Bill Ackman 自己就是哈佛毕业的,天天找哈佛的晦气,把校长都整下台了,在他的带动下,这些藤校的金主校友们撤资不少 Reddit上也在讨论,一个hiring manager的comment 他说藤校对行业入门还是有一点优势,但是作用确实没有以前那么大了 At my IB it may be harder to get a foot in the door, but once they do, we very often hire MBAs from "lesser" schools over their peers from more prestigious names. If the non-prestige candidate is equally technically competent (which is almost always the case), but a better cultural fit then it''s a very easy decision on our part. A name brand will still help candidates with initial networking, but beyond that, they are on a completely level playing field with those from non-targets who likely worked much harder to earn a look at the same Superday. Top names are definitely still an advantage, but much, much less so than they''ve been in prior years imho. I imagine continued political polarization and recently negative press at many of the top names may have a hand in this change, but my viewpoint is limited to my company and region.
另外,由 13 名联邦法官组成的小组于 5 月签署了一封信,称他们不会雇用哥伦比亚法学院的毕业生
去年,最高法院的一项具有里程碑意义的案件揭露了精英大学招生的内部运作并颠覆了平权行动,这种怀疑情绪进一步加剧。该案中提供的证据显示,哈佛录取的白人申请者中有 43% 是招收的运动员或校友、捐助者、教职员工的子女。
麦肯锡联合负责招聘的合伙人 Blair Ciesil 表示,扩大招聘范围在一定程度上是对一些精英大学不再强调成绩和 SAT 成绩的回应。她说,成绩膨胀使得名牌大学的 GPA 成绩变得不再那么有意义。 (例如,根据一份大学报告,近年来耶鲁大学本科生获得的成绩中约有 80% 为 A 或 A 负。)随着许多顶尖大学不再要求申请者提交标准化考试成绩,麦肯锡有时会丢失历史上为招聘决策提供依据的数据点.
纽约房地产律师亚当·莱特曼·贝利 (Adam Leitman Bailey) 拒绝雇用最近的常春藤盟校毕业生,主要是因为他认为他们中的很多人都是靠关系而不是天赋和毅力过日子的。
这才哪到哪 藤校的光环和权力,不是那么容易削弱的 毕竟大量校友都在关键岗位上,他们也不想让自己的学历光环贬值
Reddit上也在讨论,一个hiring manager的comment 他说藤校对行业入门还是有一点优势,但是作用确实没有以前那么大了
At my IB it may be harder to get a foot in the door, but once they do, we very often hire MBAs from "lesser" schools over their peers from more prestigious names. If the non-prestige candidate is equally technically competent (which is almost always the case), but a better cultural fit then it''s a very easy decision on our part. A name brand will still help candidates with initial networking, but beyond that, they are on a completely level playing field with those from non-targets who likely worked much harder to earn a look at the same Superday. Top names are definitely still an advantage, but much, much less so than they''ve been in prior years imho. I imagine continued political polarization and recently negative press at many of the top names may have a hand in this change, but my viewpoint is limited to my company and region.
听着和清北的人有点像 LOL
看什么性质的工作 如果是具体工作,需要出活的那种,就招旗舰州大,性格平和成绩好的 如果是忽悠性质的,比如consulting/ sales / politics,那还得招藤校的
理科藤校虽然也不错,但是远不如过去碾压式的优势了。各州大近几年陆续吸收了许多优秀的学生。加上传统大公司的优势也远不如前。吸收的woke employee太多,也造成了公司非常多困扰。看看google那个AI就知道多可怕。alternative的公司越来越多,连波音都有竞争对手Xspace了。新一代公司都不再看学校而是看实力。对于需要花几十万的所谓排名学校远不如过去那么吸引大众。
藤校比Trump University 差远了。