挑战奥巴: More noteworthy is that a member of the president’s own party – from his home state – has taken repeated shots at him: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii. “The administration is misidentifying the enemy and their motivation,” Gabbard said on CNN earlier this week, calling the president’s emphasis on economic aspects of terrorism a “diversion.”
Gabbard has both European and Samoan ancestry, and was raised in a multicultural household. Her mother was born in Indiana and grew up in Michigan. Her father was born in American Samoa and lived in Hawaii and Florida as a child; he is of Samoan and European ancestry. American Samoa (more than nine-tenths) is ethnically Samoan; there are tiny minorities of Tongan and Filipino origin and of people of mixed ethnicity. The Samoans are a Polynesian people closely related to the native peoples of New Zealand, French Polynesia, Hawaii, and Tonga.
也不和neocons穿一条裤子。我认识的很多退伍军人因为这点都喜欢她,尽管很多一直反感她的控枪立场。她的立场在这点和Ron Paul很接近, 都是non-interventionism. 川普这次是要向美国的国际警察业务和Military Industrial Complex开火了。 我很多年前读过一段话:Democrats love to use military for what they see as humanitarian causes (Somali, Kosovo), and Republicans love to use military to spread democracy (Iraq and Afghanistan), while the Military Industrial Complex love all wars because they get rich. 艾森豪威尔的卸职演说就警告说美国政府会被MIC绑架。事实是二战后的美国历史不断证实这一点。 Trump看样子要打翻这个百年来的瓶瓶罐罐了。
DNI 头管这18个部门,才是真正的东厂公公。树敌不少。Department of the Treasury 财政财政部也归DNI管? The Intelligence Community comprises 18 organisations, which the DNI oversees. Besides the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, they are: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Department of the Treasury, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and Space Force Intelligence.
Silong006 发表于 2024-11-14 13:35 DNI 头管这18个部门,才是真正的东厂公公。树敌不少。Department of the Treasury 财政财政部也归DNI管? The Intelligence Community comprises 18 organisations, which the DNI oversees. Besides the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, they are: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Department of the Treasury, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and Space Force Intelligence.
呵呵,按你这样说,CEO也没什么实权,自己不下手去干活。😂 你说说以下那条权力不实了。除非她本来就是花架子拿来搞DEI充门面的。 DNI is the head of the Intelligence Community and designates the DNI as the principal intelligence advisor to the President. To that end, Congress has provided the DNI with a number of authorities and duties, including to: Ensure that timely and objective national intelligence is provided to the President, the heads of departments and agencies of the executive branch, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and senior military commanders, and the Congress. Establish objectives and priorities for collection, analysis, production and dissemination of national intelligence. Ensure maximum availability of and access to intelligence information within the Intelligence Community. Develop and ensure the execution of an annual budget for the National Intelligence Program based on budget proposals provided by IC component organizations. Oversee coordination of relationships with the intelligence or security services of foreign governments and international organizations. Ensure the most accurate analysis of intelligence is derived from all sources to support national security needs. Develop personnel policies and programs to enhance the capacity for joint operations and to facilitate staffing of community management functions. Oversee the development and implementation of a program management plan for acquisition of major systems, doing so jointly with the Secretary of Defense for DoD programs, that includes cost, schedule, and performance goals and program milestone criteria.
russian agent
挑战奥巴: More noteworthy is that a member of the president’s own party – from his home state – has taken repeated shots at him: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.
“The administration is misidentifying the enemy and their motivation,” Gabbard said on CNN earlier this week, calling the president’s emphasis on economic aspects of terrorism a “diversion.”
me 2
American Samoa (more than nine-tenths) is ethnically Samoan; there are tiny minorities of Tongan and Filipino origin and of people of mixed ethnicity. The Samoans are a Polynesian people closely related to the native peoples of New Zealand, French Polynesia, Hawaii, and Tonga.
也不和neocons穿一条裤子。我认识的很多退伍军人因为这点都喜欢她,尽管很多一直反感她的控枪立场。她的立场在这点和Ron Paul很接近, 都是non-interventionism. 川普这次是要向美国的国际警察业务和Military Industrial Complex开火了。
我很多年前读过一段话:Democrats love to use military for what they see as humanitarian causes (Somali, Kosovo), and Republicans love to use military to spread democracy (Iraq and Afghanistan), while the Military Industrial Complex love all wars because they get rich. 艾森豪威尔的卸职演说就警告说美国政府会被MIC绑架。事实是二战后的美国历史不断证实这一点。
后来就把人家放到了恐怖分子名单上。按照左派的逻辑,川普选了一个恐怖分子做National Intelligence的头。
n年前就超级喜欢tulsi 如果是她代表女性竞选代表民主党竞选 我绝对投给她!!! 她还年轻 希望她能再次有竞选总统的机会
你的ID 😂😂😂😂😂
估计那时就被KGB注意到, 重点培养了。。
川普应该也意识到,他也需要Brennan那样的打手。2016年大选他口口声声lock her up,胜选后却未采取任何行动,然而他的体面并没有阻止对手手段无所不用其极,使他深陷华盛顿深层政府的泥淖。
Paul Manafort had hired Konstantin V. Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence officer,
这么多red flags. 原来还是socialist, 印度教徒,背后有穆迪的支持。 感觉她是为了上位,捏着鼻子支持川普,先占个坑再说。
DNI 头管这18个部门,才是真正的东厂公公。树敌不少。Department of the Treasury 财政财政部也归DNI管?
The Intelligence Community comprises 18 organisations, which the DNI oversees. Besides the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, they are: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Department of the Treasury, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and Space Force Intelligence.
DNI is the head of the Intelligence Community and designates the DNI as the principal intelligence advisor to the President. To that end, Congress has provided the DNI with a number of authorities and duties, including to: Ensure that timely and objective national intelligence is provided to the President, the heads of departments and agencies of the executive branch, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and senior military commanders, and the Congress.
Establish objectives and priorities for collection, analysis, production and dissemination of national intelligence.
Ensure maximum availability of and access to intelligence information within the Intelligence Community.
Develop and ensure the execution of an annual budget for the National Intelligence Program based on budget proposals provided by IC component organizations.
Oversee coordination of relationships with the intelligence or security services of foreign governments and international organizations.
Ensure the most accurate analysis of intelligence is derived from all sources to support national security needs.
Develop personnel policies and programs to enhance the capacity for joint operations and to facilitate staffing of community management functions.
Oversee the development and implementation of a program management plan for acquisition of major systems, doing so jointly with the Secretary of Defense for DoD programs, that includes cost, schedule, and performance goals and program milestone criteria.