你这是臆想症犯了吧。这个违规操作的职员是拜登总统亲自点名让她执行任务的吗?现在被捅出来有没有被依法处理了,还是拜登继续袒护她让她不受惩罚? 这是FEMA 的头 Deanne Bennett Criswell的公开信(节选) “This is a clear violation of FEMA’s core values and principles to help people regardless of their political affiliation. This was reprehensible. I want to be clear to all of my employees and the American people, this type of behavior and action will not be tolerated at FEMA and we will hold people accountable if they violate these standards of conduct.” 你们那么大义凛然的批判FEMA一个员工犯的错误,我为你们的正义点赞!但你们为何却偏袒一个身背34项罪名的罪犯来当总统?面对你们的教主,你们的正义感何在,都膝盖打滑了,脑子瓦特了?
Well said! This BBS is full of bullies from the extreme left wing people. Why not these people leave America and go somewhere else. These people are real social parasite sucking American tax payer's blood and do EVIL things! Get them out of our government!
https://www.vox.com/2020/4/4/21208122/ppe-distribution-trump-administration-states The goods states have received from the Trump administration haven’t always been helpful. Local governments, in some cases, have received broken or damaged PPE. Montgomery County, Alabama’s shipment of 5,880 masks had dry rot and were expired, The city of Los Angeles was also given 170 broken ventilators, which had to be repaired before use. And distribution of medical supplies from the stockpile also appears to be uneven, the Washington Post reported in late March. Massachusetts officials said the city of Boston has received 17 percent of the protective gear it requested, while the state of Maine got a shipment of 25,558 N95 respirators, or 5 percent of what it sought. On the other hand, Florida has received all the supplies it requested — two shipments for 430,000 surgical masks, 180,000 N95 respirators, 82,000 face shields, and 238,000 gloves.
https://www.vox.com/2020/4/4/21208122/ppe-distribution-trump-administration-states The goods states have received from the Trump administration haven’t always been helpful. Local governments, in some cases, have received broken or damaged PPE. Montgomery County, Alabama’s shipment of 5,880 masks had dry rot and were expired, altThe city of Los Angeles was also given 170 broken ventilators, which had to be repaired before use. And distribution of medical supplies from the stockpile also appears to be uneven, the Washington Post reported in late March. Massachusetts officials said the city of Boston has received 17 percent of the protective gear it requested, while the state of Maine got a shipment of 25,558 N95 respirators, or 5 percent of what it sought. On the other hand, Florida has received all the supplies it requested — two shipments for 430,000 surgical masks, 180,000 N95 respirators, 82,000 face shields, and 238,000 gloves.
https://www.vox.com/2020/4/4/21208122/ppe-distribution-trump-administration-states The goods states have received from the Trump administration haven’t always been helpful. Local governments, in some cases, have received broken or damaged PPE. Montgomery County, Alabama’s shipment of 5,880 masks had dry rot and were expired, The city of Los Angeles was also given 170 broken ventilators, which had to be repaired before use. And distribution of medical supplies from the stockpile also appears to be uneven, the Washington Post reported in late March. Massachusetts officials said the city of Boston has received 17 percent of the protective gear it requested, while the state of Maine got a shipment of 25,558 N95 respirators, or 5 percent of what it sought. On the other hand, Florida has received all the supplies it requested — two shipments for 430,000 surgical masks, 180,000 N95 respirators, 82,000 face shields, and 238,000 gloves. jeso1 发表于 2024-11-11 19:49
https://www.vox.com/2020/4/4/21208122/ppe-distribution-trump-administration-states The goods states have received from the Trump administration haven’t always been helpful. Local governments, in some cases, have received broken or damaged PPE. Montgomery County, Alabama’s shipment of 5,880 masks had dry rot and were expired, The city of Los Angeles was also given 170 broken ventilators, which had to be repaired before use. And distribution of medical supplies from the stockpile also appears to be uneven, the Washington Post reported in late March. Massachusetts officials said the city of Boston has received 17 percent of the protective gear it requested, while the state of Maine got a shipment of 25,558 N95 respirators, or 5 percent of what it sought. On the other hand, Florida has received all the supplies it requested — two shipments for 430,000 surgical masks, 180,000 N95 respirators, 82,000 face shields, and 238,000 gloves.
“美国为了打倒竞争对手进行政治迫害为目的缠诉”,这不是川普的China initiative做的事吗?
Leftist is extreme, evil and against family values. They deserver to be ousted by voters.
这是FEMA 的头 Deanne Bennett Criswell的公开信(节选)
“This is a clear violation of FEMA’s core values and principles to help people regardless of their political affiliation. This was reprehensible. I want to be clear to all of my employees and the American people, this type of behavior and action will not be tolerated at FEMA and we will hold people accountable if they violate these standards of conduct.”
Well said! This BBS is full of bullies from the extreme left wing people. Why not these people leave America and go somewhere else. These people are real social parasite sucking American tax payer's blood and do EVIL things! Get them out of our government!
这版上的左派应该好好反省一下,为什么你们的所有主流媒体和民调都显示Harris稳稳地赢,结果是输到只赢不需要ID 的州。你们难道不想一下这些民调都是怎么来的吗?他们是专门给你们这些无脑的来洗脑的!
我一直搞不明白 The Parable of the Good Samaritan的真正含义 以及如何在日常生活当中应用。
现在开始强调“个人行为”了,怎么之前个别川粉的言行就可以推演为代表所有川粉和川普呢? 共和党建制派之前和Harris站队时不是被捧为民主的脊梁吗,这么快就要做切割了? BTW,这个新闻已经被众多媒体“放大”了,google news上去搜搜fema看看结果
这是有文字证据可查的, 你怎么就知道没有那些口头下命令没有查出来的呢? 一个白人说种族歧视的话, 就引申成所有白人都是种族歧视, 这会儿摊到川黑就变成个人行为了? 双标得有点耀眼
傻子,🐖党迫害川普和Cina initative怎么又扯上关系了,你知道逻辑是什么吗?
那是受灾的美国老百姓,你怎么定义极右的? 他们把你的阉割了还是怎么就极右了?
为什么洛杉矶,蒙哥马利县收到ppe都是破损的不能用的。 疮普这个假公济私的无耻之尤和他手下疮党有体制的操作,疫情期间波士顿只收到17%救灾物资,缅因只拿到区区5%救灾物资, 而佛罗里达因为是maga党同伙,100%收到他们所有要求物品
The goods states have received from the Trump administration haven’t always been helpful. Local governments, in some cases, have received broken or damaged PPE. Montgomery County, Alabama’s shipment of 5,880 masks had dry rot and were expired, The city of Los Angeles was also given 170 broken ventilators, which had to be repaired before use.
And distribution of medical supplies from the stockpile also appears to be uneven, the Washington Post reported in late March. Massachusetts officials said the city of Boston has received 17 percent of the protective gear it requested, while the state of Maine got a shipment of 25,558 N95 respirators, or 5 percent of what it sought. On the other hand, Florida has received all the supplies it requested — two shipments for 430,000 surgical masks, 180,000 N95 respirators, 82,000 face shields, and 238,000 gloves.
蒙哥马利阿拉巴马是blue stripe,疮普共和党就给他们最差防护用品,要致民主党支持者于死地。 如果说fema官员是个人举动,疮普的maga党是有组织有预谋的体制性犯罪。
哈哈哈哈哈 太开心了
BBC都报道了 楼上是主煤看多了吧 动不动就mis/disinformation
难怪 骂人太难听了
做邻居要彼此尊重,别逾越了。你这么心系美国,还是多关心加拿大,你的系身地吧,这么有爱心,美国的非法移民都往加拿大跑了,你干脆大卡车拉过去,再在你家多搭建些棚子。一屋不扫 何以扫天下!
这是极右才会做的吧?故意打着民主党的旗号实际上做着有利共和党的事情。 试问一下,如果那些人家得不到救助,是不是更恨民主党了?是不是更不会投民主党? 用你的极右猪脑想一想。如果你还有的话。