结果与模型严重不符,怀疑trump之前说的I have enough votes, I don''t need your vote不仅仅是老年痴呆,而是切实有具体计划。musk和putin这次真的赢了。当然,musk的twitter上面大肆传播洗脑信息,欺骗了低IQ人群,也有一定贡献。看来冷战,俄国是笑在最后了。 真的是验证我我之前一篇帖子预测的MAGA一定会不惜一切手段上台,只是没想到会这么明目张胆直接侵入机器改票,而不需要用到我说那些plan B。无所谓了,即使是确实是putin和musk联手hack送MAGA上台,结果也没办法改变了,下面开始各位嘲讽我的疮份自求多福吧。 MAGA上台后,等待低IQ低收入疮份的是: 让你不敢相信的高通胀,USD大幅贬值,经济崩溃,股市大跌 China virus优先遣返,已经入籍的优先denaturalization 学校里你们孩子们等白人拉丁人的各种欺凌 女川粉等着各种直接控制你身体,医院不给你治疗 各种safety net全部取消,医保,食物补助。失业就无医保,一个感冒让你破产 当然,最后还赖在美国的,逃离不了进炉子的命运 是的MAGA上台对我也有影响,但是至少能给我减税,也算有好处。你们呢?继续嘲笑我,小心报应来的太快。 我想通了,之前苦口婆心,引经据典,试图提醒疮粉不要受骗,看清局势,换来的是嘲笑谩骂。现在开始: I DON''T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE. FAFO. Enjoy!
supersleeper 发表于 2024-11-08 21:36 结果与模型严重不符,怀疑trump之前说的I have enough votes, I don''t need your vote不仅仅是老年痴呆,而是切实有具体计划。musk和putin这次真的赢了。当然,musk的twitter上面大肆传播洗脑信息,欺骗了低IQ人群,也有一定贡献。看来冷战,俄国是笑在最后了。 真的是验证我我之前一篇帖子预测的MAGA一定会不惜一切手段上台,只是没想到会这么明目张胆直接侵入机器改票,而不需要用到我说那些plan B。无所谓了,即使是确实是putin和musk联手hack送MAGA上台,结果也没办法改变了,下面开始各位嘲讽我的疮份自求多福吧。 MAGA上台后,等待低IQ低收入疮份的是: 让你不敢相信的高通胀,USD大幅贬值,经济崩溃,股市大跌 China virus优先遣返,已经入籍的优先denaturalization 学校里你们孩子们等白人拉丁人的各种欺凌 女川粉等着各种直接控制你身体,医院不给你治疗 各种safety net全部取消,医保,食物补助。失业就无医保,一个感冒让你破产 当然,最后还赖在美国的,逃离不了进炉子的命运 是的MAGA上台对我也有影响,但是至少能给我减税,也算有好处。你们呢?继续嘲笑我,小心报应来的太快。 我想通了,之前苦口婆心,引经据典,试图提醒疮粉不要受骗,看清局势,换来的是嘲笑谩骂。现在开始: I DON''T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE. FAFO. Enjoy!
大选之前都有很多报道了 https://cepa.org/article/russian-election-saboteurs-gear-up-for-us-vote/ and every accusation is a confession https://abcnews.go.com/US/elon-musk-pushes-false-conspiracies-voting-machines-swing/
这方面的新闻报导过好几次了吧,现在这样做并不奇怪。 https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/chinese-immigrants-condemn-trumps-migrant-army-against-us-narrative/article68177571.ece Chinese immigrants condemn Trump’s ‘migrant army against U.S.’ narrative May 15, 2024 The daily struggle of Chinese immigrants in the U.S. is a far cry from the picture presidential candidate Donald Trump and other Republican leaders have sought to paint of them as a coordinated group of ‘military-age’ men who have come to the country to build an ‘army’ and attack America
supersleeper 发表于 2024-11-08 21:36 结果与模型严重不符,怀疑trump之前说的I have enough votes, I don''t need your vote不仅仅是老年痴呆,而是切实有具体计划。musk和putin这次真的赢了。当然,musk的twitter上面大肆传播洗脑信息,欺骗了低IQ人群,也有一定贡献。看来冷战,俄国是笑在最后了。 真的是验证我我之前一篇帖子预测的MAGA一定会不惜一切手段上台,只是没想到会这么明目张胆直接侵入机器改票,而不需要用到我说那些plan B。无所谓了,即使是确实是putin和musk联手hack送MAGA上台,结果也没办法改变了,下面开始各位嘲讽我的疮份自求多福吧。 MAGA上台后,等待低IQ低收入疮份的是: 让你不敢相信的高通胀,USD大幅贬值,经济崩溃,股市大跌 China virus优先遣返,已经入籍的优先denaturalization 学校里你们孩子们等白人拉丁人的各种欺凌 女川粉等着各种直接控制你身体,医院不给你治疗 各种safety net全部取消,医保,食物补助。失业就无医保,一个感冒让你破产 当然,最后还赖在美国的,逃离不了进炉子的命运 是的MAGA上台对我也有影响,但是至少能给我减税,也算有好处。你们呢?继续嘲笑我,小心报应来的太快。 我想通了,之前苦口婆心,引经据典,试图提醒疮粉不要受骗,看清局势,换来的是嘲笑谩骂。现在开始: I DON''T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE. FAFO. Enjoy!
本来政府想薅羊毛的、结果大家都反对,好 Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local governments. Undocumented immigrants paid federal, state, and local taxes of $8,889 per person in 2022. In other words, for every 1 million undocumented immigrants who reside in the country, public services receive $8.9 billion in additional tax revenue. More than a third of the tax dollars paid by undocumented immigrants go toward payroll taxes dedicated to funding programs that these workers are barred from accessing. Undocumented immigrants paid $25.7 billion in Social Security taxes, $6.4 billion in Medicare taxes, and $1.8 billion in unemployment insurance taxes in 2022. At the state and local levels, slightly less than half (46 percent, or $15.1 billion) of the tax payments made by undocumented immigrants are through sales and excise taxes levied on their purchases. Most other payments are made through property taxes, such as those levied on homeowners and renters (31 percent, or $10.4 billion), or through personal and business income taxes (21 percent, or $7.0 billion). Six states raised more than $1 billion each in tax revenue from undocumented immigrants living within their borders. Those states are California ($8.5 billion), Texas ($4.9 billion), New York ($3.1 billion), Florida ($1.8 billion), Illinois ($1.5 billion), and New Jersey ($1.3 billion). https://itep.org/undocumented-immigrants-taxes-2024/
落地无声 发表于 2024-11-08 23:11 本来政府想薅羊毛的、结果大家都反对,好 Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local governments. Undocumented immigrants paid federal, state, and local taxes of $8,889 per person in 2022. In other words, for every 1 million undocumented immigrants who reside in the country, public services receive $8.9 billion in additional tax revenue. More than a third of the tax dollars paid by undocumented immigrants go toward payroll taxes dedicated to funding programs that these workers are barred from accessing. Undocumented immigrants paid $25.7 billion in Social Security taxes, $6.4 billion in Medicare taxes, and $1.8 billion in unemployment insurance taxes in 2022. At the state and local levels, slightly less than half (46 percent, or $15.1 billion) of the tax payments made by undocumented immigrants are through sales and excise taxes levied on their purchases. Most other payments are made through property taxes, such as those levied on homeowners and renters (31 percent, or $10.4 billion), or through personal and business income taxes (21 percent, or $7.0 billion). Six states raised more than $1 billion each in tax revenue from undocumented immigrants living within their borders. Those states are California ($8.5 billion), Texas ($4.9 billion), New York ($3.1 billion), Florida ($1.8 billion), Illinois ($1.5 billion), and New Jersey ($1.3 billion). https://itep.org/undocumented-immigrants-taxes-2024/
Those stupid trumptards voted against their own interests and own economic interests. Let them enjoy it i dont give a F anymore. at least Trump will lower my taxes, so f the poor shithead who’s not in the top tax bracket. You are going to suffer more than I do. And I’ll enjoy watching your poor trumptard losing your healthcare and income and pay more taxes lol
supersleeper 发表于 2024-11-08 23:16 Those stupid trumptards voted against their own interests and own economic interests. Let them enjoy it i dont give a F anymore. at least Trump will lower my taxes, so f the poor shithead who’s not in the top tax bracket. You are going to suffer more than I do. And I’ll enjoy watching your poor trumptard losing your healthcare and income and pay more taxes lol
Exactly my sentiments I voted and spent many hours here before the election trying to warn those low IQ poor shithead. I voted to raise my own tax by $80k a year under Harris plan. Well fk it now. I’ll enjoy my big house in blue zip code. Enjoy my extra tax cuts and see all those illegals got deported and even let’s just deport the fl greencard holders and H1bs too just for fun. I won’t blink an eye. Not gonna to impact me. You ask what if when they really start the concentration camps? Haha 👋 FAFO
回复 49楼 的帖子 “很多川粉”是谁说过什么管用?嘛呀,能不能有点common sense 逻辑性。要是所有非移都有罪,还专门强调犯罪分子干嘛。非移是violate immigration law but not criminal! 不管谁先谁后,万斯的解释是首先要掐住源头阻止更多的进来。然后优先弄走犯罪分子,然后要尽一切努力deport all . 我记得他原话是这么说的。主持人也质疑一两千万人怎么操作。他说事情要一步步做,要严惩雇佣非法移民的雇主,这样很多非移自己就走了…这个我也保持怀疑,看他们后续操作吧。印象里好像还没有哪届政府成功解决过这个问题。拖到最后就是大赦了事。怎么找到这些非移那就是政府的事情了。至于犯罪的肯定是被抓了啊,只不过之前被抓了很有可能被大爱的民主党又放了…这个新闻里也不是听过一次两次了
Exactly my sentiments I voted and spent many hours here before the election trying to warn those low IQ poor shithead. I voted to raise my own tax by $80k a year under Harris plan. Well fk it now. I’ll enjoy my big house in blue zip code. Enjoy my extra tax cuts and see all those illegals got deported and even let’s just deport the fl greencard holders and H1bs too just for fun. I won’t blink an eye. Not gonna to impact me. You ask what if when they really start the concentration camps? Haha 👋 FAFO supersleeper 发表于 2024-11-08 23:30
落地无声 发表于 2024-11-08 23:11 本来政府想薅羊毛的、结果大家都反对,好 Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local governments. Undocumented immigrants paid federal, state, and local taxes of $8,889 per person in 2022. In other words, for every 1 million undocumented immigrants who reside in the country, public services receive $8.9 billion in additional tax revenue. More than a third of the tax dollars paid by undocumented immigrants go toward payroll taxes dedicated to funding programs that these workers are barred from accessing. Undocumented immigrants paid $25.7 billion in Social Security taxes, $6.4 billion in Medicare taxes, and $1.8 billion in unemployment insurance taxes in 2022. At the state and local levels, slightly less than half (46 percent, or $15.1 billion) of the tax payments made by undocumented immigrants are through sales and excise taxes levied on their purchases. Most other payments are made through property taxes, such as those levied on homeowners and renters (31 percent, or $10.4 billion), or through personal and business income taxes (21 percent, or $7.0 billion). Six states raised more than $1 billion each in tax revenue from undocumented immigrants living within their borders. Those states are California ($8.5 billion), Texas ($4.9 billion), New York ($3.1 billion), Florida ($1.8 billion), Illinois ($1.5 billion), and New Jersey ($1.3 billion). https://itep.org/undocumented-immigrants-taxes-2024/
加州 纽约都已经公开投诚TRUMP了,都是为了政治需要,真的干起来,保护个毛线。
没办法,BIDEN大总统不是说了嘛: all people deserve.......
为啥先弄中国非移? 墨西哥,南美一堆国家估计是中国10倍以上吧?
放心了 中国来的 怎么都活得比其他国家好 等宣布了再同情人家好吧
先弄中国的,这难道不是早就铺垫好了的吗?有什么可惊讶的? 对付留学的工作的高知的,有china initiative, 对付走线的偷渡的, 川总早铺垫了都是military aged
FAFO. Enjoy!
中国已经接受了好几飞机的了, 关键是条件,以前条件谈不好,就拒收,条件谈好了,一飞机一飞机的!
这么看来military aged是早有铺垫的,川总威武 所以要听弦外之音啊
希望黄川粉们自己响应号召, 圆润的滚蛋按白色MAGA 的精神去make Asia great again
In the article, it says they can be deported to a third country like Guatemala.
and every accusation is a confession
Chinese immigrants condemn Trump’s ‘migrant army against U.S.’ narrative May 15, 2024
The daily struggle of Chinese immigrants in the U.S. is a far cry from the picture presidential candidate Donald Trump and other Republican leaders have sought to paint of them as a coordinated group of ‘military-age’ men who have come to the country to build an ‘army’ and attack America
again, 这只是某些个人的诉说啊…..别说最近还真跟附近按摩店一个走线来的东北阿姨聊了会儿天。她说墨西哥人很多抓到直接遣返了,亚裔反而没有。因为考虑到有政治避难的可能性。她说她下个月也要去听证了…
看到一个分析,几个摇摆州的民主党参议员得票数跟Harris的得票数很接近,大部分险胜,而他们共和党对手得票数却比Trump明显少,众议员和州议员得票类似。也就是说有数目可观的选票除了总统啥都没选。我看了一下连德州都类似,Trump赢了Harris足足157万票,Ted Cruz的民主党对手倒是比Harris多拿了20万票,但Ted Cruz自己比Trump少拿了40万票。我倒不认为什么侵入机器改票,但如此庞大数目的选票只投总统票,是很值得观察的。
你的意思是 看见刽子手提着刀朝你走来了 但是不需要担心 刀还没挨着脖子呢 急啥
我反正是没看见有人提刀过来。有提刀的证据? 我只要看直接证据而不是某个媒体的推测想象
本来政府想薅羊毛的、结果大家都反对,好 Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local governments. Undocumented immigrants paid federal, state, and local taxes of $8,889 per person in 2022. In other words, for every 1 million undocumented immigrants who reside in the country, public services receive $8.9 billion in additional tax revenue. More than a third of the tax dollars paid by undocumented immigrants go toward payroll taxes dedicated to funding programs that these workers are barred from accessing. Undocumented immigrants paid $25.7 billion in Social Security taxes, $6.4 billion in Medicare taxes, and $1.8 billion in unemployment insurance taxes in 2022. At the state and local levels, slightly less than half (46 percent, or $15.1 billion) of the tax payments made by undocumented immigrants are through sales and excise taxes levied on their purchases. Most other payments are made through property taxes, such as those levied on homeowners and renters (31 percent, or $10.4 billion), or through personal and business income taxes (21 percent, or $7.0 billion). Six states raised more than $1 billion each in tax revenue from undocumented immigrants living within their borders. Those states are California ($8.5 billion), Texas ($4.9 billion), New York ($3.1 billion), Florida ($1.8 billion), Illinois ($1.5 billion), and New Jersey ($1.3 billion). https://itep.org/undocumented-immigrants-taxes-2024/
Those stupid trumptards voted against their own interests and own economic interests. Let them enjoy it
i dont give a F anymore.
at least Trump will lower my taxes, so f the poor shithead who’s not in the top tax bracket. You are going to suffer more than I do. And I’ll enjoy watching your poor trumptard losing your healthcare and income and pay more taxes lol
Exactly my sentiments
I voted and spent many hours here before the election trying to warn those low IQ poor shithead.
I voted to raise my own tax by $80k a year under Harris plan.
Well fk it now. I’ll enjoy my big house in blue zip code. Enjoy my extra tax cuts and see all those illegals got deported and even let’s just deport the fl greencard holders and H1bs too just for fun. I won’t blink an eye. Not gonna to impact me. You ask what if when they really start the concentration camps? Haha 👋
“他俩的访谈一直说要先遣返有犯罪记录的。没听见提过中国” 我记得之前有很多川粉说过非移这个行为本身就是犯罪。所以“先遣返有犯罪记录的”这种话,得看是解读为进入美国后才开始的犯罪记录还是包括未进入美国。包括未进入的话,那么能在美国境内找到你,不就说明你已经犯罪了?
“很多川粉”是谁说过什么管用?嘛呀,能不能有点common sense 逻辑性。要是所有非移都有罪,还专门强调犯罪分子干嘛。非移是violate immigration law but not criminal! 不管谁先谁后,万斯的解释是首先要掐住源头阻止更多的进来。然后优先弄走犯罪分子,然后要尽一切努力deport all . 我记得他原话是这么说的。主持人也质疑一两千万人怎么操作。他说事情要一步步做,要严惩雇佣非法移民的雇主,这样很多非移自己就走了…这个我也保持怀疑,看他们后续操作吧。印象里好像还没有哪届政府成功解决过这个问题。拖到最后就是大赦了事。怎么找到这些非移那就是政府的事情了。至于犯罪的肯定是被抓了啊,只不过之前被抓了很有可能被大爱的民主党又放了…这个新闻里也不是听过一次两次了
这不是很正常么,有些人不希望一党独大。 我的不少朋友就是总统投某党,其他投另一党。
投票的怎么可能是undocumented?已经上岸的也不希望open border