十一月 19, 2024 发布日期:2024年11月18日 华盛顿——11月16日,通过美国移民和海关执法局(ICE),美国国土安全部 (DHS) 在不到六个月的时间内派出了第三架大型遣返航班,将没有留美法律依据的中国籍人员遣返回中华人民共和国。这次的遣返航班是美国国土安全部当前与中华人民共和国以及其他国际伙伴保持合作,通过执行移民法来减少和阻止非法移民的又一例证。美国国土安全部与中华人民共和国的相关部门还继续共同努力打击人口贩运网络。我们的信息是明确的:不要相信人口贩运者的谎言。美国继续执行移民法,没有留美法律依据的人将被遣返。 美国国土安全部正在执行美国移民法,让非法或未获授权入境者承担严肃的后果,其中包括将没有留美法律依据的人迅速遣返,同时鼓励利用安全、合法、有序的通道;追究跨国犯罪网络滥用我们的合法贸易和旅行系统的责任;并防止对处境不利的人进行贩运和剥削。 6月4日,拜登总统发布公告,暂时停止允许某些越过南部边境进入美国的非公民入境。新规生效以来,美国边境巡逻队的遭遇率自6月4日下降了52%以上。美国国土安全部定期与整个西半球以及世界各地的相关方面进行接触,以使其接受其被遣返的无留美法律依据的国民。从6月4日拜登总统公告实施之日起到10月底,美国国土安全部已向超过155个国家派出超过640架次国际遣返航班,包括中华人民共和国、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、埃及、毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔、乌兹别克斯坦和印度。美国国土安全部2024财年遣返或送回的人数超过了2010财年以来的任何一年。扩大遣返航班的工作仍在继续。 DHS Conducts Removal Flight to the People’s Republic of China Release Date: November 18, 2024 WASHINGTON – On November 16, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), conducted a third large-frame charter removal flight in less than six months to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) of Chinese nationals with no lawful basis to remain in the United States. This removal flight is yet another example of the Department’s ongoing cooperation with the PRC and other international partners to reduce and deter irregular migration through enforcement of immigration law. DHS and its counterparts in the PRC also continue joint work to counter human smuggling networks. Our messaging has been clear: Do not believe the lies of smugglers. The United States continues to enforce immigration law, and those without a legal basis to remain will be removed. DHS is enforcing U.S. immigration laws and delivering tough consequences for those who enter unlawfully or without authorization. This includes swiftly returning those without a legal basis to remain in the United States, while encouraging the use of safe, lawful, and orderly pathways; holding transnational criminal networks accountable for abusing our lawful trade and travel systems; and preventing the smuggling and exploitation of vulnerable people. President Biden’s June 4 Proclamation temporarily suspending the entry of certain noncitizens across the southern border has led to a more than 52% decrease in Border Patrol encounters. DHS regularly engages counterparts throughout the hemisphere and around the world to accept removals of their nationals who have no legal basis to remain in the United States. From the implementation of President Biden’s Proclamation on June 4th through the end of October, DHS has operated more than 640 international repatriation flights to more than 155 countries—including the PRC, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Egypt, Mauritania, Senegal, Uzbekistan, and India -- removing or returning more individuals in FY2024 than any year since FY2010. Efforts to expand removal flights continue.
今年,中国方面积极配合美方对需遣返人员身份的核实工作。 前几天,NBC News在一篇关于遣返无证中国公民的报道中有提到: 中国驻华盛顿大使馆发言人刘鹏宇今年4月在接受NBC新闻采访时表示,中国在遣返无证移民问题上与相关国家保持良好合作。 “在遣返非法移民方面,中国与一些国家一直保持着良好的合作,并愿继续与相关国家深化合作,共同推进这一问题的解决,”刘鹏宇说道。 "Liu Pengyu, spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., said in a statement to NBC News in April that China cooperates with efforts to repatriate undocumented immigrants. “China has had good cooperation with some countries on the issue of repatriating illegal immigrants, and is willing to continue to strengthen cooperation with relevant countries on this issue,” Liu said. "
DHS Conducts Removal Flight to the People’s Republic of China Release Date: November 18, 2024 WASHINGTON – On November 16, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), conducted a third large-frame charter removal flight in less than six months to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) of Chinese nationals with no lawful basis to remain in the United States. This removal flight is yet another example of the Department’s ongoing cooperation with the PRC and other international partners to reduce and deter irregular migration through enforcement of immigration law. DHS and its counterparts in the PRC also continue joint work to counter human smuggling networks. Our messaging has been clear: Do not believe the lies of smugglers. The United States continues to enforce immigration law, and those without a legal basis to remain will be removed. DHS is enforcing U.S. immigration laws and delivering tough consequences for those who enter unlawfully or without authorization. This includes swiftly returning those without a legal basis to remain in the United States, while encouraging the use of safe, lawful, and orderly pathways; holding transnational criminal networks accountable for abusing our lawful trade and travel systems; and preventing the smuggling and exploitation of vulnerable people. President Biden’s June 4 Proclamation temporarily suspending the entry of certain noncitizens across the southern border has led to a more than 52% decrease in Border Patrol encounters. DHS regularly engages counterparts throughout the hemisphere and around the world to accept removals of their nationals who have no legal basis to remain in the United States. From the implementation of President Biden’s Proclamation on June 4th through the end of October, DHS has operated more than 640 international repatriation flights to more than 155 countries—including the PRC, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Egypt, Mauritania, Senegal, Uzbekistan, and India -- removing or returning more individuals in FY2024 than any year since FY2010. Efforts to expand removal flights continue.
前几天,NBC News在一篇关于遣返无证中国公民的报道中有提到: 中国驻华盛顿大使馆发言人刘鹏宇今年4月在接受NBC新闻采访时表示,中国在遣返无证移民问题上与相关国家保持良好合作。 “在遣返非法移民方面,中国与一些国家一直保持着良好的合作,并愿继续与相关国家深化合作,共同推进这一问题的解决,”刘鹏宇说道。
"Liu Pengyu, spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., said in a statement to NBC News in April that China cooperates with efforts to repatriate undocumented immigrants. “China has had good cooperation with some countries on the issue of repatriating illegal immigrants, and is willing to continue to strengthen cooperation with relevant countries on this issue,” Liu said. "
我在哪里看到根据协议,每遣送105人,需要要有一个中国公安部红通的人,才接受。 中国的红通,总共也才100多个,估计美国国土安全部需要到处搜刮才行。 第一次遣返的时候,中国开口遣返2个红通,后来美国坚持,遣返1个红通,附带115个偷渡。 机票都是中国出, 中国直接派的专机,就怕红通跑了。
这是美国政府 ........... 只要他想 找出115个人 按“法律”定罪押送上飞机那是小意思
美国按照数据,遣返一个非法移民,需要给接受国80万美元(包括路费还有后续的看管费用,还有要求不判死刑,美国还会支付生活费什么的)。 115个就是9000多万美元了,中国也是巨大让步了, 少赚了这么多。
遣返中国的,美国国土安全部,还帮忙核对了身份证。 美国这边挺用心的,就怕遣返不了。
为啥让这么大步? 指望红通回锅吼吐出钱吗?
说明逃到那里去都能抓的回来 对国内的是一种震慑作用 谁敢贪完就逃?
只是用来警告其他的贪污犯阿,一个贪污犯动不动几十亿人民币,今年最多的,好像是2万亿还是1万亿。 所以说,红通换偷渡,9000万美元震慑所有的人,对美国中国都是不错的买卖。
基本都是有案底的, 犯了其它事.走线进来的, 实在没工夫抓你, 除非自己想回去
是中国直接派专机,就是包的飞机接。 一个遣返人员边上还要坐一个警察的。
所以这半年来一直在悄悄的 deport? 为啥不早让人民知道? 说不定早点知道就不投川普了
不觉得 我记得以前看到过 里面很多人才几十万
红色通缉令又称红色通报,是国际刑警组织成员要求成员国协助侦查犯罪时发放的7种要犯通报之一,因通报左上角的国际刑警徽为红色而得名,属最高级别的紧急快速通报,其余6种分别为蓝色、绿色、黄色、黑色、橙色和紫色,各种通报以该组织的官方语言——英语、法语、西班牙语和阿拉伯语所发出。 此通报有效期为5年,可续期,直至缉拿归案为止。