Erythema Nodosum: Erythema nodosum is a skin condition that causes painful, red or blue lumps or nodules to appear on the skin. The NHS website explains that erythema nodosum usually goes away on its own, but it can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition. Erythema nodosum Symptoms Painful, red or blue lumps or nodules, usually on the shins, thighs, or arms Other symptoms Low-grade fever, malaise, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, cough, joint pain, weight loss, stomach pain, vomiting, or diarrhea Causes Bacterial throat infections, certain drugs, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), tuberculosis, Hodgkin's disease Treatment Medications, bed rest, treatment for any underlying condition Duration Symptoms most often go away within about 6 weeks, but may return
老人胃和食管都有慢性炎症 稍微咳嗽 吃饭喝水时候有点呛 血脂血糖有点高,医生说还没到吃药地步。没有药物过敏史,阿奇霉素也正常使用过。
最近一周有低烧100.6左右 怕冷,虚弱,看了好几次医生 排除了流感,covid,做了血尿检查,尿检基本正常(Occult Blood 和Leukocyte Esterase 都是trace),血检结果如图,做了x光 拍了ct 说可能是肺炎 让吃阿奇霉素
三天没好转 又让吃头孢 又过了一天多了还是会低烧 可以自理 发烧第四天吃了两片泰诺,第五天腿部和屁股开始出现红色的硬块包 然后是手掌,小的如小枣,大的如鸡蛋,压痛 如图所示
Erythema nodosum Symptoms Painful, red or blue lumps or nodules, usually on the shins, thighs, or arms Other symptoms Low-grade fever, malaise, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, cough, joint pain, weight loss, stomach pain, vomiting, or diarrhea Causes Bacterial throat infections, certain drugs, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), tuberculosis, Hodgkin's disease Treatment Medications, bed rest, treatment for any underlying condition Duration Symptoms most often go away within about 6 weeks, but may return
多谢多谢!看着不少症状能对的上,之前都没听说过这个名字。 太厉害了