据估计,每年非法移民给美国纳税人造成的损失约为 1510 亿美元。这包括联邦和州级在教育、医疗保健、执法和福利计划方面的支出。据报道,仅联邦政府就花费了约 665 亿美元,而各州总共承担了约 1156 亿美元,其中州和地方成本主要由向非法移民及其家人提供医疗保健和教育等公共福利的政策驱动。 在收入方面,无证移民缴纳的税款抵消了其中部分费用,联邦税费约为 246 亿美元,州税费约为 52 亿美元。这将对联邦预算的净财政影响减少至约 502 亿美元,而各州的总体负担甚至更高。 The annual cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is estimated at around $151 billion. This includes both federal and state-level spending on education, healthcare, law enforcement, and welfare programs. The federal government alone reportedly spends about $66.5 billion, while states collectively shoulder roughly $115.6 billion, with state and local costs being driven by policies that provide access to public benefits like healthcare and education to illegal immigrants and their families. On the revenue side, taxes paid by undocumented immigrants offset some of these expenses, amounting to around $24.6 billion in federal and $5.2 billion in state taxes. This reduces the net fiscal impact on the federal budget to approximately $50.2 billion, with states experiencing an even higher overall burden.
哈姐和民主党一向花钱大方 未证实的最终竞选开销: Campaign Spending; Trump Raised $381.54 Million Trump spent $345.42 Million Only $10.4 Million was spent on Staff. Kamala raised $1.003 Billion Kamala Spent $1.37 Billion Kamala Spent $582.53 Million on Staff. 这是有比较可信的消息源截止十月中的竞选开销数据,比较确认的是Oprah Winfrey拿了一个米,还有无数场演唱会。 In mid-October, the Harris campaign disclosed that it had spent over $880 million this election, almost $526 million greater than the roughly $354 million that the Trump campaign had disclosed spending, according to a Washington Examiner analysis of federal filings. 据估计,每年非法移民给美国纳税人造成的损失约为 1510 亿美元。这包括联邦和州级在教育、医疗保健、执法和福利计划方面的支出。据报道,仅联邦政府就花费了约 665 亿美元,而各州总共承担了约 1156 亿美元,其中州和地方成本主要由向非法移民及其家人提供医疗保健和教育等公共福利的政策驱动。 在收入方面,无证移民缴纳的税款抵消了其中部分费用,联邦税费约为 246 亿美元,州税费约为 52 亿美元。这将对联邦预算的净财政影响减少至约 502 亿美元,而各州的总体负担甚至更高。 The annual cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is estimated at around $151 billion. This includes both federal and state-level spending on education, healthcare, law enforcement, and welfare programs. The federal government alone reportedly spends about $66.5 billion, while states collectively shoulder roughly $115.6 billion, with state and local costs being driven by policies that provide access to public benefits like healthcare and education to illegal immigrants and their families. On the revenue side, taxes paid by undocumented immigrants offset some of these expenses, amounting to around $24.6 billion in federal and $5.2 billion in state taxes. This reduces the net fiscal impact on the federal budget to approximately $50.2 billion, with states experiencing an even higher overall burden.
xiaohaot 发表于 2024-11-10 14:47 据估计,每年非法移民给美国纳税人造成的损失约为 1510 亿美元。这包括联邦和州级在教育、医疗保健、执法和福利计划方面的支出。据报道,仅联邦政府就花费了约 665 亿美元,而各州总共承担了约 1156 亿美元,其中州和地方成本主要由向非法移民及其家人提供医疗保健和教育等公共福利的政策驱动。 在收入方面,无证移民缴纳的税款抵消了其中部分费用,联邦税费约为 246 亿美元,州税费约为 52 亿美元。这将对联邦预算的净财政影响减少至约 502 亿美元,而各州的总体负担甚至更高。 The annual cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is estimated at around $151 billion. This includes both federal and state-level spending on education, healthcare, law enforcement, and welfare programs. The federal government alone reportedly spends about $66.5 billion, while states collectively shoulder roughly $115.6 billion, with state and local costs being driven by policies that provide access to public benefits like healthcare and education to illegal immigrants and their families. On the revenue side, taxes paid by undocumented immigrants offset some of these expenses, amounting to around $24.6 billion in federal and $5.2 billion in state taxes. This reduces the net fiscal impact on the federal budget to approximately $50.2 billion, with states experiencing an even higher overall burden.
过去短短2年时间, 纽约市安置了20万非法移民, 花费 $5 billion, 2025年这个数字可能会double NYC migrant crisis costs will crack eye-popping $5 billion on shelters, security and food — amount could double by 2025 New York City has likely surpassed $5 billion in spending on services for migrants — including nearly $2 billion alone on housing the scores of new arrivals flooding into the Big Apple, according to city data. The eye-popping figures, listed on the city’s online asylum-seeker funding tracker, shows the city overall spent $4.88 billion combined through fiscal years 2023 and ‘24. Based on the rate of spending, the city likely exceeded more than $112 million since the start of the new fiscal year beginning July 1, or will soon, cracking $5 billion. Mayor Eric Adams’ administration has even projected the cost could double, hitting $10 billion over the three year period ending June 30, 2025. The money spent so far includes: $1.98 billion on housing and rent. About $2 billion on services and supplies. Nearly $500 million on food and medical costs. Another $500 million on IT, administrative and other costs.
据估计,每年非法移民给美国纳税人造成的损失约为 1510 亿美元。这包括联邦和州级在教育、医疗保健、执法和福利计划方面的支出。据报道,仅联邦政府就花费了约 665 亿美元,而各州总共承担了约 1156 亿美元,其中州和地方成本主要由向非法移民及其家人提供医疗保健和教育等公共福利的政策驱动。
在收入方面,无证移民缴纳的税款抵消了其中部分费用,联邦税费约为 246 亿美元,州税费约为 52 亿美元。这将对联邦预算的净财政影响减少至约 502 亿美元,而各州的总体负担甚至更高。
The annual cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is estimated at around $151 billion. This includes both federal and state-level spending on education, healthcare, law enforcement, and welfare programs. The federal government alone reportedly spends about $66.5 billion, while states collectively shoulder roughly $115.6 billion, with state and local costs being driven by policies that provide access to public benefits like healthcare and education to illegal immigrants and their families.
On the revenue side, taxes paid by undocumented immigrants offset some of these expenses, amounting to around $24.6 billion in federal and $5.2 billion in state taxes. This reduces the net fiscal impact on the federal budget to approximately $50.2 billion, with states experiencing an even higher overall burden.
未证实的最终竞选开销: Campaign Spending; Trump Raised $381.54 Million Trump spent $345.42 Million Only $10.4 Million was spent on Staff.
Kamala raised $1.003 Billion Kamala Spent $1.37 Billion Kamala Spent $582.53 Million on Staff.
这是有比较可信的消息源截止十月中的竞选开销数据,比较确认的是Oprah Winfrey拿了一个米,还有无数场演唱会。 In mid-October, the Harris campaign disclosed that it had spent over $880 million this election, almost $526 million greater than the roughly $354 million that the Trump campaign had disclosed spending, according to a Washington Examiner analysis of federal filings.
这倒是,剩下的给你们猪党下面的各种乱七八糟预算给贪污掉了,80-90年代纽约中央公园造个滑冰场,预算是2500万美元,还没完成,钱就流到了各种环节里面去了,Trump花了200万就造好了。2021年那个Biden提出的经济大刺激法案,有900页长,里面很多钱都是不涉及任何经济刺激,比如给公务员多增加多少福利什么的。这个还是这种预算长达几百页写着的,那种hidden的钱,不知道怎么花的。猪党有没有想过铁锈带的人们、有没有想过很多small business owner,有没有想过那种小的ranch owner和farmer?有没有去看过他们的挣扎,对于现在美国经济的失落,看着自己的政府去帮助非法移民,也不会伸出任何援手帮助美国本土公民。许多支持Trump是穷,没有高大上的学历、没有你们所谓的博士经历,但是人家也是通过自己的劳动去获得一份薪水养活家人、也是合法缴税,凭什么给猪党牺牲、凭什么给资本出卖?你有什么资格去嘲笑这些人,就凭你自己的学历、就凭你领着比他人高的头衔和薪水,难道你的后代不会去变成铁锈带的人们、不会成为small business owner,不会成为small rancher吗?
我给非法移民买单, 你给 sandy hook 死去的小学生买单?
可否?you donot even know what you are talking about. 可怜的愚民。
非法来了一般最多半年工卡就下来 快的几个月
川粉大多抠门的要命。 兜里少了几分钱, 哇哇叫, sandy hook 死了那么多小朋友, 他们顶多买几根蜡烛。
非移的福利大约占美国2023 GDP的 0.6%
拿各国国防开支占GDP占比比较一下: 美国 3.2% 罗斯 3.1% 中国 1.7% 法国 1.4% 德国 1.4% 加国 1.3% 日本 1.1% 韩国 2.8%
狗屁党小布什发动的阿富汗战争就花了 2T 多。 2008 金融危机就不用提了, 估计 2T 连个零头也不够。
川普党反智抗疫, 2009 死了多少人? 一个人命 $20 美元, 是不是要超过 1 米? 当然, 川粉党都看不起这 1 米, 可以理解。
川粉之弱智, 总是惊天动地。 百数字都不看, 整天戴着放大镜看 小数点后 N 位数字。
这个是承包商,佛州政府是通过公开招标,合法途径找到承包商,但是承包商是谁,怎么承接的工程,后期如何通过检测的,这个都是承包商的责任,和佛州政府有什么关系呢?原材料是不是来自中国的劣质材料呢?施工中人员有没有偷换钢筋呢?佛州州长是共和党,但是里面具体负责事务是的人很多都是原来前任政府留下的,这里面的弯弯绕绕多了去了,你有看见佛州公务员大面积裁员的吗? Trump第一任,周围都是建制派,小小的命令都穿不出白宫,你说一个佛州政府,里面有多少老人呢?更何况,造桥看的是承包方,真正建造方。按照你的逻辑,那么纽约火车的事故,问一下,民主党是怎么执政的,纽约火车出了那么多次事故。 你不能正面回答我的问题,要说,美国重大桥梁事故,在红州、蓝州都有。给你举例,我可以写上一天。转移话题就是不专业了。
这是真的,要申请一个一个叫ItIN 之类的东西,就是对没资格申请SSN的人设置的,作为他的ID 报税。
就一帮人为了怂恿华人投票民主党,拼命宣扬川普会把华人赶尽杀绝的观点。说川普歧视移民的,也不看看川普自己两任老婆都是移民 ,女儿嫁的也是移民。猪党粉别整天活在迫害妄想症里了,小心自己后代被主党思想毒害成变性人才是真的。
这是什么脑子才把拿奖学金过来的合法F1跟非移比做一类还说不如非移。奖学金要不是TA 要不是RA要不是merit-based scholarship. 你问问看非移做不做得到。 你再看看这些当年拿奖学金的现在都交多少税? 非移给美国交多少?
不可能只有支出没有回报啊,没有这些便宜劳力,很多清洁工啊 摘苹果草莓的,割草, 修屋顶的等等,都会贵很多吧。
引进劳动力可以走合法途径,做好背景调查。open border 完全不一样啊!委内瑞拉的黑帮也进来了,在丹佛持枪入室抢劫呢!
这些骗子为什么喜欢大政府? 为什么喜欢政府掌控一切?为什么喜欢给中产加各种苛捐杂税?(我们西岸蓝州专门有个给流浪汉建房子的税) 因为这就是他们捞钱的最重要办法。如果你没有能力赚钱,但又想发财,有什么比加入这个准黑帮组织来得更快?
肯定没做学生。一定是龙虾党, 才叫得那么欢。
那你先做个榜样显个爱心吧。给你出个主意让其他人闭口。领一个非移回家,不多,就一个,开个全天直播,就叫keeping up with gokgs。我们一定会捧场的。你会名利双收的。
NYC migrant crisis costs will crack eye-popping $5 billion on shelters, security and food — amount could double by 2025
New York City has likely surpassed $5 billion in spending on services for migrants — including nearly $2 billion alone on housing the scores of new arrivals flooding into the Big Apple, according to city data. The eye-popping figures, listed on the city’s online asylum-seeker funding tracker, shows the city overall spent $4.88 billion combined through fiscal years 2023 and ‘24. Based on the rate of spending, the city likely exceeded more than $112 million since the start of the new fiscal year beginning July 1, or will soon, cracking $5 billion. Mayor Eric Adams’ administration has even projected the cost could double, hitting $10 billion over the three year period ending June 30, 2025.
The money spent so far includes: $1.98 billion on housing and rent. About $2 billion on services and supplies. Nearly $500 million on food and medical costs. Another $500 million on IT, administrative and other costs.
最近看了个视频,钱都转回到了black rock. 不打仗就断了他们财路。要不恨川普呢。