FEMA official who allegedly told workers to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs fired The Federal Emergency Management Agency supervisor accused of ordering her subordinates to skip Florida homes with Trump campaign signs has been fired. Marn’i Washington was sacked for telling disaster relief workers in Lake Placid, Fla., to “not go to homes with yard signs supporting President-elect Trump,” FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell said Saturday. “This is a clear violation of FEMA’s core values and principles to help people regardless of their political affiliation,” she said, adding, “This employee has been terminated and we have referred the matter to the Office of Special Counsel.
1. Hurricane Maria (2017) - Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, many critics argued that the Trump administration and FEMA's response was slow, inadequate, and uneven. The lack of a swift response, along with the significant delays in delivering aid to the island, drew national criticism. Political implications: Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory with a predominantly Democratic population, and many accused the Trump administration of neglecting Puerto Rico due to its political leanings, especially given President Trump's contentious relationship with the island's leadership. Many felt that the federal response was slower and less robust compared to states like Texas or Florida, which had Republican leadership. Trump's comments: President Trump was also criticized for his dismissive remarks about the hurricane's impact, such as his comment that Puerto Rico’s disaster recovery had been “poorly managed” and that the territory was receiving too much aid. This led to claims that FEMA was not prioritizing the needs of a predominantly Democratic and non-white population.
3. COVID-19 and the Distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, some states with Democratic leadership (e.g., New York, California) accused the Trump administration and FEMA of not providing sufficient resources or PPE in a timely manner. There were also reports of political considerations playing a role in the distribution of equipment, with states led by Republicans being given priority in some cases. Claims of political favoritism: In particular, some saw the actions of FEMA and the Trump administration as politically motivated, with states that supported Trump receiving quicker or more generous supplies, while states with Democratic leadership, such as New York or Michigan, faced more delays or shortages. 4. Hurricane Laura (2020) - Louisiana After Hurricane Laura struck Louisiana in 2020, there were claims that the Trump administration was more responsive to states with Republican leadership, while Democratic-leaning states or areas were criticized for receiving slower or less generous aid. Louisiana's Governor, John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, praised the federal government’s response but also expressed concerns about the adequacy of resources. Political bias in disaster response: Critics, particularly on the left, suggested that FEMA’s response might have been influenced by political affiliation, as President Trump and his administration were seen as more focused on supporting Republican-led states and avoiding political fallout. 5. Federal Disaster Aid During Trump's Presidency During the Trump administration, there were several allegations of political favoritism in FEMA’s disaster aid distribution, with claims that areas that voted for Trump or had Republican leadership were more likely to receive favorable treatment when it came to federal assistance after disasters. Additionally, FEMA's response to certain disasters, such as in California during wildfires or in states affected by flooding, has been criticized for being slower or less comprehensive in comparison to responses in states that voted for Trump.
covid 时FEMA把口罩个人防护品大量送到德州佛罗里达,同时疫情最严重的纽约密西根加州缺少医疗资源 疮粉真是做了婊子又来立牌坊 States with Democratic leadership (e.g., New York, California, Michigan) were among the hardest-hit by COVID-19, particularly in the early months of the pandemic. Leaders in these states, like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and California Governor Gavin Newsom, publicly stated that they had to compete against one another and the federal government to secure vital supplies like masks, gloves, ventilators, and other PPE. At the same time, Republican-led states (such as Florida, Texas, and others) reported receiving more rapid and consistent assistance, and in some cases, supplies were sent directly from the federal government without the same level of delays or logistical hurdles faced by Democratic-leaning states.
1. Hurricane Maria (2017) - Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, many critics argued that the Trump administration and FEMA's response was slow, inadequate, and uneven. The lack of a swift response, along with the significant delays in delivering aid to the island, drew national criticism. Political implications: Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory with a predominantly Democratic population, and many accused the Trump administration of neglecting Puerto Rico due to its political leanings, especially given President Trump's contentious relationship with the island's leadership. Many felt that the federal response was slower and less robust compared to states like Texas or Florida, which had Republican leadership. Trump's comments: President Trump was also criticized for his dismissive remarks about the hurricane's impact, such as his comment that Puerto Rico’s disaster recovery had been “poorly managed” and that the territory was receiving too much aid. This led to claims that FEMA was not prioritizing the needs of a predominantly Democratic and non-white population.
3. COVID-19 and the Distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, some states with Democratic leadership (e.g., New York, California) accused the Trump administration and FEMA of not providing sufficient resources or PPE in a timely manner. There were also reports of political considerations playing a role in the distribution of equipment, with states led by Republicans being given priority in some cases. Claims of political favoritism: In particular, some saw the actions of FEMA and the Trump administration as politically motivated, with states that supported Trump receiving quicker or more generous supplies, while states with Democratic leadership, such as New York or Michigan, faced more delays or shortages. 4. Hurricane Laura (2020) - Louisiana After Hurricane Laura struck Louisiana in 2020, there were claims that the Trump administration was more responsive to states with Republican leadership, while Democratic-leaning states or areas were criticized for receiving slower or less generous aid. Louisiana's Governor, John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, praised the federal government’s response but also expressed concerns about the adequacy of resources. Political bias in disaster response: Critics, particularly on the left, suggested that FEMA’s response might have been influenced by political affiliation, as President Trump and his administration were seen as more focused on supporting Republican-led states and avoiding political fallout. 5. Federal Disaster Aid During Trump's Presidency During the Trump administration, there were several allegations of political favoritism in FEMA’s disaster aid distribution, with claims that areas that voted for Trump or had Republican leadership were more likely to receive favorable treatment when it came to federal assistance after disasters. Additionally, FEMA's response to certain disasters, such as in California during wildfires or in states affected by flooding, has been criticized for being slower or less comprehensive in comparison to responses in states that voted for Trump.
1. Hurricane Maria (2017) - Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, many critics argued that the Trump administration and FEMA's response was slow, inadequate, and uneven. The lack of a swift response, along with the significant delays in delivering aid to the island, drew national criticism. Political implications: Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory with a predominantly Democratic population, and many accused the Trump administration of neglecting Puerto Rico due to its political leanings, especially given President Trump's contentious relationship with the island's leadership. Many felt that the federal response was slower and less robust compared to states like Texas or Florida, which had Republican leadership. Trump's comments: President Trump was also criticized for his dismissive remarks about the hurricane's impact, such as his comment that Puerto Rico’s disaster recovery had been “poorly managed” and that the territory was receiving too much aid. This led to claims that FEMA was not prioritizing the needs of a predominantly Democratic and non-white population.
3. COVID-19 and the Distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, some states with Democratic leadership (e.g., New York, California) accused the Trump administration and FEMA of not providing sufficient resources or PPE in a timely manner. There were also reports of political considerations playing a role in the distribution of equipment, with states led by Republicans being given priority in some cases. Claims of political favoritism: In particular, some saw the actions of FEMA and the Trump administration as politically motivated, with states that supported Trump receiving quicker or more generous supplies, while states with Democratic leadership, such as New York or Michigan, faced more delays or shortages. 4. Hurricane Laura (2020) - Louisiana After Hurricane Laura struck Louisiana in 2020, there were claims that the Trump administration was more responsive to states with Republican leadership, while Democratic-leaning states or areas were criticized for receiving slower or less generous aid. Louisiana's Governor, John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, praised the federal government’s response but also expressed concerns about the adequacy of resources. Political bias in disaster response: Critics, particularly on the left, suggested that FEMA’s response might have been influenced by political affiliation, as President Trump and his administration were seen as more focused on supporting Republican-led states and avoiding political fallout. 5. Federal Disaster Aid During Trump's Presidency During the Trump administration, there were several allegations of political favoritism in FEMA’s disaster aid distribution, with claims that areas that voted for Trump or had Republican leadership were more likely to receive favorable treatment when it came to federal assistance after disasters. Additionally, FEMA's response to certain disasters, such as in California during wildfires or in states affected by flooding, has been criticized for being slower or less comprehensive in comparison to responses in states that voted for Trump.
你煞费心机搜罗的这些东西,全是民主党的口水战,没有一件能证明discrimination against political views。这时候还在这里spin,只能进一步证明你的low
据报道,10月底至11月初,马尼·华盛顿在佛罗里达州普莱西德湖镇附近带领救援团队工作时,指示员工避开张贴有川普标志的房屋。她在一个内部群聊中明确表示“不要去宣传川普的房屋”,并通过文字记录这一指令。 员工们表示,遵循马尼·华盛顿的指令,使得至少20户支持川普的家庭在飓风灾后未能获得急需的联邦援助。
据FEMA员工向媒体透露,该团队包括许多来自国土安全部其他机构的志愿者,他们本希望能够帮助灾区恢复,但被迫选择性地避开一些家庭。一名员工无奈地表示:“我们来是为了帮助受灾的居民,而不是为了歧视他们。”另一位员工则愤怒地称,“在最需要帮助的时刻排斥特定政治信仰的灾民,这是错误的。” FEMA署长克里斯韦尔迅速回应了此事,并通过社交媒体X表示马尼·华盛顿的行为与FEMA的核心使命相悖。她在声明中指出:“无论政治背景如何,FEMA的责任是帮助所有需要帮助的美国人。任何违背这一原则的行为都将受到严肃处理。”克里斯韦尔同时强调,她将采取措施,确保未来不再发生类似事件。 联邦众议员安娜·保利娜·卢纳(Anna Paulina Luna)也对这一事件表示强烈不满,并向FEMA发函要求调查。卢纳表示,她的选区正是此次飓风海伦和米尔顿的重灾区。她在信中质问FEMA高层对马尼·华盛顿指令的知情程度,并询问该机构计划如何向受影响的居民提供后续援助。 她要求克里斯韦尔在11月25日前提供详细答复,称“国会有责任进行彻查,以确保联邦救灾体系的公平性。”
佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)也已下令进行州级调查,称这是联邦政府机构党派偏见的又一例证。德桑蒂斯表示:“在我的指示下,州政府将展开调查,确保所有佛罗里达州居民不因其政治信仰而在灾后援助中被排斥。”他还指出,“我们不会容忍党派激进分子将政府救援武器化。” 飓风米尔顿在十月初登陆佛罗里达州,带来了毁灭性的破坏,造成超过30人死亡、数千户房屋损毁。损失估计达500亿美元。FEMA迅速介入,派遣救援团队进行灾后评估和重建工作。然而,由于马尼·华盛顿的命令,至少20户张贴有川普支持标志的家庭被排除在联邦救援范围之外,迫使这些居民自谋出路。这一选择性援助政策让当地居民深感失望,并引发了对FEMA在灾后援助公平性的质疑。
普莱西德湖镇市长约翰·霍尔布鲁克(John Holbrook)对此事件表示愤怒,称“在灾难面前,我们需要的是团结,而不是分裂。”他指出,居民们正在竭尽所能自我恢复,联邦政府本应提供无偏见的支持,但因这一决定而削弱了救援效果。 除州政府调查外,联邦国会议员卢纳还呼吁对联邦紧急事务管理署展开全面调查,以确保救援过程中没有人因政治信仰而受到排斥。卢纳表示:“大政府不应鄙视普通美国人,我们必须追究责任,确保公平无偏的救援服务。”她还补充道,若不对此类事件进行彻底清查,将进一步损害公众对政府机构的信任。 FEMA已承诺将采取更严格的内部审查,以避免将来发生类似事件。克里斯韦尔表示,她将亲自监督该事件的调查进展,以确保FEMA员工遵循援助原则,公平对待所有美国公民。
飓风灾区救援中 凡挂川普旗帜的家庭不得救援(图)https://api.e2bo.com/index.php?act=newsview&nid=694900&font=(null)&key=d1f9253d90a3977933e223d028a24a64&3g=0&viewtype=&ios=iphone&ver=final_1
🔥 最新回帖
这是极右才会做的吧?故意打着民主党的旗号实际上做着有利共和党的事情。 试问一下,如果那些人家得不到救助,是不是更恨民主党了?是不是更不会投民主党? 用你的极右猪脑想一想。如果你还有的话。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
已经被fire 掉了
这种应该判刑,光罚款加不能在政府任职哪里公平? 这就是左左们的真面目
自己家里有两个teens, 所以看到网上有的teenager为大选结果抑郁,心里很难过,觉得孩子纯真的心就这么被操纵了。
现在学校里不是”hate america“ 很popular 么
m k m k
hate 美国的 算不算叛国罪, 重大安全隐患,应该被驱逐出境吧。
她们几个哪里是希望走线的被遣返, 简直是每天发帖诅咒美国越来越差, 诅咒华人进集中营。 最可笑的是, 她们几个可不敢骂选川普的黑人和白人, 她们只敢骂选川普的华人。
如果有人因为没被救援而死, 他应该坐牢, 如果只是财务损失他也应该赔偿。
发表于:2024-11-10 17:50|只看TA举报|字体大小:T|T26# 搞出这么大的事居然只是丢工作?不去蹲监狱根本说不过去
哈哈,川粉义愤填膺肺都要气炸了, 这不就是疮普干的吗,假公济私,公报私仇,要把反对他的人送入监狱 什么时候疮普丢工作去蹲监狱?
你这个不是被商家挣了钱,直接在纸板上写着 Harris Wlaz名字就好了。legible就可以了。
那些动不动给政敌批发通俄,通普京帽子的人确实应该努努力帮帮普京Make Russia Great Again了。俄罗斯现在这个埋汰样,GDP还不如中国一个经济强省。你说普京可以指挥世界第一强国的总统,还有世界首富,普京自己也不敢信啊!
太恶心了 打种族牌 打性别牌 用各种意识形态把老百姓分成不同的群互相斗
你看看Harris 有多蠢就知道了民主党的人有多蠢了。
皇帝的新装:你不支持流氓就是傻子! 流氓裸奔好久了,
这种事也能spin成赞歌,牛的😂 民主党的政治迫害滥用职权为选票为打压对手无所不用其极也是大多数人弃之的主要原因之一。 只有粉坚信不疑坚定支持😂
左左啊就是双标的。 no surprise.
1. Hurricane Maria (2017) - Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, many critics argued that the Trump administration and FEMA's response was slow, inadequate, and uneven. The lack of a swift response, along with the significant delays in delivering aid to the island, drew national criticism. Political implications: Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory with a predominantly Democratic population, and many accused the Trump administration of neglecting Puerto Rico due to its political leanings, especially given President Trump's contentious relationship with the island's leadership. Many felt that the federal response was slower and less robust compared to states like Texas or Florida, which had Republican leadership. Trump's comments: President Trump was also criticized for his dismissive remarks about the hurricane's impact, such as his comment that Puerto Rico’s disaster recovery had been “poorly managed” and that the territory was receiving too much aid. This led to claims that FEMA was not prioritizing the needs of a predominantly Democratic and non-white population.
3. COVID-19 and the Distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, some states with Democratic leadership (e.g., New York, California) accused the Trump administration and FEMA of not providing sufficient resources or PPE in a timely manner. There were also reports of political considerations playing a role in the distribution of equipment, with states led by Republicans being given priority in some cases. Claims of political favoritism: In particular, some saw the actions of FEMA and the Trump administration as politically motivated, with states that supported Trump receiving quicker or more generous supplies, while states with Democratic leadership, such as New York or Michigan, faced more delays or shortages.
4. Hurricane Laura (2020) - Louisiana After Hurricane Laura struck Louisiana in 2020, there were claims that the Trump administration was more responsive to states with Republican leadership, while Democratic-leaning states or areas were criticized for receiving slower or less generous aid. Louisiana's Governor, John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, praised the federal government’s response but also expressed concerns about the adequacy of resources. Political bias in disaster response: Critics, particularly on the left, suggested that FEMA’s response might have been influenced by political affiliation, as President Trump and his administration were seen as more focused on supporting Republican-led states and avoiding political fallout.
5. Federal Disaster Aid During Trump's Presidency During the Trump administration, there were several allegations of political favoritism in FEMA’s disaster aid distribution, with claims that areas that voted for Trump or had Republican leadership were more likely to receive favorable treatment when it came to federal assistance after disasters. Additionally, FEMA's response to certain disasters, such as in California during wildfires or in states affected by flooding, has been criticized for being slower or less comprehensive in comparison to responses in states that voted for Trump.
FEMA is federal.
States with Democratic leadership (e.g., New York, California, Michigan) were among the hardest-hit by COVID-19, particularly in the early months of the pandemic. Leaders in these states, like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and California Governor Gavin Newsom, publicly stated that they had to compete against one another and the federal government to secure vital supplies like masks, gloves, ventilators, and other PPE. At the same time, Republican-led states (such as Florida, Texas, and others) reported receiving more rapid and consistent assistance, and in some cases, supplies were sent directly from the federal government without the same level of delays or logistical hurdles faced by Democratic-leaning states.
really? source?
你煞费心机搜罗的这些东西,全是民主党的口水战,没有一件能证明discrimination against political views。这时候还在这里spin,只能进一步证明你的low
别理ta,你引用的那个层主jeso1 是加拿大极左,就是来论坛上嚯嚯美国的,ta又不会care美国好不好。嘴也挺脏的,喜欢骂不同意见的人。
Hungry 首相有个公开的讲话:美国为了打倒竞争对手进行政治迫害为目的缠诉,只有西特勒,共产主义分子才这样。也表达了对美国拜登政府的极度失望。