去看了下23 官网,可以啊连升级都可以,我这就去找receipt去🤭 If you already have the 23andMe Ancestry Service and upgrade to receive our Health reports today, all of your upgrade fee should be eligible medical care. The simplest way to determine the amount that should be eligible medical care is to use ourFSA/HSA calculator.
If you already have the 23andMe Ancestry Service and upgrade to receive our Health reports today, all of your upgrade fee should be eligible medical care. The simplest way to determine the amount that should be eligible medical care is to use ourFSA/HSA calculator.
这个没法验证啊,它也顶多只是告诉你这类基因的人的某些疾病的风险是typical 或者increased. 但是可以拿着这个report去找医生哭诉去order 深度检查啊。