刚跟阿里斗争完,起因是他们把东西送到别人家去了,跟客服联系了不下5次,每次客服态度可好了,说给退款,然后就收到系统的信说request is rejected,然后再联系,下一个客服就说上一个客服没document好我提供的证据,反正搞来搞去就是不给你退款。最后我实在受不了了,直接找Paypal,Paypal介入后阿里说他们给我退款了,Paypal调查后发现他们根本没给我退,最后Paypal把钱给我退了。后来我去BBB,发现他家太多类似案例了。大家能避雷就避雷吧
lynnhu 发表于 2024-11-22 13:29 Ali Express一生黑,退货体验大大负值。质量差到离谱,完全不能用,想退,像前面有人说的,看似态度不错,根本不给解决问题。最后浪费了一堆时间两百多块钱。而且之后我出现垃圾电话很多垃圾信件,怀疑和这有关。我不知道为什么有人鼓吹他们的服务。
So true. Bought a Bluetooth Headphone few months ago, very poor quality. I tried to contact seller, they refused to refund after disputing with them many times. Eventually got refund from Ali Express, but the experience was so bad that I decided never buy stuff from them again.
"起因是他们把东西送到别人家去了", 你太落伍了,他们一直用fake tracking number, 根本就没发货。 我已经永久拉黑了。
Temu就是super cheap的恶心公司。
So true. Bought a Bluetooth Headphone few months ago, very poor quality. I tried to contact seller, they refused to refund after disputing with them many times. Eventually got refund from Ali Express, but the experience was so bad that I decided never buy stuff from them again.