这些话哪些可信呢? Mara Mitchelle · Follow Psychiatric RN (2007–present)1y I don’t know if you mean in some sort of nefarious way, such as if staff killed a patient. On that end it would be nearly impossible to have happen. Healthcare workers care so so so much about our patients and their rights, even when we hate the individual. I am a nurse supervisor at a level 1 psychiatric hospital, and we get so many incident reports any time staff feels a patient was mistreated. Once again, that is even if we think the patient is the worst person alive. We recently had a patient with a ton of staff assualts, including ones where several staff has been out of work for over a week to be medically cleared for concussions, as well as just being a miserable human in general. This patient throws racial slurs nonstop, attacks peers as well as staff, breaks things, and makes it basically impossible to run an interesting group or do any meaningful programming. No one likes him. One of our best BHTs got fed up with this patient after a several shifts of having the patient spit on him, call him a b!+.. @$$ nig… all day and attack the peers. BHT lost him mind and went into the patient’s room and tore up his oragami art and pushed the patient in the chest. All 5 of the other staff on the unit really liked this BHT and did not care for the patient. Everyone of them wrote an incident report describing what they had seen or heard regarding what we all considered to be a significant patient abuse event. Several also called the AOC right after it happened to report it. The BHT was escorted off the property and then fired in less than hour. I havent even gone into how the patients reacted. They were all beyond furious at the event. One of them called 911 to report it. And the patients HATE this patient. But they know their rights, and they realize if staff were allowed to behave like this they would all be in danger. We had several grievances submitted as well. I am sure CMS is going to investigate this event, but it is still pretty recent so I dont know what that outcome will be. If you are talking about a patient escaping on their own will, we have had that happen a couple of times as well. That is not too big of a deal. We call a code orange, do a facility and grounds search, and then file a police report. Then the matter is out of our hands.
Birgitta Kristensen · Follow 6y RelatedWhat happens when a mentally ill adult goes missing? Well, from my personal experience with my adult missing son - first I am told by a misinformed police officer that I cannot file the missing person report because I was not the last person to see my son, nor was he living with me at the time of his disappearance. Since my son was staying with his father at the time he went missing, I was told that the father had to be the one to file the report. Since his father denies that our son has a diagnosed mental illness, he was non-compliant in helping me to file the missing report. And 24 hours had already passed since my son went missing before I was made aware of the fact. I was extremely worried about my son’s well-being, especially since we were on the cusp of a record-breaking multi-day heat wave, and my son did not have a recent history of being able to take care of himself. In any case, I had to sit with this misinformation throughout the heatwave as I searched the streets myself and put up my own flyers and contacted park ranger stations etc just spearheading my own search - searching the morgue website, hospitals, and arrest website for John Does, since my son is largely non-verbal and carries no form of identification or telephone. Then I made more phone calls and was told that, yes, anyone can file an adult missing persons report - so, 5 days after he actually went missing, I filed the report, never received a call back, I had to begin inquiring again, just to find out there was no record of his report, to which I was told his report was ‘in transit’ downtown. The detectives downtown said this is incorrect because it would go straight into a database that they should still be able to see his information and assign a detective. My life had been a mess of searching for my son and sleepless nights, but I dug through everything in my car to find the printout of the report that I did not remember receiving (my fault for not keeping this close to me) to see that the ‘h’ in my son’s name was actually misspelled with an ’n’ instead. Therefore, he was undiscoverable in the system - apparently blanket searches by last name only is not possible. Also, my contact number was incorrect, along with many other spelling mistakes on the report. This was my fault for not noticing, but I would say I had my own form of temporary mental illness in this time period, especially since my brother had also passed away rather unexpectedly just a few weeks prior! So, finally almost two weeks after my son went missing, I have a detective working on the case, and I am just hoping for the best. I am not giving up my end of the search, but I have had to let go quite a bit and just hope and pray that I will have an answer, and of course I hope the news is good news, even though mental illness is so extremely difficult, and even if he is found, the story doesn’t end there. 7.6K views View 13 upvotes
11月4日,张拨打报警电话,称自己杀死了63岁的母亲胡桂春(Guichun Hu)。警方调度员在接到报警后,多次指示警员前往位于盖瑟斯堡(Gaithersburg)的案发现场。报警时,张描述称自己将母亲引至庭院,用手机猛击其头部致死,并指出尸体就在庭院中,周围还有许多目击者。
张现年29岁,毕业于马里兰大学,曾是美国历史最悠久的学术荣誉协会Phi Beta Kappa成员,还在本科期间被评为生物科学领域的杰出学生。毕业后,她继续深造,获得生物统计学硕士学位,并在制药行业担任统计程序分析师。然而,光鲜的履历背后,却隐现严重的精神健康问题。
我也有这个疑问,还在庭院里, 她妈不能跑吗? 这是ABC还是国内来的, 国内来的她妈英文不好不能报警可以理解, 如果ABC, 都这样了还住一起。
居然被我猜对了。还是精英俱乐部的。基本上就是从小被push太厉害了。 特别是藤校的精英俱乐部,如果不是家里有老钱的白人,最好不要躺那个混水。
按我说, 美国人民一犯罪就宣称是精神病的臭毛病怎么能惯着?
以后再有类似犯罪, 没关过精神病院的统统不予理会病史, 关过的把医生拉出来一起审
是Baltimore 分校,和college Park 差的有点远
Phi Beta Kappa是学术荣誉协会?不是sorority吗?
玛丽·科利尔(Mary Collier),38岁,在亚利桑那州圣坛谷的家附近的一片田地中被发现死亡,死因是被她18岁的儿子阿兰·阿什克罗夫特(Alan Ashcroft)刺死。阿什克罗夫特在10月30日报告说他的母亲被绑架后不久,科利尔的尸体被发现。警方抵达他们一起生活的家时,发现阿什克罗夫特浑身是血。他试图逃跑,当被警察拘留时,他要求警察“朝他的头开枪”。据称,之后阿兰承认了这起残忍的谋杀案,为这位四个孩子的母亲送上了悼词。