但是第一步你应该看看这是不是一个correctable offense. 如果是的话Fix your registration 交55就不用管了 不过挺奇怪的好像那年一个Port of authority 的commissioner的孩子的朋友的车with expired registration 结果警察要tow车? https://youtu.be/S6vlu1FRaic?si=yAj1SM8W94eJ-ALa 你的车没Tow?
这是我查到的 但是你要自己做你的Due diligence. NJ我不熟 Yes, you can correct an expired vehicle registration in New Jersey:
Provide a Proof of Correction form If you can''''t prove your current registration at the time of a stop, you can submit a Proof of Correction form to the courts. This will cause the courts to look up your current registration and dismiss the ticket.
Register your vehicle immediately Registering your vehicle immediately shows the court that you are a responsible driver and your fine can be significantly reduced.
Contest the ticket If you received the ticket for no registration because of a mistake, you may have options to contest it. For example, you can:
Report the theft of your registration tags to the MVC
Take your proof of registration to the courthouse and ask for a certificate of correction
Contest the fine if your car hasn''''t been in use for many years
是ticket, 单子上面有单号,法庭号和罚款金额。金额到比我想得少。
这些事情应该网上就可以做。 我记得两三年前的时候我家有辆车也是expired registration了,在网上申请了一下plead not guilty. 甚至没有去法院,直接就email还是邮件取消了ticket。
这是罚款啊, 注册费还是一分钱也不少的。
好几年没注册 要补交之前的吗? 还是只是今年
Of course.
我也看到这个网上也可以申请plea non guity 就不用去法庭了。想问一下mm你当时申诉的时候需要把补好的registration 也一起递交吗? 如果没成功的话罚款应该不会加重吧。
是的,注册肯定是另外的。我这个可能忘注册的时间太长,网上不能直接renewal, 要make dmv appointment. 哎, 以后不敢忘了。
要是这样就好。我看到在网上交费的时候最后需要check 一个box 就是 pay penalty and please guilty. 只要please guilty 对之后没影响就好了。
这种不是 moving traffic violation, 会影响保费吗?
本来就是你错的 你过期两年搞无罪的理由是? 搞无罪你500元一小时找律师继续帮你往下搞? 然后再找医生开各种心身理问题障碍报告? 现实是你赶紧亡羊补牢 带上积极补救的证明 上庭认罪然后请求法官不记入记录讲价免或少罚款
只要不是moving violation就不会影响保费
但是这个难道不是Correctable offense么? 哪个州啊也不说
你也可以碰碰运气Enter个plea 然后再上庭
是新泽西。 如果plea的话为什么越晚越好?
首先你要查查NJ traffic law
但是In general你enter plea和结果没有什么关系
有关系的是Trial, 如果警察没来你的case就会被dismissed
所以你的Objectives是尽量把trial往后拖. 越拖警察来的可能越小
Arraignment (enter plea 的这个过程)之后才会schedule trial, 所以你的arraignment越晚你的trial就越晚
但是第一步你应该看看这是不是一个correctable offense. 如果是的话Fix your registration 交55就不用管了
不过挺奇怪的好像那年一个Port of authority 的commissioner的孩子的朋友的车with expired registration 结果警察要tow车?
这是我查到的 但是你要自己做你的Due diligence. NJ我不熟
Yes, you can correct an expired vehicle registration in New Jersey:
Provide a Proof of Correction form If you can''''t prove your current registration at the time of a stop, you can submit a Proof of Correction form to the courts. This will cause the courts to look up your current registration and dismiss the ticket.
Register your vehicle immediately Registering your vehicle immediately shows the court that you are a responsible driver and your fine can be significantly reduced.
Contest the ticket If you received the ticket for no registration because of a mistake, you may have options to contest it. For example, you can:
Report the theft of your registration tags to the MVC
Take your proof of registration to the courthouse and ask for a certificate of correction
Contest the fine if your car hasn''''t been in use for many years