As of 9 a.m. ET on Nov. 7, Trump had 72,643,979 votes compared to 67,959,768 votes for Harris - a lead of about 4,684,000 million votes, according to the Associated Press. The outstanding votes in the remaining states make it unlikely for Harris to overtake Trump in the popular vote even if she were to win all of the remaining votes. 8、9月份那会儿Harris气贯长虹的造势,加上共和党过去20年从没赢过popular vote,我猜这次Trump最多赢个electoral college,没想到pupular vote也能拿下。怎么回事?几个月前Harris的气势怎么和结果相差这么远?
LoveDrill 发表于 2024-11-07 15:58 As of 9 a.m. ET on Nov. 7, Trump had 72,643,979 votes compared to 67,959,768 votes for Harris - a lead of about 4,684,000 million votes, according to the Associated Press. The outstanding votes in the remaining states make it unlikely for Harris to overtake Trump in the popular vote even if she were to win all of the remaining votes. 8、9月份那会儿Harris气贯长虹的造势,加上共和党过去20年从没赢过popular vote,我猜这次Trump最多赢个electoral college,没想到pupular vote也能拿下。怎么回事?几个月前Harris的气势怎么和结果相差这么远?
LoveDrill 发表于 2024-11-07 15:58 As of 9 a.m. ET on Nov. 7, Trump had 72,643,979 votes compared to 67,959,768 votes for Harris - a lead of about 4,684,000 million votes, according to the Associated Press. The outstanding votes in the remaining states make it unlikely for Harris to overtake Trump in the popular vote even if she were to win all of the remaining votes. 8、9月份那会儿Harris气贯长虹的造势,加上共和党过去20年从没赢过popular vote,我猜这次Trump最多赢个electoral college,没想到pupular vote也能拿下。怎么回事?几个月前Harris的气势怎么和结果相差这么远?
Tim Walz couldn’t even beat Trump in his home county in telling final blow Democratic vice presidential candidate and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz didn’t just lose the overall election to Donald Trump — he lost his home county to him, too. President-elect Trump’s overwhelmingly win saw him net 49.6% of the vote in Minnesota’s Blue Earth County, where Walz’s family lived for 20 years before he was elected governor.
Tim Walz couldn’t even beat Trump in his home county in telling final blow Democratic vice presidential candidate and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz didn’t just lose the overall election to Donald Trump — he lost his home county to him, too. President-elect Trump’s overwhelmingly win saw him net 49.6% of the vote in Minnesota’s Blue Earth County, where Walz’s family lived for 20 years before he was elected governor.
8、9月份那会儿Harris气贯长虹的造势,加上共和党过去20年从没赢过popular vote,我猜这次Trump最多赢个electoral college,没想到pupular vote也能拿下。怎么回事?几个月前Harris的气势怎么和结果相差这么远?
民主党的 政治正确,DEI 一类的东西
属实。我觉得Chinese virus是个很好的回调。
这张图里有你的答案 【消失的1000多万🐷党选民】
re, 从来都只有这些票,2020是半夜拜登曲线
那时候别说哈哈姐,walz出来都是气势如虹。一个籍籍无名的极左,硬是被捧上了天,huaren多少id把walz夸的天花乱坠。结果败选后第一个被抛弃被point finger的,就是walz。 之前看不明白的,现在总该看清左媒对舆论的操控力了吧。
民主党最惨的还不是输, 是哈哈姐比Trump多花了5亿后还是惨败,支持她的金主钱都打水飘了。
Tim Walz couldn’t even beat Trump in his home county in telling final blow Democratic vice presidential candidate and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz didn’t just lose the overall election to Donald Trump — he lost his home county to him, too. President-elect Trump’s overwhelmingly win saw him net 49.6% of the vote in Minnesota’s Blue Earth County, where Walz’s family lived for 20 years before he was elected governor.
川普票减少了,哈哈姐的票也没拿到,说明很多人宁可不选川普也不选哈哈姐。 我还是坚持两坨屎理论。从popular vote 来看,更多人觉得这两坨屎里面川普是 less 臭的一坨,跟哈哈比甚至有点像brownie.
又一个宣传drink bleach hoax的人。只有你们这种天真无邪的左左才相信消毒水,右派都知道他说的是light therapy。
怎么样才能抵制川普继续放水? 这老头一天到晚盯着股市,太烦人了。他得把这点改改了。