链式移民过来以后骗福利的也该砍了 多少人的父母是住免费公寓的,大家心知肚明。说实话心里很干,我们这种家里老人体体面面靠自己、不骗国家福利的家庭,凭什么交税养这些中国有退休金过来装穷的人? 这些装穷的人的儿女可没有只是民主党选民,结果说起来好像民主党选民拿得比共和党选民多似的,结果一看统计数据的联邦支出,红州一片吸国家血的,蓝州一片钱往外掏的,什么玩意儿 隔壁楼讨论obamacare,说得好像是民主党在帮蓝州坑红州似的,其实仔细一看,卧槽,红州一个一个申请得比蓝州积极多了,这是正儿八经的软饭硬吃 https://www.axios.com/2024/01/24/obamacare-aca-health-insurance-republican-states By the numbers: States with the largest year-over-year increase in sign-ups include West Virginia (80.2%), Louisiana (75.9%), Ohio (62.2%), Indiana (59.6%) and Tennessee (59.5%), according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the marketplaces. Seven other states saw increases of 45% or more: Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Texas. Enrollment in Texas increased by just over 1 million to 3.5 million. In Florida, enrollment increased by just shy of 1 million to 4.2 million, the most of any state. Enrollment decreased only in Maine (-2.6%) and Washington, D.C. (-1.4%).
mtwash 发表于 2024-11-10 08:47 链式移民过来以后骗福利的也该砍了 多少人的父母是住免费公寓的,大家心知肚明。说实话心里很干,我们这种家里老人体体面面靠自己、不骗国家福利的家庭,凭什么交税养这些中国有退休金过来装穷的人? 这些装穷的人的儿女可没有只是民主党选民,结果说起来好像民主党选民拿得比共和党选民多似的,结果一看统计数据的联邦支出,红州一片吸国家血的,蓝州一片钱往外掏的,什么玩意儿 隔壁楼讨论obamacare,说得好像是民主党在帮蓝州坑红州似的,其实仔细一看,卧槽,红州一个一个申请得比蓝州积极多了,这是正儿八经的软饭硬吃 https://www.axios.com/2024/01/24/obamacare-aca-health-insurance-republican-states By the numbers: States with the largest year-over-year increase in sign-ups include West Virginia (80.2%), Louisiana (75.9%), Ohio (62.2%), Indiana (59.6%) and Tennessee (59.5%), according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the marketplaces. Seven other states saw increases of 45% or more: Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Texas. Enrollment in Texas increased by just over 1 million to 3.5 million. In Florida, enrollment increased by just shy of 1 million to 4.2 million, the most of any state. Enrollment decreased only in Maine (-2.6%) and Washington, D.C. (-1.4%).
mtwash 发表于 2024-11-10 08:47 链式移民过来以后骗福利的也该砍了 多少人的父母是住免费公寓的,大家心知肚明。说实话心里很干,我们这种家里老人体体面面靠自己、不骗国家福利的家庭,凭什么交税养这些中国有退休金过来装穷的人? 这些装穷的人的儿女可没有只是民主党选民,结果说起来好像民主党选民拿得比共和党选民多似的,结果一看统计数据的联邦支出,红州一片吸国家血的,蓝州一片钱往外掏的,什么玩意儿 隔壁楼讨论obamacare,说得好像是民主党在帮蓝州坑红州似的,其实仔细一看,卧槽,红州一个一个申请得比蓝州积极多了,这是正儿八经的软饭硬吃 https://www.axios.com/2024/01/24/obamacare-aca-health-insurance-republican-states By the numbers: States with the largest year-over-year increase in sign-ups include West Virginia (80.2%), Louisiana (75.9%), Ohio (62.2%), Indiana (59.6%) and Tennessee (59.5%), according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the marketplaces. Seven other states saw increases of 45% or more: Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Texas. Enrollment in Texas increased by just over 1 million to 3.5 million. In Florida, enrollment increased by just shy of 1 million to 4.2 million, the most of any state. Enrollment decreased only in Maine (-2.6%) and Washington, D.C. (-1.4%).
mtwash 发表于 2024-11-10 08:47 链式移民过来以后骗福利的也该砍了 多少人的父母是住免费公寓的,大家心知肚明。说实话心里很干,我们这种家里老人体体面面靠自己、不骗国家福利的家庭,凭什么交税养这些中国有退休金过来装穷的人? 这些装穷的人的儿女可没有只是民主党选民,结果说起来好像民主党选民拿得比共和党选民多似的,结果一看统计数据的联邦支出,红州一片吸国家血的,蓝州一片钱往外掏的,什么玩意儿 隔壁楼讨论obamacare,说得好像是民主党在帮蓝州坑红州似的,其实仔细一看,卧槽,红州一个一个申请得比蓝州积极多了,这是正儿八经的软饭硬吃 https://www.axios.com/2024/01/24/obamacare-aca-health-insurance-republican-states By the numbers: States with the largest year-over-year increase in sign-ups include West Virginia (80.2%), Louisiana (75.9%), Ohio (62.2%), Indiana (59.6%) and Tennessee (59.5%), according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the marketplaces. Seven other states saw increases of 45% or more: Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Texas. Enrollment in Texas increased by just over 1 million to 3.5 million. In Florida, enrollment increased by just shy of 1 million to 4.2 million, the most of any state. Enrollment decreased only in Maine (-2.6%) and Washington, D.C. (-1.4%).
是的 许多川粉的父母都拿白卡吃福利
By the numbers: States with the largest year-over-year increase in sign-ups include West Virginia (80.2%), Louisiana (75.9%), Ohio (62.2%), Indiana (59.6%) and Tennessee (59.5%), according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the marketplaces. Seven other states saw increases of 45% or more: Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Texas. Enrollment in Texas increased by just over 1 million to 3.5 million. In Florida, enrollment increased by just shy of 1 million to 4.2 million, the most of any state. Enrollment decreased only in Maine (-2.6%) and Washington, D.C. (-1.4%).
就是 说句难听的 非法移民还打黑工自己养活自己呢 链式移民就是纯吃福利