During the four years of the Trump Team, 2016-2020, the US saw the greatest wingding of government spending in history. The federal budget went from $3.8 trillion in outlays during Obama’s last year, to $7.2 trillion in Trump’s last year. The nation had never seen anything like it... with trillions out the door and down the drains in stimmies, PPP loans, and the like. And then, as if that weren’t enough, the Biden Team came into office and added another $1.2 trillion of boondoggles and giveaways. What happens when you add that kind of money to the economy? Milton Friedman, recently channeled by Elon Musk, explained:
Inflation is made in Washington because only Washington can create money, and any other attribution to other groups of inflation is wrong. Consumers don’t produce it. Producers don’t produce it. The trade unions don't produce it. Foreign sheiks don't produce it. Oil imports don't produce it. What produces it is too much government spending and too much government creation of money and nothing else.
Chad Champion adds empirical evidence:
A recent study out of MIT showed that “the overwhelming driver of that burst of inflation in 2022 was federal spending, not the supply chain.” Recall that there was about $7.5 trillion in additional spending from March 2020 when COVID hit, through December 2022.
Trump planted wicked seed. Biden (and Harris) fertilized it and reaped the bitter harvest. Price increases showed up the year after Trump left office, with inflation ramping up to a 7% annual rate in the first quarter. In June, 2022, inflation hit a 9% rate. And while the rate of inflation has come down since then, the effect of sustained inflation at relatively high rates has raised prices across the board.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/f8X7HC7rVxY?si=sf5b1m629uXaDzBV 这段视频应是至今最好解释卡马拉输的原因:被民主党逼的啊!!
我觉得说得很在理啊,民主党就是非常傲慢,非常以道德压人,包括媒体完全out if touch, 且贺锦丽就是看不出总统潜质,拜登没有退的时候就是智力下滑严重啊。
今年我几乎已经准备不投票了,要不是川总又开始说移民吃猫吃狗,让我重新回想起他在位的四年时光 😂
他们除了会玩身份政治,还会啥? color blind,race blind是没在那些人的所谓平等的系统里的。那个奥普拉甚至说了,policy不重要,把别人都当傻子呢
trump才是inflation的始作俑者、 改善economy?seriously?
民主党惨败 肯定是要好好soul searching了 希望向中间右移。
就算trump 开始了,Biden 都干啥了,trump 干啥他就要干啥? 原来他是听命于前总统的。
4年了,掌控了全部舆论媒体机器的执政党,没能给民众说明:这inflation都是前任的错!----- 这只有两个可能(1)执政党和媒体无能(2)这个甩锅本身就立不住。
所有的事情,他们都可以条件反射的从肤色上找原因,这些人才是真正的racist, 时时刻刻以肤色为纲。而且double standard, 像JD Vance这样的经历,如果是黑人或者亚裔,那他们嘴里就是自强不息,如果是白人,那就变成了阴险有野心的凤凰男,我简直无语了。