这里面很多东西挺靠谱的啊, 对里面一些不满的可以说, 但很多还行 比如关于climate change foreign aid 降低税收, education 而且project2025 的网站debunk了很多Lies https://www.project2025.org/truth/ Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
Project 2025是新时代革命斗争的胜利成果,是战无不胜的川普思想在实践中的光辉体现!它坚决打倒一切牛鬼蛇神,扫除腐朽反动的旧世界!那些反动学术权威和隐藏的阶级敌人,妄图妨碍革命事业推进,他们的阴谋注定是纸老虎,必将被Project 2025的革命铁拳彻底粉碎! 我们要用革命的实践为Project 2025开辟光辉大道,把斗争进行到底!高呼:“Long long life to the great revolutionary leader!” Project 2025必将在人民群众中激起排山倒海的革命浪潮,迎来一个崭新的伟大时代! 革命不是请客吃饭,Project 2025也不是改良小修!同志们,革命的路就在脚下,胜利一定属于我们! chatgpy挺牛的。
爱慕忘机 发表于 2024-11-18 15:53 Project 2025是新时代革命斗争的胜利成果,是战无不胜的川普思想在实践中的光辉体现!它坚决打倒一切牛鬼蛇神,扫除腐朽反动的旧世界!那些反动学术权威和隐藏的阶级敌人,妄图妨碍革命事业推进,他们的阴谋注定是纸老虎,必将被Project 2025的革命铁拳彻底粉碎! 我们要用革命的实践为Project 2025开辟光辉大道,把斗争进行到底!高呼:“Long long life to the great revolutionary leader!” Project 2025必将在人民群众中激起排山倒海的革命浪潮,迎来一个崭新的伟大时代! 革命不是请客吃饭,Project 2025也不是改良小修!同志们,革命的路就在脚下,胜利一定属于我们! chatgpy挺牛的。
爱慕忘机 发表于 2024-11-18 15:53 Project 2025是新时代革命斗争的胜利成果,是战无不胜的川普思想在实践中的光辉体现!它坚决打倒一切牛鬼蛇神,扫除腐朽反动的旧世界!那些反动学术权威和隐藏的阶级敌人,妄图妨碍革命事业推进,他们的阴谋注定是纸老虎,必将被Project 2025的革命铁拳彻底粉碎! 我们要用革命的实践为Project 2025开辟光辉大道,把斗争进行到底!高呼:“Long long life to the great revolutionary leader!” Project 2025必将在人民群众中激起排山倒海的革命浪潮,迎来一个崭新的伟大时代! 革命不是请客吃饭,Project 2025也不是改良小修!同志们,革命的路就在脚下,胜利一定属于我们! chatgpy挺牛的。
爱慕忘机 发表于 2024-11-18 15:53 Project 2025是新时代革命斗争的胜利成果,是战无不胜的川普思想在实践中的光辉体现!它坚决打倒一切牛鬼蛇神,扫除腐朽反动的旧世界!那些反动学术权威和隐藏的阶级敌人,妄图妨碍革命事业推进,他们的阴谋注定是纸老虎,必将被Project 2025的革命铁拳彻底粉碎! 我们要用革命的实践为Project 2025开辟光辉大道,把斗争进行到底!高呼:“Long long life to the great revolutionary leader!” Project 2025必将在人民群众中激起排山倒海的革命浪潮,迎来一个崭新的伟大时代! 革命不是请客吃饭,Project 2025也不是改良小修!同志们,革命的路就在脚下,胜利一定属于我们! chatgpy挺牛的。
springday 发表于 2024-11-18 15:41 这里面很多东西挺靠谱的啊, 对里面一些不满的可以说, 但很多还行 比如关于climate change foreign aid 降低税收, education 而且project2025 的网站debunk了很多Lies https://www.project2025.org/truth/ Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
springday 发表于 2024-11-18 15:41 这里面很多东西挺靠谱的啊, 对里面一些不满的可以说, 但很多还行 比如关于climate change foreign aid 降低税收, education 而且project2025 的网站debunk了很多Lies https://www.project2025.org/truth/ Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
jellynsyrup 发表于 2024-11-18 15:40 Trump picked Brendan Carr, the literal author of Project 2025’s chapter on the FCC, to be Chairman of the FCC. 当然我信川粉说的,川宝是跟project 2025没有一毛钱关系的啦
Here is the Project 2025 Summary everyone needs to see.
当然我信川粉说的,川宝是跟project 2025没有一毛钱关系的啦
Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
上一次川普选了奥克拉荷马州检察长出任EPA局长。那个检察长之前是反 EPA 最起劲的州检察长。
哈哈,看来有两个Project2025 民主党的P25和共和党的P25 两党活在平行世界里。
上次川宝没有准备好,浪费了至少前半个任期做了很多无用功,比如revoke H4 EAD因为不合程序被叫停,这次他卷土重来可是做好了完全的准备了,充分利用在任的每一分钟发疯
FCC 是什么缩写?不好意思最近看到这个就想到是范丞丞