希望论坛里大牛分析一下 King maker Paypal 黑帮的三位头目”Elon Musk, Peter Thiel , David Sacks” 是否通过川普实现他们的techno-libertarian dream。 最近论坛里讨论很多的川普内阁的任命,结合Musk 要裁员政府员工,让我想起Peter Thiel 的”扰乱行政国家”理论。特朗普政府在当选后会进行「全国清算」,并在重建国家前削减法规、粉碎行政国家. 2022 年初,他和丽贝卡·默瑟 (Rebekah Mercer,默瑟家族继承人) 等人组建了一个名为 Rockbridge 的隐蔽保守派捐助者联盟,旨在「破坏并推进共和党的议程」并试图在政党机器外重塑美国右翼。作为风投教父的彼得·蒂尔当然想要赢,但他的目标不是多一个共和党席位,而是寻求颠覆,他希望推动共和党进一步向右转,清除建制主义温和派。要么破产,要么重新定义行业,这是蒂尔的投资哲学。 结合这篇文章 https://www.vox.com/technology/383859/musk-trump-vance-silicon-valley Trump’s techno-libertarian dream team goes to Washington 摘抄一些 Thiel helped fund a project to establish autonomous, floating nations in international waters, where they would be free of all laws and regulations — one reason he has been called the “avatar of techno-libertarianism.” Now, the techno-libertarians are the state. The day after Trump declared victory, he asked Musk to join him on a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. And in the coming months, several more members of the PayPal Mafia get to decide what US tech policy will be for the next four years. You have to wonder if they just want to tear it all down. Or maybe they’ll get bored and move to a floating nation in international waters where there are no laws and never have been. 大牛分析一下他们是否有能量tear it all down!
Chaohistory 发表于 2024-11-15 11:46 希望论坛里大牛分析一下 King maker Paypal 黑帮的三位头目”Elon Musk, Peter Thiel , David Sacks” 是否通过川普实现他们的techno-libertarian dream。 最近论坛里讨论很多的川普内阁的任命,结合Musk 要裁员政府员工,让我想起Peter Thiel 的”扰乱行政国家”理论。特朗普政府在当选后会进行「全国清算」,并在重建国家前削减法规、粉碎行政国家. 2022 年初,他和丽贝卡·默瑟 (Rebekah Mercer,默瑟家族继承人) 等人组建了一个名为 Rockbridge 的隐蔽保守派捐助者联盟,旨在「破坏并推进共和党的议程」并试图在政党机器外重塑美国右翼。作为风投教父的彼得·蒂尔当然想要赢,但他的目标不是多一个共和党席位,而是寻求颠覆,他希望推动共和党进一步向右转,清除建制主义温和派。要么破产,要么重新定义行业,这是蒂尔的投资哲学。 结合这篇文章 https://www.vox.com/technology/383859/musk-trump-vance-silicon-valley Trump’s techno-libertarian dream team goes to Washington 摘抄一些 Thiel helped fund a project to establish autonomous, floating nations in international waters, where they would be free of all laws and regulations — one reason he has been called the “avatar of techno-libertarianism.” Now, the techno-libertarians are the state. The day after Trump declared victory, he asked Musk to join him on a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. And in the coming months, several more members of the PayPal Mafia get to decide what US tech policy will be for the next four years. You have to wonder if they just want to tear it all down. Or maybe they’ll get bored and move to a floating nation in international waters where there are no laws and never have been. 大牛分析一下他们是否有能量tear it all down!
回复 5楼 Silverwing 的帖子 如果只是马斯克可能还不那么有能量, 还有Elon Musk, Peter Thiel , David Sacks。 他们形成硅谷的一个网络, 带着硅谷整体右转了 说个题外话, 最近华人热炒的华裔 AI ” 新秀” Scale AI 创始人 Alexandr Wang 也是投诚Peter Thiel 才发家,Alex Wang 在 X 上发文,用 M.E.I 概念(即功绩、卓越和智慧)取代了 D.E.I 招聘计划,赢得马斯克等科技巨头的力挺。
结合这篇文章 https://www.vox.com/technology/383859/musk-trump-vance-silicon-valley Trump’s techno-libertarian dream team goes to Washington 摘抄一些 Thiel helped fund a project to establish autonomous, floating nations in international waters, where they would be free of all laws and regulations — one reason he has been called the “avatar of techno-libertarianism.”
Now, the techno-libertarians are the state. The day after Trump declared victory, he asked Musk to join him on a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. And in the coming months, several more members of the PayPal Mafia get to decide what US tech policy will be for the next four years.
You have to wonder if they just want to tear it all down. Or maybe they’ll get bored and move to a floating nation in international waters where there are no laws and never have been.
大牛分析一下他们是否有能量tear it all down!
一龙是大统领阁下推出来整肃朝堂的秦桧, 等杀完该杀的人, 一龙跪C位,接受万民清算
如果只是马斯克可能还不那么有能量, 还有Elon Musk, Peter Thiel , David Sacks。 他们形成硅谷的一个网络, 带着硅谷整体右转了 说个题外话, 最近华人热炒的华裔 AI ” 新秀” Scale AI 创始人 Alexandr Wang 也是投诚Peter Thiel 才发家,Alex Wang 在 X 上发文,用 M.E.I 概念(即功绩、卓越和智慧)取代了 D.E.I 招聘计划,赢得马斯克等科技巨头的力挺。