这里面很多东西挺靠谱的啊, 对里面一些不满的可以说, 但很多还行 比如关于climate change foreign aid 降低税收, education 而且project2025 的网站debunk了很多Lies https://www.project2025.org/truth/ Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
Project 2025是新时代革命斗争的胜利成果,是战无不胜的川普思想在实践中的光辉体现!它坚决打倒一切牛鬼蛇神,扫除腐朽反动的旧世界!那些反动学术权威和隐藏的阶级敌人,妄图妨碍革命事业推进,他们的阴谋注定是纸老虎,必将被Project 2025的革命铁拳彻底粉碎! 我们要用革命的实践为Project 2025开辟光辉大道,把斗争进行到底!高呼:“Long long life to the great revolutionary leader!” Project 2025必将在人民群众中激起排山倒海的革命浪潮,迎来一个崭新的伟大时代! 革命不是请客吃饭,Project 2025也不是改良小修!同志们,革命的路就在脚下,胜利一定属于我们! chatgpy挺牛的。
爱慕忘机 发表于 2024-11-18 15:53 Project 2025是新时代革命斗争的胜利成果,是战无不胜的川普思想在实践中的光辉体现!它坚决打倒一切牛鬼蛇神,扫除腐朽反动的旧世界!那些反动学术权威和隐藏的阶级敌人,妄图妨碍革命事业推进,他们的阴谋注定是纸老虎,必将被Project 2025的革命铁拳彻底粉碎! 我们要用革命的实践为Project 2025开辟光辉大道,把斗争进行到底!高呼:“Long long life to the great revolutionary leader!” Project 2025必将在人民群众中激起排山倒海的革命浪潮,迎来一个崭新的伟大时代! 革命不是请客吃饭,Project 2025也不是改良小修!同志们,革命的路就在脚下,胜利一定属于我们! chatgpy挺牛的。
爱慕忘机 发表于 2024-11-18 15:53 Project 2025是新时代革命斗争的胜利成果,是战无不胜的川普思想在实践中的光辉体现!它坚决打倒一切牛鬼蛇神,扫除腐朽反动的旧世界!那些反动学术权威和隐藏的阶级敌人,妄图妨碍革命事业推进,他们的阴谋注定是纸老虎,必将被Project 2025的革命铁拳彻底粉碎! 我们要用革命的实践为Project 2025开辟光辉大道,把斗争进行到底!高呼:“Long long life to the great revolutionary leader!” Project 2025必将在人民群众中激起排山倒海的革命浪潮,迎来一个崭新的伟大时代! 革命不是请客吃饭,Project 2025也不是改良小修!同志们,革命的路就在脚下,胜利一定属于我们! chatgpy挺牛的。
爱慕忘机 发表于 2024-11-18 15:53 Project 2025是新时代革命斗争的胜利成果,是战无不胜的川普思想在实践中的光辉体现!它坚决打倒一切牛鬼蛇神,扫除腐朽反动的旧世界!那些反动学术权威和隐藏的阶级敌人,妄图妨碍革命事业推进,他们的阴谋注定是纸老虎,必将被Project 2025的革命铁拳彻底粉碎! 我们要用革命的实践为Project 2025开辟光辉大道,把斗争进行到底!高呼:“Long long life to the great revolutionary leader!” Project 2025必将在人民群众中激起排山倒海的革命浪潮,迎来一个崭新的伟大时代! 革命不是请客吃饭,Project 2025也不是改良小修!同志们,革命的路就在脚下,胜利一定属于我们! chatgpy挺牛的。
springday 发表于 2024-11-18 15:41 这里面很多东西挺靠谱的啊, 对里面一些不满的可以说, 但很多还行 比如关于climate change foreign aid 降低税收, education 而且project2025 的网站debunk了很多Lies https://www.project2025.org/truth/ Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
springday 发表于 2024-11-18 15:41 这里面很多东西挺靠谱的啊, 对里面一些不满的可以说, 但很多还行 比如关于climate change foreign aid 降低税收, education 而且project2025 的网站debunk了很多Lies https://www.project2025.org/truth/ Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
当然我信川粉说的,川宝是跟project 2025没有一毛钱关系的啦
Debunking the Lies Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE Government Terminate the Constitution: FALSE Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE Civil Rights Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE End civil rights: FALSE End DEI protections in government: TRUE Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE Military & Veterans Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE Marriage & Family End no-fault divorce: FALSE End “marriage equality”: FALSE Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE Ban contraceptives: FALSE Ban IVF: FALSE Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE Outlaw pornography: TRUE Health Care End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE Education End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE Economy & Workers Cut Social Security: FALSE Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE Raise the retirement age: FALSE Cut Medicare: FALSE Immigration Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE Energy & Environment Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE
上一次川普选了奥克拉荷马州检察长出任EPA局长。那个检察长之前是反 EPA 最起劲的州检察长。
哈哈,看来有两个Project2025 民主党的P25和共和党的P25 两党活在平行世界里。