case of employer retirement plans, you’ll calculate that pro-rata distribution amount based only on the retirement plan account balance (and after-tax contributions) for that employer. If the client does multiple intra-plan conversions over time (as new contributions are made), each conversion will be still subject to the pro-rata rule, based on the total value and total after-tax contributions of that plan at that time.
a2maker 发表于 2024-11-24 20:05 那听起来就是普通的Roth IRA,不是Backdoor Roth。 如果你AGI不超过的话,可以投。和 pro rata rule没关系。注意Tradition IRA + Roth IRA contribution 不能超过7000. The contribution limit for a Roth IRA in 2024 is $7,000 for those under 50 and $8,000 for those 50 and older. To contribute the full $7,000, your MAGI must be under $146,000 if you''re single or under $230,000 if you''re married filing jointly. Backdoor Roth没有这个AGI限制。但是你有tradition IRA, 弄backdoor roth的话,pro rata rule applies.
‘I Don’t Know Where to Turn or What to Do.’ His $763,094 Retirement Fund Is in Limbo.
好过留在原公司, 因为投资选择会受到401k 的限制。
千万不要rollover到traditional IRA,这阻碍以后每年的backdoor
十分钟讲清楚美国退休账户: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c52YcW1Aut4
401k账户大的话,如果投资选择更多,回报好于大盘,多余的盈利比那一年几千快的backdoor roth强吧,不差那一年的backdoor roth contribution了
只是rollover 当年的backdoor受影响还是以后每年都受影响啊?
Roth in plan conversion 不受影响。
Notably, though, the IRA aggregation rule will not apply to an intra-plan Roth conversion, as the aggregation rule specifically is only for IRAs; in the case of employer retirement plans, you’ll calculate that pro-rata distribution amount based only on the retirement plan account balance (and after-tax contributions) for that employer. If the client does multiple intra-plan conversions over time (as new contributions are made), each conversion will be still subject to the pro-rata rule, based on the total value and total after-tax contributions of that plan at that time.
IRA的投资选项比401k好太多,好不容易可以从401k转到IRA,为啥还要自投罗网去401k。你可以说401k有401k的好处,比如破产的时候401k不被收走,但是每个人财务情况不一样,没有one size fit all。
有关traditional IRA vs Roth IRA,每个人的财务状况不一样,不能一棍子打死。预计退休以后tax bracket会比现在低的,无脑选traditional IRA。反之Roth。把传统401k转到Roth IRA的话,一下子付很多税。把那些税defer着,利生利,不香吗
如果你是backdoor Roth到Roth IRA,pro rata rule每年都apply。如果公司有after tax 401k in plan Roth conversion 的选项,pro rata rule does not apply.
答案永远都是it depends。看新旧公司的offering,看个人财务等等。
肯定是roll over,不然时间长了容易忘
check IRS 55 rule
很多公司的401k没有这个option, 或者说流程非常复杂,远远没有转出来后自己可以随便操作来的方便
是的,而且像我们单位,401k的asset只能拿其中50%去通过brokerage 做别的投资
之前被agent忽悠转的traditional ira是什么anuity, 感觉能跑到现在公司的401投大盘已经是好的归宿了? 😅
我看到现在公司的401k里,有个contribute 7000 post tax到roth ira的选项 -- 今年我还有traditional ira,我不知道能不能投这个呀? 是不是最好跟公司401k plan 确认一下这个7000 post tax 选项不受pro rate rule影响?
那听起来就是普通的Roth IRA,不是Backdoor Roth。 如果你AGI不超过的话,可以投。和 pro rata rule没关系。注意Tradition IRA + Roth IRA contribution 不能超过7000. The contribution limit for a Roth IRA in 2024 is $7,000 for those under 50 and $8,000 for those 50 and older. To contribute the full $7,000, your MAGI must be under $146,000 if you''re single or under $230,000 if you''re married filing jointly. Backdoor Roth没有这个AGI限制。但是你有tradition IRA, 弄backdoor roth的话,pro rata rule applies.
不是所有公司都有after tax 401k选项
pre-tax 401K转到tradtional IRA的代价就是以后不能做backdoor,或者做backdoor(报税)非常麻烦。知道这个代价后,还要不要做,个人自行决定。
不了解backdoor的看这期十分钟讲清楚美国退休账户的视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c52YcW1Aut4
你说的这个是mega backdoor,不是普通的backdoor
对。因为mega backdoor和普通backdoor彼此独立。
详细介绍参见这个十分钟讲清楚美国退休账户的视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c52YcW1Aut4
对。带500的large cap funds一般就是标普500指数基金,就是大家通常说的大盘: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy0OWkCsm5k
除了最著名的标普500指数基金,还有纳斯达克100指数: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG6raZeRdog
明白了,多谢mm解答! 看来401 plan提供这个普通roth选项,也要自己查agi判断是不是qualify的